use inkwell::{ builder::Builder, context::Context, module::{Linkage, Module}, passes::PassManager, types::{BasicType, BasicTypeEnum, FunctionType, IntType, PointerType}, values::{BasicValue, FunctionValue, IntValue, PhiValue, PointerValue}, AddressSpace, FloatPredicate, IntPredicate, }; use smallvec::SmallVec; use wasmer_runtime_core::{ memory::MemoryType, module::{ExportIndex, ModuleInfo}, structures::{Map, SliceMap, TypedIndex}, types::{ FuncIndex, FuncSig, GlobalIndex, LocalFuncIndex, LocalOrImport, MemoryIndex, SigIndex, TableIndex, Type, }, }; use wasmparser::{ BinaryReaderError, CodeSectionReader, LocalsReader, MemoryImmediate, Operator, OperatorsReader, }; use crate::intrinsics::{CtxType, GlobalCache, Intrinsics, MemoryCache}; use crate::read_info::type_to_type; use crate::state::{ControlFrame, IfElseState, State}; use crate::trampolines::generate_trampolines; fn func_sig_to_llvm(context: &Context, intrinsics: &Intrinsics, sig: &FuncSig) -> FunctionType { let user_param_types = sig.params().iter().map(|&ty| type_to_llvm(intrinsics, ty)); let param_types: Vec<_> = std::iter::once(intrinsics.ctx_ptr_ty.as_basic_type_enum()) .chain(user_param_types) .collect(); match sig.returns() { &[] => intrinsics.void_ty.fn_type(¶m_types, false), &[single_value] => type_to_llvm(intrinsics, single_value).fn_type(¶m_types, false), returns @ _ => { let basic_types: Vec<_> = returns .iter() .map(|&ty| type_to_llvm(intrinsics, ty)) .collect(); context .struct_type(&basic_types, false) .fn_type(¶m_types, false) } } } fn type_to_llvm(intrinsics: &Intrinsics, ty: Type) -> BasicTypeEnum { match ty { Type::I32 => intrinsics.i32_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), Type::I64 => intrinsics.i64_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), Type::F32 => intrinsics.f32_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), Type::F64 => intrinsics.f64_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), } } pub fn parse_function_bodies( info: &ModuleInfo, code_reader: CodeSectionReader, ) -> Result<(Module, Intrinsics), BinaryReaderError> { let context = Context::create(); let module = context.create_module("module"); let builder = context.create_builder(); let intrinsics = Intrinsics::declare(&module, &context); let personality_func = module.add_function( "__gxx_personality_v0", intrinsics.i32_ty.fn_type(&[], false), Some(Linkage::External), ); let signatures: Map = info .signatures .iter() .map(|(_, sig)| func_sig_to_llvm(&context, &intrinsics, sig)) .collect(); let functions: Map = info .func_assoc .iter() .skip(info.imported_functions.len()) .map(|(func_index, &sig_index)| { let func = module.add_function( &format!("fn{}", func_index.index()), signatures[sig_index], Some(Linkage::External), ); func.set_personality_function(personality_func); func }) .collect(); for (local_func_index, body) in code_reader.into_iter().enumerate() { let body = body?; let locals_reader = body.get_locals_reader()?; let op_reader = body.get_operators_reader()?; parse_function( &context, &module, &builder, &intrinsics, info, &signatures, &functions, LocalFuncIndex::new(local_func_index), locals_reader, op_reader, ) .map_err(|e| BinaryReaderError { message: e.message, offset: local_func_index, })?; } // module.print_to_stderr(); generate_trampolines(info, &signatures, &module, &context, &builder, &intrinsics); let pass_manager = PassManager::create_for_module(); // pass_manager.add_verifier_pass(); pass_manager.add_function_inlining_pass(); pass_manager.add_promote_memory_to_register_pass(); pass_manager.add_cfg_simplification_pass(); // pass_manager.add_instruction_combining_pass(); pass_manager.add_aggressive_inst_combiner_pass(); pass_manager.add_merged_load_store_motion_pass(); // pass_manager.add_sccp_pass(); pass_manager.add_gvn_pass(); // pass_manager.add_new_gvn_pass(); pass_manager.add_aggressive_dce_pass(); pass_manager.run_on_module(&module); // module.print_to_stderr(); Ok((module, intrinsics)) } fn parse_function( context: &Context, module: &Module, builder: &Builder, intrinsics: &Intrinsics, info: &ModuleInfo, signatures: &SliceMap, functions: &SliceMap, func_index: LocalFuncIndex, locals_reader: LocalsReader, op_reader: OperatorsReader, ) -> Result<(), BinaryReaderError> { let sig_index = info.func_assoc[func_index.convert_up(info)]; let func_sig = &info.signatures[sig_index]; let llvm_sig = &signatures[sig_index]; let function = functions[func_index]; let mut state = State::new(); let entry_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "entry"); let return_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "return"); builder.position_at_end(&return_block); let phis: SmallVec<[PhiValue; 1]> = func_sig .returns() .iter() .map(|&wasmer_ty| type_to_llvm(intrinsics, wasmer_ty)) .map(|ty| builder.build_phi(ty, &state.var_name())) .collect(); state.push_block(return_block, phis); builder.position_at_end(&entry_block); let mut locals = Vec::with_capacity(locals_reader.get_count() as usize); // TODO fix capacity locals.extend( function .get_param_iter() .skip(1) .enumerate() .map(|(index, param)| { let ty = param.get_type(); let alloca = builder.build_alloca(ty, &format!("local{}", index)); builder.build_store(alloca, param); alloca }), ); let param_len = locals.len(); let mut local_idx = 0; for (index, local) in locals_reader.into_iter().enumerate() { let (count, ty) = local?; let wasmer_ty = type_to_type(ty)?; let ty = type_to_llvm(intrinsics, wasmer_ty); let default_value = match wasmer_ty { Type::I32 => intrinsics.i32_zero.as_basic_value_enum(), Type::I64 => intrinsics.i64_zero.as_basic_value_enum(), Type::F32 => intrinsics.f32_zero.as_basic_value_enum(), Type::F64 => intrinsics.f64_zero.as_basic_value_enum(), }; for _ in 0..count { let alloca = builder.build_alloca(ty, &format!