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Builtin Services


Each Fluence peer is equipped with a set of "built-in" services that can be called from Aquamarine and fall into the following namespaces:

  1. peer - operations related to connectivity or state of a given peer
  2. kad - Kademlia API
  3. srv management and information about services on a node
  4. dist distribution and inspection of modules and blueprints
  5. script to manage recurring scripts
  6. op basic operations on data deprecated - namespace for deprecated API Below is the reference documentation for all the existing built-in services. Please refer to the JS SDK documentation to learn how to easily use them from the JS SDK
  7. deprecated - namespace for deprecated API

Please note that the fldist CLI tool, as well as the JS SDK, provide access to node-based services.


peer is_connected

Checks if there is a direct connection to the peer identified by a given PeerId

  • Arguments:
    • PeerId id of the peer to check if there's a connection with
  • Returns: bool - true if connected to the peer, false otherwise

Example of a service call:

(call node ("peer" "is_connected") ["123D..."] ok)

Initiates a connection to the specified peer

  • Arguments
    • PeerId id of the target peer
    • Multiaddr an array of target peer's addresses
  • Returns: bool - true if connection was successful

Example of a service call:

    (call node ("op" "identity") ["/ip4/" "/ip4/"] addrs)
    (call node ("peer" "connect") ["123D..." addrs] ok) 

peer get_contact

Resolves the contact of a peer via Kademlia

  • Arguments
    • PeerId id of the target peer
  • Returns: Contact - true if connection was successful
// get_contact return struct
Contact { 
    peer_id: PeerId,
    addresses: [Multiaddr] 

Example of a service call:

(call node ("peer" "get_contact") ["123D..."] contact)

peer identify

Get information about the peer

  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: external address
{ "external_addresses": [ "/ip4/", "/dns4/" ] }

Example of service call:

(call node ("peer" "identify") [] info) peer timestamp_ms

peer timestamp_ms

Get Unix timestamp in milliseconds

  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: u128 - number of milliseconds since 1970

Example of service call:

(call node ("peer" "timestamp_ms") [] ts_ms)

peer timestamp_sec

Get Unix timestamp in seconds

  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: u64 - number of seconds since 1970

Example of service call:

(call node ("peer" "timestamp_sec") [] ts_sec)

kad neighborhood

Instructs node to return the locally-known nodes in the Kademlia neighborhood for a given key

  • Arguments: key the peer ID PeerId of the node
  • Returns: peers an array of PeerIds of the nodes that are in the Kademlia neighborhood for the given hash(key)

Example of service call:

(call node ("dht" "neighborhood") [key] peers)

Please note that this service does not traverse the network and may yield incomplete neighborhood.

srv create

Used to create a service on a certain node.

  • Arguments:
    • blueprint_id ID of the blueprint that has been added to the node specified in the service call by the dist add_blueprint service.
  • Returns: service_id the service ID of the created service.

Example of service call:

(call node ("srv" "create") [blueprint_id] service_id)

srv list

Used to enumerate services deployed to a peer.

  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: a list of services running on a peer

Example of service call:

(call node ("srv" "list") [] services)

srv add_alias

Adds an alias on service, so service could be called not only by service_id but by alias.

  • Argument: alias - settable service name service_id ID of the service whose interface you want to name.
  • Returns: alias id

Example of service call:

(call node ("srv" "add_alias") [alias service_id])

srv get_interface

Retrieves the functional interface of a service running on the node specified in the service call.

  • Argument: service_id ID of the service whose interface you want to retrieve.
  • Returns : an interface object of the following structure:
    interface: { function_signatures, record_types },
    blueprint_id: "uuid-1234...",
    service_id: "uuid-1234..." 

Example of service call:

(call node ("srv" "get_interface") [service_id] interface)

dist add_module

Used to add modules to the node specified in the service call.

