use crate::intrinsics::Intrinsics; use inkwell::{ memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer, module::Module, targets::{CodeModel, FileType, InitializationConfig, RelocMode, Target, TargetMachine}, OptimizationLevel, }; use libc::{ c_char, mmap, mprotect, munmap, MAP_ANON, MAP_PRIVATE, PROT_EXEC, PROT_NONE, PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE, }; use std::{ any::Any, ffi::CString, mem, ptr::{self, NonNull}, slice, str, }; use wasmer_runtime_core::{ backend::{FuncResolver, ProtectedCaller, Token, UserTrapper}, error::{RuntimeError, RuntimeResult}, export::Context, module::{ModuleInfo, ModuleInner}, structures::TypedIndex, types::{ FuncIndex, FuncSig, LocalFuncIndex, LocalOrImport, MemoryIndex, SigIndex, TableIndex, Type, Value, }, vm::{self, ImportBacking}, vmcalls, }; #[repr(C)] struct LLVMModule { _private: [u8; 0], } #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(C)] enum MemProtect { NONE, READ, READ_WRITE, READ_EXECUTE, } #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(C)] enum LLVMResult { OK, ALLOCATE_FAILURE, PROTECT_FAILURE, DEALLOC_FAILURE, OBJECT_LOAD_FAILURE, } #[repr(C)] enum WasmTrapType { Unreachable = 0, IncorrectCallIndirectSignature = 1, MemoryOutOfBounds = 2, CallIndirectOOB = 3, IllegalArithmetic = 4, Unknown, } #[repr(C)] struct Callbacks { alloc_memory: extern "C" fn(usize, MemProtect, &mut *mut u8, &mut usize) -> LLVMResult, protect_memory: extern "C" fn(*mut u8, usize, MemProtect) -> LLVMResult, dealloc_memory: extern "C" fn(*mut u8, usize) -> LLVMResult, lookup_vm_symbol: extern "C" fn(*const c_char, usize) -> *const vm::Func, visit_fde: extern "C" fn(*mut u8, usize, extern "C" fn(*mut u8)), } extern "C" { fn module_load( mem_ptr: *const u8, mem_size: usize, callbacks: Callbacks, module_out: &mut *mut LLVMModule, ) -> LLVMResult; fn module_delete(module: *mut LLVMModule); fn get_func_symbol(module: *mut LLVMModule, name: *const c_char) -> *const vm::Func; fn throw_trap(ty: i32); fn invoke_trampoline( trampoline: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut vm::Ctx, *const vm::Func, *const u64, *mut u64), vmctx_ptr: *mut vm::Ctx, func_ptr: *const vm::Func, params: *const u64, results: *mut u64, trap_out: *mut WasmTrapType, ) -> bool; } fn get_callbacks() -> Callbacks { fn round_up_to_page_size(size: usize) -> usize { (size + (4096 - 1)) & !(4096 - 1) } extern "C" fn alloc_memory( size: usize, protect: MemProtect, ptr_out: &mut *mut u8, size_out: &mut usize, ) -> LLVMResult { let size = round_up_to_page_size(size); let ptr = unsafe { mmap( ptr::null_mut(), size, match protect { MemProtect::NONE => PROT_NONE, MemProtect::READ => PROT_READ, MemProtect::READ_WRITE => PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MemProtect::READ_EXECUTE => PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, }, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0, ) }; if ptr as isize == -1 { return LLVMResult::ALLOCATE_FAILURE; } *ptr_out = ptr as _; *size_out = size; LLVMResult::OK } extern "C" fn protect_memory(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, protect: MemProtect) -> LLVMResult { let res = unsafe { mprotect( ptr as _, round_up_to_page_size(size), match protect { MemProtect::NONE => PROT_NONE, MemProtect::READ => PROT_READ, MemProtect::READ_WRITE => PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MemProtect::READ_EXECUTE => PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, }, ) }; if res == 0 { LLVMResult::OK } else { LLVMResult::PROTECT_FAILURE } } extern "C" fn dealloc_memory(ptr: *mut u8, size: usize) -> LLVMResult { let res = unsafe { munmap(ptr as _, round_up_to_page_size(size)) }; if res == 0 { LLVMResult::OK } else { LLVMResult::DEALLOC_FAILURE } } extern "C" fn lookup_vm_symbol(name_ptr: *const c_char, length: usize) -> *const vm::Func { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] macro_rules! fn_name { ($s:literal) => { concat!