(module (type $t1 (func (param i32))) (type $t2 (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $t3 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $t4 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (func $putchar (import "env" "putchar") (type $t1)) (func $printf (import "env" "printf") (type $t4)) (func $sys_open (import "env" "___syscall5") (type $t2)) (func $sys_read (import "env" "___syscall3") (type $t2)) (func $sys_close (import "env" "___syscall6") (type $t3)) (memory 1) (data $filename (i32.const 0) "/Users/xxxx/Desktop/hello.txt\00") (func $main (export "main") ;; declare variables (local $string_buf_addr i32) (local $string_buf_len i32) (local $file_access_flag i32) (local $file_permission_flag i32) (local $file_descriptor i32) ;; set variables (set_local $string_buf_addr (i32.const 72)) ;; string_buf_addr at offset 72 (set_local $string_buf_len (i32.const 10)) ;; string_buf_len is 5 (set_local $file_access_flag (i32.const 02)) ;; file_access_flag has O_RDWR permission (set_local $file_permission_flag (i32.const 700)) ;; file_permission_flag has S_IRWXU permission ;; open file (call $sys_open (i32.const 0) (get_local $file_access_flag) (get_local $file_permission_flag)) ;; (path: u32, flags: c_int, mode: c_int) -> c_int (set_local $file_descriptor) ;; set file_descriptor to the value returned by sys_open ;; read file content (call $sys_read (get_local $file_descriptor) (get_local $string_buf_addr) (get_local $string_buf_len)) ;; (fd: c_int, buf: u32, count: size_t) -> ssize_t (drop) ;; ignoring errors ;; close file (call $sys_close (get_local $file_descriptor)) ;; (fd: c_int) -> c_int (drop) ;; ignoring errors ;; print file content (call $printf (get_local $string_buf_addr) (i32.const 0)) (drop) ;; ignoring errors ) )