  • Arguments:

    • bytes a base64 string containing the .wasm module to add.
    • config an object of the following structure
      "name": "my_module_name"

Example of service call:

(call node ("dist" "add_module") [bytes config] hash)

dist list_modules

Get a list of modules available on the node

  • Arguments: None

  • Returns: an array of objects containing module descriptions

            "name": "moduleA",
            "hash": "6ebff28c",
            "config": { "name": "moduleA" }

Example of service call:

(call node ("dist" "list_modules") [] modules)

dist get_module_interface

Get the interface of a module

  • Arguments: hash of a module
  • Returns: an interface of the module ( see srv get_interface ) mple of service call:
(call node ("dist" "get_interface") [hash] interface)

dist add_blueprint

Used to add a blueprint to the node specified in the service call.

  • Arguments: blueprint an object of the following structure

        "name": "good_service",
        "dependencies": [ "hash:6ebff28c...", "hash:1e59875a...", "hash:d164a07..." ] 
      Where module dependencies are specified as [_blake3_]( hashes of modules
  • Returns: Generated blueprint id

Example of service call:

(call node ("dist" "add_blueprint") [blueprint] blueprint_id)

dist list_blueprints

Used to get the blueprints available on the node specified in the service call.

  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: an array of blueprint structures.

A blueprint is an object of the following structure:

    "id": "uuid-1234-...", 
    "name": "good_service", 
    "dependencies": [ "hash:6ebff28c...", "hash:1e59875a...", "hash:d164a07..." ] 

Example of service call:

(call node ("dist" "list_blueprints") [] blueprints)

script add

Adds a given script to a node. That script will be called with a fixed interval with the default setting at approx. three 3 seconds.

Recurring scripts can't read variables from data, they must be literal. That means that every address or value must be specified as a literal: call "QmNode" \("service\_id-1234-uuid" "function" ["arg1" "arg2"]).

  • Arguments:
    • script a string containing "literal" script
    • interval an optional string containing interval in seconds. If set, the script will be executed periodically at that interval. If omitted, the script will be executed only once. All intervals are rounded to 3 seconds. The minimum interval is 3 seconds.
  • Returns: uuid script id that can be used to remove that script

Example of service call:

  • Without an interval parameter value, the script executes once:

    (call node ("script" "add") [script] id)
  • With an interval parameter value k passed as a string, the script executes every k seconds 21 in this case

    (call node ("script" "add") [script "21"] id)

script remove

Removes recurring script from a node. Only a creator of the script can delete it

  • Arguments: script id as received from _script add_
  • Returns: true if the script was deleted and false otherwise

Example of service call:

(call node ("script" "remove") [script_id] result)

script list

  • Arguments: None

  • Returns: A list of existing scripts on the node. Each object in the list is of the following structure:

        "id": "uuid-1234-...",
        "src": "(seq (call ...",  // 
        "failures": 0,
        "interval": "21s",
        "owner": "123DKooAbcEfgh..."

    Example of a service call:

(call node ("script" "list") [] list)

op identity

Acts as an identity function. This service returns exactly what was passed to it. Useful for moving the execution of some service topologically or for extracting some data and putting it into an output variable.

Example of service call:

(call node ("op" "identity") [args] result)

deprecated add_provider

Used in service aliasing. _**_Stores the specified service provider provider in the internal storage of the node indicated in the service call and associates it with the given key key. After executing add_provider, the provider can be accessed via the get_providers service using this key.

  • Arguments:

    • key a string; usually, it is a human-readable service alias.
    • provider the location of the service. It is an object of the following structure:
        "peer": "123D...", // PeerId of some peer in the network
        "service_id": "uuid-1234-..." // Optional service_id of the service running on the peer specified by peer 

Example of service call:

(call node ("deprecated" "add_provider") [key provider])

deprecated get_providers

Used in service aliasing to retrieve providers for a given key.

  • Arguments: key a string; usually, it is a human-readable service alias.

  • Returns: an array of objects of the following structure:

        "peer": "123D...", // required field
        "service_id": "uuid-1234-..." // optional field

Example of service call:

(call node ("deprecated" "get_providers") [key] providers)