fwprintf told us 7 file size is 7 str starts with 0x74 str continues with 0x65 str continues with 0x73 format starts with 0x74 fmt continues with 0x65 fmt continues with 0x73 vswprintf told us 36 vswoutput st-rts with 0x74 vsw continues with 0x65 vsw continues with 0x73 test string has 36 wide characters. format starts with 0x74 fmt continues with 0x65 fmt continues with 0x73 vswprintf told us 36 vswoutput st-rts with 0x74 vsw continues with 0x65 vsw continues with 0x73 test string has 36 wide characters. format starts with 0x74 fmt continues with 0x65 fmt continues with 0x73 vswprintf told us 36 vswoutput st-rts with 0x74 vsw continues with 0x65 vsw continues with 0x73 test string has 36 wide characters. Characters: a A Decimals: 1977 650000 Preceding with blanks: 1977 Preceding with zeros: 0000001977 Some different radixes: 100 64 144 0x64 0144 floats: 3.14 +3e+00 3.141600E+00 Width trick: 10 A wide string swprintf told us 20 pre 84 pre 104 pre 101 pre 32 pre 104 pre 97 pre 108 pre 102 pre 32 pre 111 post 84 post 104 post 101 post 32 post 104 post 97 post 108 post 102 post 32 post 111 The half of 80 is 40, and the half of that is 20.