/* * Copyright 2016 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved. * Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the * University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include int main() { int x; int y; const char* buffer[] = { "\t2\t3\t", /* TAB - horizontal tab */ "\t\t5\t\t7\t\t", "\n11\n13\n", /* LF - line feed */ "\n\n17\n\n19\n\n", "\v23\v29\v", /* VT - vertical tab */ "\v\v31\v\v37\v\v", "\f41\f43\f", /* FF - form feed */ "\f\f47\f\f53\f\f", "\r59\r61\r", /* CR - carrage return */ "\r\r67\r\r71\r\r"}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { x = 0; y = 0; sscanf(buffer[i], " %d %d ", &x, &y); printf("%d, %d, ", x, y); } return 0; }