("local{}", param_len + local_idx)); builder.build_store(alloca, default_value); locals.push(alloca); local_idx += 1; } } let start_of_code_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "start_of_code"); let entry_end_inst = builder.build_unconditional_branch(&start_of_code_block); builder.position_at_end(&start_of_code_block); let cache_builder = context.create_builder(); cache_builder.position_before(&entry_end_inst); let mut ctx = intrinsics.ctx(info, builder, &function, cache_builder); let mut unreachable_depth = 0; for op in op_reader { let op = op?; if !state.reachable { match op { Operator::Block { ty: _ } | Operator::Loop { ty: _ } | Operator::If { ty: _ } => { unreachable_depth += 1; continue; } Operator::Else => { if unreachable_depth != 0 { continue; } } Operator::End => { if unreachable_depth != 0 { unreachable_depth -= 1; continue; } } _ => { continue; } } } match op { /*************************** * Control Flow instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::Block { ty } => { let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; let end_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "end"); builder.position_at_end(&end_block); let phis = if let Ok(wasmer_ty) = type_to_type(ty) { let llvm_ty = type_to_llvm(intrinsics, wasmer_ty); [llvm_ty] .iter() .map(|&ty| builder.build_phi(ty, &state.var_name())) .collect() } else { SmallVec::new() }; state.push_block(end_block, phis); builder.position_at_end(¤t_block); } Operator::Loop { ty } => { let loop_body = context.append_basic_block(&function, "loop_body"); let loop_next = context.append_basic_block(&function, "loop_outer"); builder.build_unconditional_branch(&loop_body); builder.position_at_end(&loop_next); let phis = if let Ok(wasmer_ty) = type_to_type(ty) { let llvm_ty = type_to_llvm(intrinsics, wasmer_ty); [llvm_ty] .iter() .map(|&ty| builder.build_phi(ty, &state.var_name())) .collect() } else { SmallVec::new() }; builder.position_at_end(&loop_body); state.push_loop(loop_body, loop_next, phis); } Operator::Br { relative_depth } => { let frame = state.frame_at_depth(relative_depth)?; let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; let value_len = if frame.is_loop() { 0 } else { frame.phis().len() }; let values = state.peekn(value_len)?; // For each result of the block we're branching to, // pop a value off the value stack and load it into // the corresponding phi. for (phi, value) in frame.phis().iter().zip(values.iter()) { phi.add_incoming(&[(value, ¤t_block)]); } builder.build_unconditional_branch(frame.br_dest()); state.popn(value_len)?; state.reachable = false; } Operator::BrIf { relative_depth } => { let cond = state.pop1()?; let frame = state.frame_at_depth(relative_depth)?; let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; let value_len = if frame.is_loop() { 0 } else { frame.phis().len() }; let param_stack = state.peekn(value_len)?; for (phi, value) in frame.phis().iter().zip(param_stack.iter()) { phi.add_incoming(&[(value, ¤t_block)]); } let else_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "else"); let cond_value = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, cond.into_int_value(), intrinsics.i32_zero, &state.var_name(), ); builder.build_conditional_branch(cond_value, frame.br_dest(), &else_block); builder.position_at_end(&else_block); } Operator::BrTable { ref table } => { let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; let (label_depths, default_depth) = table.read_table()?; let index = state.pop1()?; let default_frame = state.frame_at_depth(default_depth)?; let args = if default_frame.is_loop() { &[] } else { let res_len = default_frame.phis().len(); state.peekn(res_len)? }; for (phi, value) in default_frame.phis().iter().zip(args.iter()) { phi.add_incoming(&[(value, ¤t_block)]); } let cases: Vec<_> = label_depths .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(case_index, &depth)| { let frame = state.frame_at_depth(depth)?; let case_index_literal = context.i32_type().const_int(case_index as u64, false); for (phi, value) in frame.phis().iter().zip(args.iter()) { phi.add_incoming(&[(value, ¤t_block)]); } Ok((case_index_literal, frame.br_dest())) }) .collect::>()?; builder.build_switch(index.into_int_value(), default_frame.br_dest(), &cases[..]); state.popn(args.len())?; state.reachable = false; } Operator::If { ty } => { let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; let if_then_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "if_then"); let if_else_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "if_else"); let end_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "if_end"); let end_phis = { builder.position_at_end(&end_block); let phis = if let Ok(wasmer_ty) = type_to_type(ty) { let llvm_ty = type_to_llvm(intrinsics, wasmer_ty); [llvm_ty] .iter() .map(|&ty| builder.build_phi(ty, &state.var_name())) .collect() } else { SmallVec::new() }; builder.position_at_end(¤t_block); phis }; let cond = state.pop1()?; let cond_value = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, cond.into_int_value(), intrinsics.i32_zero, &state.var_name(), ); builder.build_conditional_branch(cond_value, &if_then_block, &if_else_block); builder.position_at_end(&if_then_block); state.push_if(if_then_block, if_else_block, end_block, end_phis); } Operator::Else => { if state.reachable { let frame = state.frame_at_depth(0)?; builder.build_unconditional_branch(frame.code_after()); let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; for phi in frame.phis().to_vec().iter().rev() { let value = state.pop1()?; phi.add_incoming(&[(&value, ¤t_block)]) } } let (if_else_block, if_else_state) = if let ControlFrame::IfElse { if_else, if_else_state, .. } = state.frame_at_depth_mut(0)? { (if_else, if_else_state) } else { unreachable!() }; *if_else_state = IfElseState::Else; builder.position_at_end(if_else_block); state.reachable = true; } Operator::End => { let frame = state.pop_frame()?; let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; if state.reachable { builder.build_unconditional_branch(frame.code_after()); for phi in frame.phis().iter().rev() { let value = state.pop1()?; phi.add_incoming(&[(&value, ¤t_block)]); } } if let ControlFrame::IfElse { if_else, next, phis, if_else_state, .. } = &frame { if let IfElseState::If = if_else_state { builder.position_at_end(if_else); builder.build_unconditional_branch(next); } } builder.position_at_end(frame.code_after()); state.reset_stack(&frame); state.reachable = true; // Push each phi value to the value stack. for phi in frame.phis() { if phi.count_incoming() != 0 { state.push1(phi.as_basic_value()); } else { let basic_ty = phi.as_basic_value().get_type(); let placeholder_value = match basic_ty { BasicTypeEnum::IntType(int_ty) => { int_ty.const_int(0, false).as_basic_value_enum() } BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(float_ty) => { float_ty.const_float(0.0).as_basic_value_enum() } _ => unimplemented!