.PHONY: spectests clean build install # This will re-generate the Rust test files based on spectests/*.wast spectests: WASM_GENERATE_SPECTESTS=1 cargo build # clean: # rm -rf artifacts build: cargo build install: cargo install --path . test: cargo test -- --test-threads=1 release: # If you are in OS-X, you will need mingw-w64 for cross compiling to windows # brew install mingw-w64 cargo build --release # mkdir -p artifacts # BINARY_NAME := $(./binary-name.sh) # cp ./target/release/wasmer ./artifacts/$(./binary-name.sh) # cp ./target/release/wasmer ./artifacts/${BINARY_NAME} publish-release: ghr -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} -delete ${VERSION} ./artifacts/