2021-09-27 19:18:18 +00:00

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Fluence Proto Distributor: FLDIST

fldist is a command line interface CLI to Fluence peers allowing for the lifecycle management of services and offers the fastest and most effective way to service deployment.

mbp16~(:|✔) % fldist --help
Usage: fldist <cmd> [options]

  fldist completion      generate completion script
  fldist upload          Upload selected wasm
  fldist get_modules     Print all modules on a node
  fldist get_interfaces  Print all services on a node
  fldist get_interface   Print a service interface
  fldist add_blueprint   Add a blueprint
  fldist create_service  Create a service from existing blueprint
  fldist new_service     Create service from a list of modules
  fldist deploy_app      Deploy application
  fldist create_keypair  Generates a random keypair
  fldist run_air         Send an air script from a file. Send arguments to
                         "returnService" back to the client to print them in the
                         console. More examples in "scripts_examples" directory.
  fldist env             show nodes in currently selected environment

      --help             Show help                                     [boolean]
      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -s, --seed             Client seed                                    [string]
      --env              Environment to use
            [required] [choices: "dev", "testnet", "local"] [default: "testnet"]
      --node-id, --node  PeerId of the node to use
      --node-addr        Multiaddr of the node to use
      --log              log level
       [required] [choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default:
      --ttl              particle time to live in ms
                                            [number] [required] [default: 60000]

Fluence JS

The Fluence JS supports developers to build full-fledged applications for a variety of targets ranging from browsers to backend apps and greatly expands on the fldist capabilities.

Marine Tools

Marine offers multiple tools including the Marine CLI, REPL and SDK. Please see the Marine section for more detail.