(), }; state.push1(placeholder_value); phi.as_instruction().erase_from_basic_block(); } } } Operator::Return => { let frame = state.outermost_frame()?; let current_block = builder.get_insert_block().ok_or(BinaryReaderError { message: "not currently in a block", offset: -1isize as usize, })?; builder.build_unconditional_branch(frame.br_dest()); let phis = frame.phis().to_vec(); for phi in phis.iter() { let arg = state.pop1()?; phi.add_incoming(&[(&arg, ¤t_block)]); } state.reachable = false; } Operator::Unreachable => { // Emit an unreachable instruction. // If llvm cannot prove that this is never touched, // it will emit a `ud2` instruction on x86_64 arches. builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_unreachable], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); state.reachable = false; } /*************************** * Basic instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::Nop => { // Do nothing. } Operator::Drop => { state.pop1()?; } // Generate const values. Operator::I32Const { value } => { let i = intrinsics.i32_ty.const_int(value as u64, false); state.push1(i); } Operator::I64Const { value } => { let i = intrinsics.i64_ty.const_int(value as u64, false); state.push1(i); } Operator::F32Const { value } => { let bits = intrinsics.i32_ty.const_int(value.bits() as u64, false); let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.f32_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), "const_space"); let i32_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, "i32_space"); builder.build_store(i32_space, bits); let f = builder.build_load(space, "f"); state.push1(f); } Operator::F64Const { value } => { let bits = intrinsics.i64_ty.const_int(value.bits(), false); let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.f64_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), "const_space"); let i64_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.i64_ptr_ty, "i32_space"); builder.build_store(i64_space, bits); let f = builder.build_load(space, "f"); state.push1(f); } // Operate on locals. Operator::GetLocal { local_index } => { let pointer_value = locals[local_index as usize]; let v = builder.build_load(pointer_value, &state.var_name()); state.push1(v); } Operator::SetLocal { local_index } => { let pointer_value = locals[local_index as usize]; let v = state.pop1()?; builder.build_store(pointer_value, v); } Operator::TeeLocal { local_index } => { let pointer_value = locals[local_index as usize]; let v = state.peek1()?; builder.build_store(pointer_value, v); } Operator::GetGlobal { global_index } => { let index = GlobalIndex::new(global_index as usize); let global_cache = ctx.global_cache(index); match global_cache { GlobalCache::Const { value } => { state.push1(value); } GlobalCache::Mut { ptr_to_value } => { let value = builder.build_load(ptr_to_value, "global_value"); state.push1(value); } } } Operator::SetGlobal { global_index } => { let value = state.pop1()?; let index = GlobalIndex::new(global_index as usize); let global_cache = ctx.global_cache(index); match global_cache { GlobalCache::Mut { ptr_to_value } => { builder.build_store(ptr_to_value, value); } GlobalCache::Const { value: _ } => { unreachable!("cannot set non-mutable globals") } } } Operator::Select => { let (v1, v2, cond) = state.pop3()?; let cond_value = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, cond.into_int_value(), intrinsics.i32_zero, &state.var_name(), ); let res = builder.build_select(cond_value, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::Call { function_index } => { let func_index = FuncIndex::new(function_index as usize); let sigindex = info.func_assoc[func_index]; let llvm_sig = signatures[sigindex]; let func_sig = &info.signatures[sigindex]; let call_site = match func_index.local_or_import(info) { LocalOrImport::Local(local_func_index) => { let func_value = functions[local_func_index]; let params: Vec<_> = [ctx.basic()] .iter() .chain(state.peekn(func_sig.params().len())?.iter()) .map(|v| *v) .collect(); builder.build_call(func_value, ¶ms, &state.var_name()) } LocalOrImport::Import(import_func_index) => { let (func_ptr_untyped, ctx_ptr) = ctx.imported_func(import_func_index); let params: Vec<_> = [ctx_ptr.as_basic_value_enum()] .iter() .chain(state.peekn(func_sig.params().len())?.iter()) .map(|v| *v) .collect(); let func_ptr_ty = llvm_sig.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic); let func_ptr = builder.build_pointer_cast( func_ptr_untyped, func_ptr_ty, "typed_func_ptr", ); builder.build_call(func_ptr, ¶ms, &state.var_name()) } }; state.popn(func_sig.params().len())?; if let Some(basic_value) = call_site.try_as_basic_value().left() { match func_sig.returns().len() { 1 => state.push1(basic_value), count @ _ => { // This is a multi-value return. let struct_value = basic_value.into_struct_value(); for i in 0..(count as u32) { let value = builder .build_extract_value(struct_value, i, &state.var_name()) .unwrap(); state.push1(value); } } } } } Operator::CallIndirect { index, table_index } => { let sig_index = SigIndex::new(index as usize); let expected_dynamic_sigindex = ctx.dynamic_sigindex(sig_index); let (table_base, table_bound) = ctx.table(TableIndex::new(table_index as usize)); let func_index = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); // We assume the table has the `anyfunc` element type. let casted_table_base = builder.build_pointer_cast( table_base, intrinsics.anyfunc_ty.