[package] name = "wasmer-wasi-tests" version = "0.11.0" description = "Tests for our WASI implementation" license = "MIT" authors = ["The Wasmer Engineering Team "] edition = "2018" publish = false build = "build/mod.rs" [dependencies] # We set default features to false to be able to use the singlepass backend properly wasmer-runtime = { path = "../runtime", version = "0.11.0", default-features = false } wasmer-wasi = { path = "../wasi", version = "0.11.0" } # hack to get tests to work wasmer-clif-backend = { path = "../clif-backend", version = "0.11.0", optional = true} wasmer-singlepass-backend = { path = "../singlepass-backend", version = "0.11.0", optional = true } wasmer-llvm-backend = { path = "../llvm-backend", version = "0.11.0", optional = true } [build-dependencies] glob = "0.3" [dev-dependencies] wasmer-dev-utils = { path = "../dev-utils", version = "0.11.0"} [features] clif = ["wasmer-clif-backend", "wasmer-runtime/default-backend-cranelift"] singlepass = ["wasmer-singlepass-backend", "wasmer-runtime/default-backend-singlepass"] llvm = ["wasmer-llvm-backend", "wasmer-runtime/default-backend-llvm"]