extern crate wasmer_runtime; extern crate wasmer_runtime_core; use libc::{c_int, uint32_t, uint8_t}; use std::slice; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{ffi::c_void, ptr}; use wasmer_runtime::{Instance, Memory, Module, Value}; use wasmer_runtime_core::export::{Context, Export, FuncPointer}; use wasmer_runtime_core::module::{ExportIndex, ImportName}; use wasmer_runtime_core::types::{FuncSig, Type}; pub mod error; pub mod global; pub mod instance; pub mod memory; pub mod module; pub mod table; pub mod value; use error::{update_last_error, CApiError}; use global::wasmer_global_t; use instance::wasmer_instance_t; use memory::wasmer_memory_t; use module::wasmer_module_t; use table::wasmer_table_t; use value::{wasmer_value, wasmer_value_t, wasmer_value_tag}; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[repr(C)] pub enum wasmer_result_t { WASMER_OK = 1, WASMER_ERROR = 2, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_import_func_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_export_func_t; #[repr(C)] pub struct wasmer_limits_t { pub min: uint32_t, pub max: wasmer_limit_option_t, } #[repr(C)] pub struct wasmer_limit_option_t { pub has_some: bool, pub some: uint32_t, } #[repr(C)] pub struct wasmer_import_t { module_name: wasmer_byte_array, import_name: wasmer_byte_array, tag: wasmer_import_export_kind, value: wasmer_import_export_value, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_import_descriptor_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_import_descriptors_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_export_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_exports_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_export_descriptor_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct wasmer_export_descriptors_t; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Clone)] pub enum wasmer_import_export_kind { WASM_FUNCTION, WASM_GLOBAL, WASM_MEMORY, WASM_TABLE, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub union wasmer_import_export_value { func: *const wasmer_import_func_t, table: *const wasmer_table_t, memory: *const wasmer_memory_t, global: *const wasmer_global_t, } #[repr(C)] pub struct wasmer_byte_array { bytes: *const uint8_t, bytes_len: uint32_t, } /// Gets export descriptors for the given module /// /// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_export_descriptors_destroy` to free it. #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptors( module: *const wasmer_module_t, export_descriptors: *mut *mut wasmer_export_descriptors_t, ) { let module = &*(module as *const Module); let named_export_descriptors: Box = Box::new(NamedExportDescriptors( module.info().exports.iter().map(|e| e.into()).collect(), )); *export_descriptors = Box::into_raw(named_export_descriptors) as *mut wasmer_export_descriptors_t; } pub struct NamedExportDescriptors(Vec); /// Frees the memory for the given export descriptors #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptors_destroy( export_descriptors: *mut wasmer_export_descriptors_t, ) { if !export_descriptors.is_null() { unsafe { Box::from_raw(export_descriptors as *mut NamedExportDescriptors) }; } } /// Gets the length of the export descriptors #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptors_len( exports: *mut wasmer_export_descriptors_t, ) -> c_int { if exports.is_null() { return 0; } (*(exports as *mut NamedExportDescriptors)).0.len() as c_int } /// Gets export descriptor by index #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptors_get( export_descriptors: *mut wasmer_export_descriptors_t, idx: c_int, ) -> *mut wasmer_export_descriptor_t { if export_descriptors.is_null() { return ptr::null_mut(); } let named_export_descriptors = &mut *(export_descriptors as *mut NamedExportDescriptors); &mut (*named_export_descriptors).0[idx as usize] as *mut NamedExportDescriptor as *mut wasmer_export_descriptor_t } /// Gets name for the export descriptor #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptor_name( export_descriptor: *mut wasmer_export_descriptor_t, ) -> wasmer_byte_array { let named_export_descriptor = &*(export_descriptor as *mut NamedExportDescriptor); wasmer_byte_array { bytes: named_export_descriptor.name.as_ptr(), bytes_len: named_export_descriptor.name.len() as u32, } } /// Gets export descriptor kind #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_descriptor_kind( export: *mut wasmer_export_descriptor_t, ) -> wasmer_import_export_kind { let named_export_descriptor = &*(export as *mut NamedExportDescriptor); named_export_descriptor.kind.clone() } /// Gets import descriptors for the given module /// /// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_import_descriptors_destroy` to free it. #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptors( module: *const wasmer_module_t, import_descriptors: *mut *mut wasmer_import_descriptors_t, ) { let module = &*(module as *const Module); let total_imports = module.info().imported_functions.len() + module.info().imported_tables.len() + module.info().imported_globals.len() + module.info().imported_memories.len(); let mut descriptors: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(total_imports); for ( _index, ImportName { namespace_index, name_index, }, ) in &module.info().imported_functions { let namespace = module.info().namespace_table.get(*namespace_index); let name = module.info().name_table.get(*name_index); descriptors.push(NamedImportDescriptor { module: namespace.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), kind: wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_FUNCTION, }); } for ( _index, ( ImportName { namespace_index, name_index, }, _, ), ) in &module.info().imported_tables { let namespace = module.info().namespace_table.get(*namespace_index); let name = module.info().name_table.get(*name_index); descriptors.push(NamedImportDescriptor { module: namespace.