("_", $s) }; } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] macro_rules! fn_name { ($s:literal) => { $s }; } let name_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(name_ptr as *const u8, length) }; let name = str::from_utf8(name_slice).unwrap(); match name { fn_name!("vm.memory.grow.dynamic.local") => vmcalls::local_dynamic_memory_grow as _, fn_name!("vm.memory.size.dynamic.local") => vmcalls::local_dynamic_memory_size as _, fn_name!("vm.memory.grow.static.local") => vmcalls::local_static_memory_grow as _, fn_name!("vm.memory.size.static.local") => vmcalls::local_static_memory_size as _, fn_name!("vm.exception.trap") => throw_trap as _, _ => ptr::null(), } } extern "C" fn visit_fde(fde: *mut u8, size: usize, visitor: extern "C" fn(*mut u8)) { unsafe { crate::platform::visit_fde(fde, size, visitor); } } Callbacks { alloc_memory, protect_memory, dealloc_memory, lookup_vm_symbol, visit_fde, } } unsafe impl Send for LLVMBackend {} unsafe impl Sync for LLVMBackend {} pub struct LLVMBackend { module: *mut LLVMModule, #[allow(dead_code)] memory_buffer: MemoryBuffer, } impl LLVMBackend { pub fn new(module: Module, intrinsics: Intrinsics) -> (Self, LLVMProtectedCaller) { Target::initialize_x86(&InitializationConfig { asm_parser: true, asm_printer: true, base: true, disassembler: true, info: true, machine_code: true, }); let triple = TargetMachine::get_default_triple().to_string(); let target = Target::from_triple(&triple).unwrap(); let target_machine = target .create_target_machine( &triple, &TargetMachine::get_host_cpu_name().to_string(), &TargetMachine::get_host_cpu_features().to_string(), OptimizationLevel::Aggressive, RelocMode::PIC, CodeModel::Default, ) .unwrap(); let memory_buffer = target_machine .write_to_memory_buffer(&module, FileType::Object) .unwrap(); let mem_buf_slice = memory_buffer.as_slice(); let callbacks = get_callbacks(); let mut module: *mut LLVMModule = ptr::null_mut(); let res = unsafe { module_load( mem_buf_slice.as_ptr(), mem_buf_slice.len(), callbacks, &mut module, ) }; unsafe { crate::platform::install_signal_handler(); } if res != LLVMResult::OK { panic!("failed to load object") } ( Self { module, memory_buffer, }, LLVMProtectedCaller { module }, ) } pub fn get_func( &self, info: &ModuleInfo, local_func_index: LocalFuncIndex, ) -> Option> { let index = info.imported_functions.len() + local_func_index.index(); let name = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { format!("_fn{}", index) } else { format!("fn{}", index) }; let c_str = CString::new(name).ok()?; let ptr = unsafe { get_func_symbol(self.module, c_str.as_ptr()) }; NonNull::new(ptr as _) } } impl Drop for LLVMBackend { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { module_delete(self.module) } } } impl FuncResolver for LLVMBackend { fn get( &self, module: &ModuleInner, local_func_index: LocalFuncIndex, ) -> Option> { self.get_func(&, local_func_index) } } struct Placeholder; unsafe impl Send for LLVMProtectedCaller {} unsafe impl Sync for LLVMProtectedCaller {} pub struct LLVMProtectedCaller { module: *mut LLVMModule, } impl ProtectedCaller for LLVMProtectedCaller { fn call( &self, module: &ModuleInner, func_index: FuncIndex, params: &[Value], import_backing: &ImportBacking, vmctx: *mut vm::Ctx, _: Token, ) -> RuntimeResult> { let (func_ptr, ctx, signature, sig_index) = get_func_from_index(&module, import_backing, func_index); let vmctx_ptr = match ctx { Context::External(external_vmctx) => external_vmctx, Context::Internal => vmctx, }; assert!( signature.returns().len() <= 1, "multi-value returns not yet supported" ); assert!