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "casted_table_base", ); let anyfunc_struct_ptr = unsafe { builder.build_in_bounds_gep( casted_table_base, &[func_index], "anyfunc_struct_ptr", ) }; // Load things from the anyfunc data structure. let (func_ptr, ctx_ptr, found_dynamic_sigindex) = unsafe { ( builder .build_load( builder.build_struct_gep(anyfunc_struct_ptr, 0, "func_ptr_ptr"), "func_ptr", ) .into_pointer_value(), builder.build_load( builder.build_struct_gep(anyfunc_struct_ptr, 1, "ctx_ptr_ptr"), "ctx_ptr", ), builder .build_load( builder.build_struct_gep(anyfunc_struct_ptr, 2, "sigindex_ptr"), "sigindex", ) .into_int_value(), ) }; let truncated_table_bounds = builder.build_int_truncate( table_bound, intrinsics.i32_ty, "truncated_table_bounds", ); // First, check if the index is outside of the table bounds. let index_in_bounds = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::ULT, func_index, truncated_table_bounds, "index_in_bounds", ); let index_in_bounds = builder .build_call( intrinsics.expect_i1, &[ index_in_bounds.as_basic_value_enum(), intrinsics.i1_ty.const_int(1, false).as_basic_value_enum(), ], "index_in_bounds_expect", ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value(); let in_bounds_continue_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "in_bounds_continue_block"); let not_in_bounds_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "not_in_bounds_block"); builder.build_conditional_branch( index_in_bounds, &in_bounds_continue_block, ¬_in_bounds_block, ); builder.position_at_end(¬_in_bounds_block); builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_call_indirect_oob], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); builder.position_at_end(&in_bounds_continue_block); // Next, check if the signature id is correct. let sigindices_equal = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, expected_dynamic_sigindex, found_dynamic_sigindex, "sigindices_equal", ); // Tell llvm that `expected_dynamic_sigindex` should equal `found_dynamic_sigindex`. let sigindices_equal = builder .build_call( intrinsics.expect_i1, &[ sigindices_equal.as_basic_value_enum(), intrinsics.i1_ty.const_int(1, false).as_basic_value_enum(), ], "sigindices_equal_expect", ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value(); let continue_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "continue_block"); let sigindices_notequal_block = context.append_basic_block(&function, "sigindices_notequal_block"); builder.build_conditional_branch( sigindices_equal, &continue_block, &sigindices_notequal_block, ); builder.position_at_end(&sigindices_notequal_block); builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_call_indirect_sig], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); builder.position_at_end(&continue_block); let wasmer_fn_sig = &info.signatures[sig_index]; let fn_ty = signatures[sig_index]; let pushed_args = state.popn_save(wasmer_fn_sig.params().len())?; let args: Vec<_> = std::iter::once(ctx_ptr) .chain(pushed_args.into_iter()) .collect(); let typed_func_ptr = builder.build_pointer_cast( func_ptr, fn_ty.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "typed_func_ptr", ); let call_site = builder.build_call(typed_func_ptr, &args, "indirect_call"); match wasmer_fn_sig.returns() { [] => {} [_] => { let value = call_site.try_as_basic_value().left().unwrap(); state.push1(value); } returns @ _ => unimplemented!("multi-value returns"), } } /*************************** * Integer Arithmetic instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::I32Add | Operator::I64Add => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_int_add(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Sub | Operator::I64Sub => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_int_sub(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Mul | Operator::I64Mul => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_int_mul(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32DivS | Operator::I64DivS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); trap_if_zero_or_overflow(builder, intrinsics, context, &function, v1, v2); let res = builder.build_int_signed_div(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32DivU | Operator::I64DivU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); trap_if_zero(builder, intrinsics, context, &function, v2); let res = builder.build_int_unsigned_div(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32RemS | Operator::I64RemS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); trap_if_zero(builder, intrinsics, context, &function, v2); let res = builder.build_int_signed_rem(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32RemU | Operator::I64RemU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); trap_if_zero(builder, intrinsics, context, &function, v2); let res = builder.build_int_unsigned_rem(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32And | Operator::I64And => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_and(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Or | Operator::I64Or => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_or(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Xor | Operator::I64Xor => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_xor(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Shl | Operator::I64Shl => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_left_shift(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32ShrS | Operator::I64ShrS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_right_shift(v1, v2, true, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32ShrU | Operator::I64ShrU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let res = builder.build_right_shift(v1, v2, false, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Rotl => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let lhs = builder.build_left_shift(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let rhs = { let int_width = intrinsics.i32_ty.const_int(32 as u64, false); let rhs = builder.build_int_sub(int_width, v2, &state.var_name()); builder.build_right_shift(v1, rhs, false, &state.var_name()) }; let res = builder.build_or(lhs, rhs, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Rotl => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let lhs = builder.build_left_shift(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let rhs = { let int_width = intrinsics.i64_ty.const_int(64 as u64, false); let rhs = builder.build_int_sub(int_width, v2, &state.var_name()); builder.build_right_shift(v1, rhs, false, &state.var_name()) }; let res = builder.build_or(lhs, rhs, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Rotr => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let lhs = builder.build_right_shift(v1, v2, false, &state.var_name()); let rhs = { let int_width = intrinsics.i32_ty.const_int(32 as u64, false); let rhs = builder.build_int_sub(int_width, v2, &state.var_name()); builder.build_left_shift(v1, rhs, &state.var_name()) }; let res = builder.build_or(lhs, rhs, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Rotr => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let lhs = builder.build_right_shift(v1, v2, false, &state.var_name()); let rhs = { let int_width = intrinsics.i64_ty.const_int(64 as u64, false); let rhs = builder.build_int_sub(int_width, v2, &state.var_name()); builder.build_left_shift(v1, rhs, &state.var_name()) }; let res = builder.build_or(lhs, rhs, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Clz => { let input = state.pop1()?; let ensure_defined_zero = intrinsics .i1_ty .const_int(1 as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let res = builder .build_call( intrinsics.ctlz_i32, &[input, ensure_defined_zero], &state.var_name(), ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Clz => { let input = state.pop1()?; let ensure_defined_zero = intrinsics .i1_ty .const_int(1 as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let res = builder .build_call( intrinsics.ctlz_i64, &[input, ensure_defined_zero], &state.var_name(), ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Ctz => { let input = state.pop1()?; let ensure_defined_zero = intrinsics .i1_ty .const_int(1 as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let res = builder .build_call( intrinsics.cttz_i32, &[input, ensure_defined_zero], &state.var_name(), ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Ctz => { let input = state.pop1()?; let ensure_defined_zero = intrinsics .i1_ty .const_int(1 as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let res = builder .build_call( intrinsics.cttz_i64, &[input, ensure_defined_zero], &state.var_name(), ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Popcnt => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.ctpop_i32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Popcnt => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.ctpop_i64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Eqz => { let input = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let cond = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, input, intrinsics.i32_zero, &state.var_name(), ); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64Eqz => { let input = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let cond = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, input, intrinsics.i64_zero, &state.var_name(), ); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } /*************************** * Floating-Point Arithmetic instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::F32Add | Operator::F64Add => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let res = builder.build_float_add(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Sub | Operator::F64Sub => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let res = builder.build_float_sub(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Mul | Operator::F64Mul => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let res = builder.build_float_mul(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Div | Operator::F64Div => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let res = builder.build_float_div(v1, v2, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Sqrt => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.sqrt_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Sqrt => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.sqrt_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Min => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.minimum_f32, &[v1, v2], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Min => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.minimum_f64, &[v1, v2], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Max => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.maximum_f32, &[v1, v2], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Max => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.maximum_f64, &[v1, v2], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Ceil => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.ceil_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Ceil => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.ceil_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Floor => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.floor_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Floor => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.floor_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Trunc => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.trunc_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Trunc => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.trunc_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Nearest => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.nearbyint_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Nearest => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.nearbyint_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Abs => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.fabs_f32, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Abs => { let input = state.pop1()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.fabs_f64, &[input], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Neg | Operator::F64Neg => { let input = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_neg(input, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Copysign => { let (mag, sgn) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.copysign_f32, &[mag, sgn], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64Copysign => { let (msg, sgn) = state.pop2()?; let res = builder .build_call(intrinsics.copysign_f64, &[msg, sgn], &state.var_name()) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap(); state.push1(res); } /*************************** * Integer Comparison instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::I32Eq | Operator::I64Eq => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::EQ, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32Ne | Operator::I64Ne => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32LtS | Operator::I64LtS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32LtU | Operator::I64LtU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::ULT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32LeS | Operator::I64LeS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32LeU | Operator::I64LeU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::ULE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32GtS | Operator::I64GtS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SGT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32GtU | Operator::I64GtU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::UGT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32GeS | Operator::I64GeS => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SGE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32GeU | Operator::I64GeU => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_int_value(), v2.into_int_value()); let cond = builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::UGE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } /*************************** * Floating-Point Comparison instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::F32Eq | Operator::F64Eq => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OEQ, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Ne | Operator::F64Ne => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::UNE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Lt | Operator::F64Lt => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OLT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Le | Operator::F64Le => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OLE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Gt | Operator::F64Gt => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OGT, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32Ge | Operator::F64Ge => { let (v1, v2) = state.pop2()?; let (v1, v2) = (v1.into_float_value(), v2.into_float_value()); let cond = builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::OGE, v1, v2, &state.var_name()); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(cond, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } /*************************** * Conversion instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::I32WrapI64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_int_truncate(v1, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64ExtendSI32 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_int_s_extend(v1, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64ExtendUI32 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_int_z_extend(v1, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32TruncSF32 | Operator::I32TruncSF64 | Operator::I32TruncSSatF32 | Operator::I32TruncSSatF64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_to_signed_int(v1, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64TruncSF32 | Operator::I64TruncSF64 | Operator::I64TruncSSatF32 | Operator::I64TruncSSatF64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_to_signed_int(v1, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32TruncUF32 | Operator::I32TruncUF64 | Operator::I32TruncUSatF32 | Operator::I32TruncUSatF64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_to_unsigned_int(v1, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I64TruncUF32 | Operator::I64TruncUF64 | Operator::I64TruncUSatF32 | Operator::I64TruncUSatF64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_to_unsigned_int(v1, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32DemoteF64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_trunc(v1, intrinsics.f32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64PromoteF32 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_float_value(); let res = builder.build_float_ext(v1, intrinsics.f64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32ConvertSI32 | Operator::F32ConvertSI64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_signed_int_to_float(v1, intrinsics.f32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64ConvertSI32 | Operator::F64ConvertSI64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_signed_int_to_float(v1, intrinsics.f64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F32ConvertUI32 | Operator::F32ConvertUI64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_unsigned_int_to_float(v1, intrinsics.f32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::F64ConvertUI32 | Operator::F64ConvertUI64 => { let v1 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let res = builder.build_unsigned_int_to_float(v1, intrinsics.f64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(res); } Operator::I32ReinterpretF32 => { let v = state.pop1()?; let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.i32_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), &state.var_name()); let f32_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.f32_ptr_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(f32_space, v); let int = builder.build_load(space, &state.var_name()); state.push1(int); } Operator::I64ReinterpretF64 => { let v = state.pop1()?; let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.i64_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), &state.var_name()); let f64_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.f64_ptr_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(f64_space, v); let int = builder.build_load(space, &state.var_name()); state.push1(int); } Operator::F32ReinterpretI32 => { let v = state.pop1()?; let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.f32_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), &state.var_name()); let i32_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(i32_space, v); let f = builder.build_load(space, &state.var_name()); state.push1(f); } Operator::F64ReinterpretI64 => { let v = state.pop1()?; let space = builder.build_alloca(intrinsics.f64_ty.as_basic_type_enum(), &state.var_name()); let i64_space = builder.build_pointer_cast(space, intrinsics.i64_ptr_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(i64_space, v); let f = builder.build_load(space, &state.var_name()); state.push1(f); } /*************************** * Sign-extension operators. * ***************************/ Operator::I32Extend8S => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i8_ty, &state.var_name()); let extended_value = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_value, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(extended_value); } Operator::I32Extend16S => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i16_ty, &state.var_name()); let extended_value = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_value, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(extended_value); } Operator::I64Extend8S => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i8_ty, &state.var_name()); let extended_value = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_value, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(extended_value); } Operator::I64Extend16S => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i16_ty, &state.var_name()); let extended_value = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_value, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(extended_value); } Operator::I64Extend32S => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); let extended_value = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_value, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(extended_value); } /*************************** * Load and Store instructions. * ***************************/ Operator::I32Load { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, )?; let result = builder.build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i64_ptr_ty, )?; let result = builder.build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::F32Load { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.f32_ptr_ty, )?; let result = builder.build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::F64Load { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.f64_ptr_ty, )?; let result = builder.build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I32Store { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?; let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, )?; builder.build_store(effective_address, value); } Operator::I64Store { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?; let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i64_ptr_ty, )?; builder.build_store(effective_address, value); } Operator::F32Store { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?; let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.f32_ptr_ty, )?; builder.build_store(effective_address, value); } Operator::F64Store { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?; let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.f64_ptr_ty, )?; builder.build_store(effective_address, value); } Operator::I32Load8S { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i8_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I32Load16S { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i16_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load8S { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i8_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load16S { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i16_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load32S { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_s_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I32Load8U { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i8_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_z_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I32Load16U { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i16_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_z_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load8U { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i8_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_z_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load16U { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i16_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_z_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I64Load32U { memarg } => { let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_result = builder .build_load(effective_address, &state.var_name()) .into_int_value(); let result = builder.build_int_z_extend(narrow_result, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); state.push1(result); } Operator::I32Store8 { memarg } | Operator::I64Store8 { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i8_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i8_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(effective_address, narrow_value); } Operator::I32Store16 { memarg } | Operator::I64Store16 { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i16_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i16_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(effective_address, narrow_value); } Operator::I64Store32 { memarg } => { let value = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let effective_address = resolve_memory_ptr( builder, intrinsics, context, &function, &mut state, &mut ctx, memarg, intrinsics.i32_ptr_ty, )?; let narrow_value = builder.build_int_truncate(value, intrinsics.i32_ty, &state.var_name()); builder.build_store(effective_address, narrow_value); } Operator::MemoryGrow { reserved } => { let memory_index = MemoryIndex::new(reserved as usize); let func_value = match memory_index.local_or_import(info) { LocalOrImport::Local(local_mem_index) => { let mem_desc = &info.memories[local_mem_index]; match mem_desc.memory_type() { MemoryType::Dynamic => intrinsics.memory_grow_dynamic_local, MemoryType::Static => intrinsics.memory_grow_static_local, MemoryType::SharedStatic => intrinsics.memory_grow_shared_local, } } LocalOrImport::Import(import_mem_index) => { let mem_desc = &info.imported_memories[import_mem_index].1; match mem_desc.memory_type() { MemoryType::Dynamic => intrinsics.memory_grow_dynamic_import, MemoryType::Static => intrinsics.memory_grow_static_import, MemoryType::SharedStatic => intrinsics.memory_grow_shared_import, } } }; let memory_index_const = intrinsics .i32_ty .const_int(reserved as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let delta = state.pop1()?; let result = builder.build_call( func_value, &[ctx.basic(), memory_index_const, delta], &state.var_name(), ); state.push1(result.try_as_basic_value().left().unwrap()); } Operator::MemorySize { reserved } => { let memory_index = MemoryIndex::new(reserved as usize); let func_value = match memory_index.local_or_import(info) { LocalOrImport::Local(local_mem_index) => { let mem_desc = &info.memories[local_mem_index]; match mem_desc.memory_type() { MemoryType::Dynamic => intrinsics.memory_size_dynamic_local, MemoryType::Static => intrinsics.memory_size_static_local, MemoryType::SharedStatic => intrinsics.memory_size_shared_local, } } LocalOrImport::Import(import_mem_index) => { let mem_desc = &info.imported_memories[import_mem_index].1; match mem_desc.memory_type() { MemoryType::Dynamic => intrinsics.memory_size_dynamic_import, MemoryType::Static => intrinsics.memory_size_static_import, MemoryType::SharedStatic => intrinsics.memory_size_shared_import, } } }; let memory_index_const = intrinsics .i32_ty .const_int(reserved as u64, false) .as_basic_value_enum(); let result = builder.build_call( func_value, &[ctx.basic(), memory_index_const], &state.var_name(), ); state.push1(result.try_as_basic_value().left().unwrap()); } op @ _ => { unimplemented!