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), kind: wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_TABLE, }); } for ( _index, ( ImportName { namespace_index, name_index, }, _, ), ) in &module.info().imported_globals { let namespace = module.info().namespace_table.get(*namespace_index); let name = module.info().name_table.get(*name_index); descriptors.push(NamedImportDescriptor { module: namespace.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), kind: wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_GLOBAL, }); } for ( _index, ( ImportName { namespace_index, name_index, }, _, ), ) in &module.info().imported_memories { let namespace = module.info().namespace_table.get(*namespace_index); let name = module.info().name_table.get(*name_index); descriptors.push(NamedImportDescriptor { module: namespace.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), kind: wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_MEMORY, }); } let named_import_descriptors: Box = Box::new(NamedImportDescriptors(descriptors)); *import_descriptors = Box::into_raw(named_import_descriptors) as *mut wasmer_import_descriptors_t; } pub struct NamedImportDescriptors(Vec); /// Frees the memory for the given import descriptors #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptors_destroy( import_descriptors: *mut wasmer_import_descriptors_t, ) { if !import_descriptors.is_null() { unsafe { Box::from_raw(import_descriptors as *mut NamedImportDescriptors) }; } } /// Gets the length of the import descriptors #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptors_len( exports: *mut wasmer_import_descriptors_t, ) -> c_int { if exports.is_null() { return 0; } (*(exports as *mut NamedImportDescriptors)).0.len() as c_int } /// Gets import descriptor by index #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptors_get( import_descriptors: *mut wasmer_import_descriptors_t, idx: c_int, ) -> *mut wasmer_import_descriptor_t { if import_descriptors.is_null() { return ptr::null_mut(); } let named_import_descriptors = &mut *(import_descriptors as *mut NamedImportDescriptors); &mut (*named_import_descriptors).0[idx as usize] as *mut NamedImportDescriptor as *mut wasmer_import_descriptor_t } /// Gets name for the import descriptor #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptor_name( import_descriptor: *mut wasmer_import_descriptor_t, ) -> wasmer_byte_array { let named_import_descriptor = &*(import_descriptor as *mut NamedImportDescriptor); wasmer_byte_array { bytes: named_import_descriptor.name.as_ptr(), bytes_len: named_import_descriptor.name.len() as u32, } } /// Gets module name for the import descriptor #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptor_module_name( import_descriptor: *mut wasmer_import_descriptor_t, ) -> wasmer_byte_array { let named_import_descriptor = &*(import_descriptor as *mut NamedImportDescriptor); wasmer_byte_array { bytes: named_import_descriptor.module.as_ptr(), bytes_len: named_import_descriptor.module.len() as u32, } } /// Gets export descriptor kind #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_descriptor_kind( export: *mut wasmer_import_descriptor_t, ) -> wasmer_import_export_kind { let named_import_descriptor = &*(export as *mut NamedImportDescriptor); named_import_descriptor.kind.clone() } pub struct NamedExports(Vec); /// Frees the memory for the given exports #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn wasmer_exports_destroy(exports: *mut wasmer_exports_t) { if !exports.is_null() { unsafe { Box::from_raw(exports as *mut NamedExports) }; } } /// Gets the length of the exports #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_exports_len(exports: *mut wasmer_exports_t) -> c_int { if exports.is_null() { return 0; } (*(exports as *mut NamedExports)).0.len() as c_int } /// Gets wasmer_export by index #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_exports_get( exports: *mut wasmer_exports_t, idx: c_int, ) -> *mut wasmer_export_t { if exports.is_null() { return ptr::null_mut(); } let named_exports = &mut *(exports as *mut NamedExports); &mut (*named_exports).0[idx as usize] as *mut NamedExport as *mut wasmer_export_t } /// Gets wasmer_export kind #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_kind( export: *mut wasmer_export_t, ) -> wasmer_import_export_kind { let named_export = &*(export as *mut NamedExport); match named_export.export { Export::Table(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_TABLE, Export::Function { .. } => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_FUNCTION, Export::Global(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_GLOBAL, Export::Memory(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_MEMORY, } } /// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the params of the wasmer_export_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_func_params_arity( func: *const wasmer_export_func_t, result: *mut uint32_t, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let named_export = &*(func as *const NamedExport); let export = &named_export.export; if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { *result = signature.params().len() as uint32_t; wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_export_func_params_arity".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the params buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_export_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_func_params( func: *const wasmer_export_func_t, params: *mut wasmer_value_tag, params_len: c_int, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let named_export = &*(func as *const NamedExport); let export = &named_export.export; if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { let params: &mut [wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(params, params_len as usize); for (i, item) in signature.params().iter().enumerate() { params[i] = item.into(); } wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_export_func_params".