( signature.check_param_value_types(params), "incorrect signature" ); let param_vec: Vec = params .iter() .map(|val| match val { Value::I32(x) => *x as u64, Value::I64(x) => *x as u64, Value::F32(x) => x.to_bits() as u64, Value::F64(x) => x.to_bits(), }) .collect(); let mut return_vec = vec![0; signature.returns().len()]; let trampoline: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut vm::Ctx, *const vm::Func, *const u64, *mut u64) = unsafe { let name = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { format!("_trmp{}", sig_index.index()) } else { format!("trmp{}", sig_index.index()) }; let c_str = CString::new(name).unwrap(); let symbol = get_func_symbol(self.module, c_str.as_ptr()); assert!(!symbol.is_null()); mem::transmute(symbol) }; let mut trap_out = WasmTrapType::Unknown; // Here we go. let success = unsafe { invoke_trampoline( trampoline, vmctx_ptr, func_ptr, param_vec.as_ptr(), return_vec.as_mut_ptr(), &mut trap_out, ) }; if success { Ok(return_vec .iter() .zip(signature.returns().iter()) .map(|(&x, ty)| match ty { Type::I32 => Value::I32(x as i32), Type::I64 => Value::I64(x as i64), Type::F32 => Value::F32(f32::from_bits(x as u32)), Type::F64 => Value::F64(f64::from_bits(x as u64)), }) .collect()) } else { Err(match trap_out { WasmTrapType::Unreachable => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "unreachable".into(), }, WasmTrapType::IncorrectCallIndirectSignature => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "uncorrect call_indirect signature".into(), }, WasmTrapType::MemoryOutOfBounds => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "memory out-of-bounds access".into(), }, WasmTrapType::CallIndirectOOB => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "call_indirect out-of-bounds".into(), }, WasmTrapType::IllegalArithmetic => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "illegal arithmetic operation".into(), }, WasmTrapType::Unknown => RuntimeError::Trap { msg: "unknown trap".into(), }, }) } } fn get_early_trapper(&self) -> Box { Box::new(Placeholder) } } impl UserTrapper for Placeholder { unsafe fn do_early_trap(&self, _data: Box) -> ! { unimplemented!("do early trap") } } fn get_func_from_index<'a>( module: &'a ModuleInner, import_backing: &ImportBacking, func_index: FuncIndex, ) -> (*const vm::Func, Context, &'a FuncSig, SigIndex) { let sig_index = *module .info .func_assoc .get(func_index) .expect("broken invariant, incorrect func index"); let (func_ptr, ctx) = match func_index.local_or_import(& { LocalOrImport::Local(local_func_index) => ( module .func_resolver .get(&module, local_func_index) .expect("broken invariant, func resolver not synced with module.exports") .cast() .as_ptr() as *const _, Context::Internal, ), LocalOrImport::Import(imported_func_index) => { let imported_func = import_backing.imported_func(imported_func_index); ( imported_func.func as *const _, Context::External(imported_func.vmctx), ) } }; let signature = &[sig_index]; (func_ptr, ctx, signature, sig_index) } #[cfg(feature = "disasm")] unsafe fn disass_ptr(ptr: *const u8, size: usize, inst_count: usize) { use capstone::arch::BuildsCapstone; let mut cs = capstone::Capstone::new() // Call builder-pattern .x86() // X86 architecture .mode(capstone::arch::x86::ArchMode::Mode64) // 64-bit mode .detail(true) // Generate extra instruction details .build() .expect("Failed to create Capstone object"); // Get disassembled instructions let insns = cs .disasm_count( std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size), ptr as u64, inst_count, ) .expect("Failed to disassemble"); println!("count = {}", insns.len()); for insn in insns.iter() { println!( "0x{:x}: {:6} {}", insn.address(), insn.mnemonic().unwrap_or(""), insn.op_str().unwrap_or("") ); } }