#[macro_export] #[cfg(feature = "debug")] macro_rules! debug { ($fmt:expr) => (println!(concat!("wasmer-runtime(:{})::", $fmt), line!())); ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (println!(concat!("wasmer-runtime(:{})::", $fmt, "\n"), line!(), $($arg)*)); } #[macro_export] #[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))] macro_rules! debug { ($fmt:expr) => {}; ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => {}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! func { ($func:ident, [ $( $params:ident ),* ] -> [ $( $returns:ident ),* ] ) => {{ use $crate::{ export::{Context, Export, FuncPointer}, types::{FuncSig, Type}, vm, }; let func: extern fn( $( $params, )* &mut vm::Ctx) -> ($( $returns )*) = $func; Export::Function { func: unsafe { FuncPointer::new(func as _) }, ctx: Context::Internal, signature: FuncSig::new( &[$($crate::__export_func_convert_type!($params),)*] as &[Type], &[$($crate::__export_func_convert_type!($returns),)*] as &[Type], ).into(), } }}; } #[macro_export] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __export_func_convert_type { (i32) => { Type::I32 }; (u32) => { Type::I32 }; (i64) => { Type::I64 }; (u64) => { Type::I64 }; (f32) => { Type::F32 }; (f64) => { Type::F64 }; ($x:ty) => { compile_error!("Only `i32`, `u32`, `i64`, `u64`, `f32`, and `f64` are supported for argument and return types") }; } /// Generate an [`ImportObject`] safely. /// /// [`ImportObject`]: struct.ImportObject.html /// /// # Note: /// The `import` macro currently only supports /// importing functions. /// /// /// # Usage: /// ``` /// # use wasmer_runtime_core::{imports, func}; /// # use wasmer_runtime_core::vm::Ctx; /// let import_object = imports! { /// "env" => { /// "foo" => func!(foo, [i32] -> [i32]), /// }, /// }; /// /// extern fn foo(n: i32, _: &mut Ctx) -> i32 { /// n /// } /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! imports { ( $( $ns_name:expr => $ns:tt, )* ) => {{ use $crate::{ import::{ImportObject, Namespace}, }; let mut import_object = ImportObject::new(); $({ let ns = $crate::__imports_internal!($ns); import_object.register($ns_name, ns); })* import_object }}; } #[macro_export] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __imports_internal { ( { $( $imp_name:expr => $import_item:expr, )* } ) => {{ let mut ns = Namespace::new(); $( ns.insert($imp_name, $import_item); )* ns }}; ($ns:ident) => { $ns }; }