("{:?}", op); } } } let results = state.popn_save(func_sig.returns().len())?; match results.as_slice() { [] => { builder.build_return(None); } [one_value] => { builder.build_return(Some(one_value)); } returns @ _ => { // let struct_ty = llvm_sig.get_return_type().as_struct_type(); // let ret_struct = struct_ty.const_zero(); unimplemented!("multi-value returns not yet implemented") } } Ok(()) } fn trap_if_zero_or_overflow( builder: &Builder, intrinsics: &Intrinsics, context: &Context, function: &FunctionValue, left: IntValue, right: IntValue, ) { let int_type = left.get_type(); let (min_value, neg_one_value) = if int_type == intrinsics.i32_ty { let min_value = int_type.const_int(i32::min_value() as u64, false); let neg_one_value = int_type.const_int(-1i32 as u32 as u64, false); (min_value, neg_one_value) } else if int_type == intrinsics.i64_ty { let min_value = int_type.const_int(i64::min_value() as u64, false); let neg_one_value = int_type.const_int(-1i64 as u64, false); (min_value, neg_one_value) } else { unreachable!() }; let should_trap = builder.build_or( builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, right, int_type.const_int(0, false), "divisor_is_zero", ), builder.build_and( builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::EQ, left, min_value, "left_is_min"), builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::EQ, right, neg_one_value, "right_is_neg_one"), "div_will_overflow", ), "div_should_trap", ); let should_trap = builder .build_call( intrinsics.expect_i1, &[ should_trap.as_basic_value_enum(), intrinsics.i1_ty.const_int(0, false).as_basic_value_enum(), ], "should_trap_expect", ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value(); let shouldnt_trap_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "shouldnt_trap_block"); let should_trap_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "should_trap_block"); builder.build_conditional_branch(should_trap, &should_trap_block, &shouldnt_trap_block); builder.position_at_end(&should_trap_block); builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_memory_oob], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); builder.position_at_end(&shouldnt_trap_block); } fn trap_if_zero( builder: &Builder, intrinsics: &Intrinsics, context: &Context, function: &FunctionValue, value: IntValue, ) { let int_type = value.get_type(); let should_trap = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, value, int_type.const_int(0, false), "divisor_is_zero", ); let should_trap = builder .build_call( intrinsics.expect_i1, &[ should_trap.as_basic_value_enum(), intrinsics.i1_ty.const_int(0, false).as_basic_value_enum(), ], "should_trap_expect", ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value(); let shouldnt_trap_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "shouldnt_trap_block"); let should_trap_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "should_trap_block"); builder.build_conditional_branch(should_trap, &should_trap_block, &shouldnt_trap_block); builder.position_at_end(&should_trap_block); builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_memory_oob], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); builder.position_at_end(&shouldnt_trap_block); } fn resolve_memory_ptr( builder: &Builder, intrinsics: &Intrinsics, context: &Context, function: &FunctionValue, state: &mut State, ctx: &mut CtxType, memarg: MemoryImmediate, ptr_ty: PointerType, ) -> Result { // Ignore alignment hint for the time being. let imm_offset = intrinsics.i64_ty.const_int(memarg.offset as u64, false); let var_offset_i32 = state.pop1()?.into_int_value(); let var_offset = builder.build_int_z_extend(var_offset_i32, intrinsics.i64_ty, &state.var_name()); let effective_offset = builder.build_int_add(var_offset, imm_offset, &state.var_name()); let memory_cache = ctx.memory(MemoryIndex::new(0)); let mem_base_int = match memory_cache { MemoryCache::Dynamic { ptr_to_base_ptr, ptr_to_bounds, } => { let base = builder .build_load(ptr_to_base_ptr, "base") .into_pointer_value(); let bounds = builder.build_load(ptr_to_bounds, "bounds").into_int_value(); let base_as_int = builder.build_ptr_to_int(base, intrinsics.i64_ty, "base_as_int"); let base_in_bounds = builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::ULT, effective_offset, bounds, "base_in_bounds", ); let base_in_bounds = builder .build_call( intrinsics.expect_i1, &[ base_in_bounds.as_basic_value_enum(), intrinsics.i1_ty.const_int(1, false).as_basic_value_enum(), ], "base_in_bounds_expect", ) .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value(); let in_bounds_continue_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "in_bounds_continue_block"); let not_in_bounds_block = context.append_basic_block(function, "not_in_bounds_block"); builder.build_conditional_branch( base_in_bounds, &in_bounds_continue_block, ¬_in_bounds_block, ); builder.position_at_end(¬_in_bounds_block); builder.build_call( intrinsics.throw_trap, &[intrinsics.trap_memory_oob], "throw", ); builder.build_unreachable(); builder.position_at_end(&in_bounds_continue_block); base_as_int } MemoryCache::Static { base_ptr, bounds: _, } => builder.build_ptr_to_int(base_ptr, intrinsics.i64_ty, "base_as_int"), }; let effective_address_int = builder.build_int_add(mem_base_int, effective_offset, &state.var_name()); Ok(builder.build_int_to_ptr(effective_address_int, ptr_ty, &state.var_name())) }