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the returns buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_export_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_func_returns( func: *const wasmer_export_func_t, returns: *mut wasmer_value_tag, returns_len: c_int, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let named_export = &*(func as *const NamedExport); let export = &named_export.export; if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { let returns: &mut [wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(returns, returns_len as usize); for (i, item) in signature.returns().iter().enumerate() { returns[i] = item.into(); } wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_export_func_returns".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the returns of the wasmer_export_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_func_returns_arity( func: *const wasmer_export_func_t, result: *mut uint32_t, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let named_export = &*(func as *const NamedExport); let export = &named_export.export; if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { *result = signature.returns().len() as uint32_t; wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_export_func_results_arity".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the params of the wasmer_import_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_params_arity( func: *const wasmer_import_func_t, result: *mut uint32_t, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let export = &*(func as *const Export); if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { *result = signature.params().len() as uint32_t; wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_import_func_params_arity".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Creates new func /// /// The caller owns the object and should call `wasmer_import_func_destroy` to free it. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_new( func: extern "C" fn(data: *mut c_void), params: *const wasmer_value_tag, params_len: c_int, returns: *const wasmer_value_tag, returns_len: c_int, ) -> *mut wasmer_import_func_t { let params: &[wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts(params, params_len as usize); let params: Vec = params.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect(); let returns: &[wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts(returns, returns_len as usize); let returns: Vec = returns.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect(); let export = Box::new(Export::Function { func: FuncPointer::new(func as _), ctx: Context::Internal, signature: Arc::new(FuncSig::new(params, returns)), }); Box::into_raw(export) as *mut wasmer_import_func_t } /// Sets the params buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_import_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_params( func: *const wasmer_import_func_t, params: *mut wasmer_value_tag, params_len: c_int, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let export = &*(func as *const Export); if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { let params: &mut [wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(params, params_len as usize); for (i, item) in signature.params().iter().enumerate() { params[i] = item.into(); } wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_import_func_params".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the returns buffer to the parameter types of the given wasmer_import_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_returns( func: *const wasmer_import_func_t, returns: *mut wasmer_value_tag, returns_len: c_int, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let export = &*(func as *const Export); if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { let returns: &mut [wasmer_value_tag] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(returns, returns_len as usize); for (i, item) in signature.returns().iter().enumerate() { returns[i] = item.into(); } wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_import_func_returns".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Sets the result parameter to the arity of the returns of the wasmer_import_func_t /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_returns_arity( func: *const wasmer_import_func_t, result: *mut uint32_t, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let export = &*(func as *const Export); if let Export::Function { ref signature, .. } = *export { *result = signature.returns().len() as uint32_t; wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr error in wasmer_import_func_results_arity".to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Frees memory for the given Func #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn wasmer_import_func_destroy(func: *mut wasmer_import_func_t) { if !func.is_null() { unsafe { Box::from_raw(func as *mut Export) }; } } /// Gets export func from export #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_to_func( export: *const wasmer_export_t, ) -> *const wasmer_export_func_t { export as *const wasmer_export_func_t } /// Gets a memory pointer from an export pointer. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_to_memory( export: *const wasmer_export_t, memory: *mut *mut wasmer_memory_t, ) -> wasmer_result_t { let named_export = &*(export as *const NamedExport); let export = &named_export.export; if let Export::Memory(exported_memory) = export { *memory = exported_memory as *const Memory as *mut wasmer_memory_t; wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } else { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "cannot cast the `wasmer_export_t` pointer to a `wasmer_memory_t` \ pointer because it does not represent a memory export." .to_string(), }); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } /// Gets name from wasmer_export #[no_mangle] #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_name(export: *mut wasmer_export_t) -> wasmer_byte_array { let named_export = &*(export as *mut NamedExport); wasmer_byte_array { bytes: named_export.name.as_ptr(), bytes_len: named_export.name.len() as u32, } } /// Calls a `func` with the provided parameters. /// Results are set using the provided `results` pointer. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK` upon success. /// /// Returns `wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR` upon failure. Use `wasmer_last_error_length` /// and `wasmer_last_error_message` to get an error message. #[allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment)] #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wasmer_export_func_call( func: *const wasmer_export_func_t, params: *const wasmer_value_t, params_len: c_int, results: *mut wasmer_value_t, results_len: c_int, ) -> wasmer_result_t { if func.is_null() { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "func ptr is null".to_string(), }); return wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR; } if params.is_null() { update_last_error(CApiError { msg: "params ptr is null".to_string(), }); return wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR; } let params: &[wasmer_value_t] = slice::from_raw_parts(params, params_len as usize); let params: Vec = params.iter().cloned().map(|x| x.into()).collect(); let named_export = &*(func as *mut NamedExport); let results: &mut [wasmer_value_t] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(results, results_len as usize); let instance = &*named_export.instance; let result = instance.call(&named_export.name, ¶ms[..]); match result { Ok(results_vec) => { if !results_vec.is_empty() { let ret = match results_vec[0] { Value::I32(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32, value: wasmer_value { I32: x }, }, Value::I64(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64, value: wasmer_value { I64: x }, }, Value::F32(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32, value: wasmer_value { F32: x }, }, Value::F64(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64, value: wasmer_value { F64: x }, }, }; results[0] = ret; } wasmer_result_t::WASMER_OK } Err(err) => { update_last_error(err); wasmer_result_t::WASMER_ERROR } } } impl From for Value { fn from(v: wasmer_value_t) -> Self { unsafe { match v { wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32, value: wasmer_value { I32 }, } => Value::I32(I32), wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64, value: wasmer_value { I64 }, } => Value::I64(I64), wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32, value: wasmer_value { F32 }, } => Value::F32(F32), wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64, value: wasmer_value { F64 }, } => Value::F64(F64), _ => panic!("not implemented"), } } } } impl From for wasmer_value_t { fn from(val: Value) -> Self { match val { Value::I32(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32, value: wasmer_value { I32: x }, }, Value::I64(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64, value: wasmer_value { I64: x }, }, Value::F32(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32, value: wasmer_value { F32: x }, }, Value::F64(x) => wasmer_value_t { tag: wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64, value: wasmer_value { F64: x }, }, } } } impl From for wasmer_value_tag { fn from(ty: Type) -> Self { match ty { Type::I32 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32, Type::I64 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64, Type::F32 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32, Type::F64 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64, _ => panic!("not implemented"), } } } impl From for Type { fn from(v: wasmer_value_tag) -> Self { match v { wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32 => Type::I32, wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64 => Type::I64, wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32 => Type::F32, wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64 => Type::F64, _ => panic!("not implemented"), } } } impl From<&wasmer_runtime::wasm::Type> for wasmer_value_tag { fn from(ty: &Type) -> Self { match *ty { Type::I32 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I32, Type::I64 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_I64, Type::F32 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F32, Type::F64 => wasmer_value_tag::WASM_F64, } } } impl From<(&std::string::String, &ExportIndex)> for NamedExportDescriptor { fn from((name, export_index): (&String, &ExportIndex)) -> Self { let kind = match *export_index { ExportIndex::Memory(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_MEMORY, ExportIndex::Global(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_GLOBAL, ExportIndex::Table(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_TABLE, ExportIndex::Func(_) => wasmer_import_export_kind::WASM_FUNCTION, }; NamedExportDescriptor { name: name.clone(), kind, } } } struct NamedImportDescriptor { module: String, name: String, kind: wasmer_import_export_kind, } struct NamedExport { name: String, export: Export, instance: *mut Instance, } struct NamedExportDescriptor { name: String, kind: wasmer_import_export_kind, }