Table now working properly

This commit is contained in:
Syrus Akbary 2018-10-23 01:15:18 +02:00
parent 037f76e3b1
commit 2a118930c2
6 changed files with 190 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::ptr::NonNull;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct UncheckedSlice<T> {
ptr: NonNull<T>,
pub ptr: NonNull<T>,
impl<T> UncheckedSlice<T> {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
pub unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut T {
pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut T {
let ptr = self.ptr.as_ptr();
&mut *(ptr.add(index) as *mut _)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
use crate::webassembly::ImportObject;
use libc::putchar;
use crate::webassembly::{ImportObject, VmCtx};
// use libc::putchar;
extern fn putchar(a: *const u8, context: *const u8) {
println!("PUT CHAAAR original pointer {:?}", context);
let vmctx: &VmCtx = unsafe { &*(context as *const VmCtx) };
println!("PUT CHAAAR {}", vmctx.test);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer {:p}", vmctx);
let x = vmctx as *const _;
let x_tables = vmctx.tables.as_ptr();
let tables_ptr_1 = (&vmctx.tables) as *const _;
let tables_ptr_2 = unsafe { (&vmctx.tables.get_unchecked(0)) as *const _ };
let tables_ptr_3 = &vmctx.tables as *const _ ;
let tables_ptr_4 = &vmctx.tables as *const _ ;
// let tables: &Vec<Vec<usize>> = unsafe { &*(tables_ptr_4 as *const Vec<Vec<usize>>) };
let x_tables_serial: &Vec<*const usize> = unsafe { &*(tables_ptr_1 as *const Vec<*const usize>) };
// let tables: &Vec<> = vmctx.tables as &Vec<Vec<usize>>;
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer {:?}", x);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 1 {:p}", &vmctx.tables);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 2 {:p}", tables_ptr_1);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 3 (0) {:p}", tables_ptr_2);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 3 (0) {:p}", tables_ptr_3);
// println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 4 (0) {:p} {:?}", tables_ptr_4, tables);
// println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 4 (0) {:p} {:?}", &vmctx.tables, vmctx.tables);
// println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer 4 (0) {:p} {:?}", &vmctx.tables[0], vmctx.tables[0]);
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer {:?} {:?}", x_tables, x_tables_serial);
let x_tables = vmctx.tables.as_ptr();
println!("PUT CHAAAR pointer {:?}", x_tables);
pub fn generate_libc_env<'a, 'b>() -> ImportObject<&'a str, &'b str> {
let mut import_object = ImportObject::new();
@ -12,6 +39,7 @@ mod tests {
use super::generate_libc_env;
use crate::webassembly::{
instantiate, ErrorKind, Export, ImportObject, Instance, Module, ResultObject,
use libc::putchar;
@ -21,12 +49,21 @@ mod tests {
let import_object = generate_libc_env();
let result_object = instantiate(wasm_bytes, import_object).expect("Not compiled properly");
let module = result_object.module;
let instance = result_object.instance;
let mut instance = result_object.instance;
let func_index = match"main") {
Some(&Export::Function(index)) => index,
_ => panic!("Function not found"),
let main: fn() = get_instance_function!(instance, func_index);
let main: fn(&VmCtx) = get_instance_function!(instance, func_index);
let mainn_func_index = match"mainn") {
Some(&Export::Function(index)) => index,
_ => panic!("Function not found"),
let mainn: fn(&VmCtx) = get_instance_function!(instance, mainn_func_index);
let context = instance.generate_context();
println!("---------MAINNN NOW---------");
// let context = instance.generate_context();

View File

@ -1,11 +1,34 @@
(type $FUNCSIG$iii (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $FUNCSIG$ii (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "putchar" (func $putchar (param i32) (result i32)))
(table 0 anyfunc)
(elem (i32.const 0) $multiply)
(table 1 1 anyfunc)
(memory $0 1)
(export "memory" (memory $0))
(export "main" (func $main))
(func $main (; 1 ;) (result i32)
(export "mainn" (func $mainn))
(func $dispatch (; 0 ;) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32)
(call_indirect (type $FUNCSIG$iii)
(get_local $1)
(get_local $2)
(get_local $0)
(func $multiply (; 1 ;) (type $FUNCSIG$iii) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
(get_local $1)
(get_local $0)
(func $mainn (; 2 ;) (result i32)
(call $dispatch
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 20)
(i32.const 30)
(func $main (; 3 ;) (result i32)
(call $putchar
(i32.const 97)

View File

@ -81,8 +81,34 @@ fn execute_wasm(wasm_path: PathBuf) -> Result<(), String> {
_ => panic!("Main function not found"),
let main: fn(&webassembly::VmCtx) = get_instance_function!(instance, func_index);
let context = instance.generate_context();
let mainn_func_index = match"mainn") {
Some(&webassembly::Export::Function(index)) => index,
_ => panic!("Mainn function not found"),
let mainn: fn(*const u8) -> i32 = get_instance_function!(instance, mainn_func_index);
let context = &instance.generate_context();
// println!("Context ptr {:p}", context);
// println!("Context ptr {:?}", &context as *const _);
// println!("Context ptr {:?}", &context as *const _);
// println!("Memories ptr {:?}", context.memories.as_ptr());
// println!("Tables ptr {:?}", context.tables.as_ptr());
// println!("Tables ptr {:?}", context.tables.as_ptr());
// println!("Tables ptr {:?}", &context.tables as *const _);
// println!("Tables ptr {:?}", &context.tables as *const _);
// println!("User data ptr {:?}", &context.user_data as *const _);
// println!("Globals ptr {:?}", &context.globals as *const _);
// println!("Memories ptr {:?}", &context.memories as *const _);
// println!("Tables ptr {:?}", &context.tables as *const _);
// unsafe {
// println!("Tables 0 ptr {:p}", &context.tables.get_unchecked(0));
// println!("Tables 0 ptr {:p}", &context.tables.get_unchecked(0).get(0));
// }
let table_ptr = &context.tables as *const _;
// let table: &Ta
println!("-------------NOW MAINN----------");
let res = mainn(context.tables.as_ptr() as *const u8);
println!("RESULT {:?}", res);

View File

@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ fn get_function_addr(
pub struct VmCtx<'phantom> {
pub user_data: UserData,
globals: UncheckedSlice<u8>,
memories: UncheckedSlice<UncheckedSlice<u8>>,
tables: UncheckedSlice<BoundedSlice<usize>>,
pub globals: UncheckedSlice<u8>,
pub memories: UncheckedSlice<UncheckedSlice<u8>>,
pub tables: UncheckedSlice<BoundedSlice<usize>>,
pub test: String,
// globals: Vec<u8>,
// memories: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
// pub tables: UncheckedSlice<BoundedSlice<usize>>,
// pub tables: Vec<Vec<usize>>,
phantom: PhantomData<&'phantom ()>,
@ -510,6 +511,8 @@ impl Instance {
let tables: Vec<BoundedSlice<usize>> = self.tables.iter().map(|table| table[..].into()).collect();
println!("GENERATING CONTEXT {:?}", self.tables);
let globals: UncheckedSlice<u8> = self.globals[..].into();
// assert!(memories.len() >= 1, "modules must have at least one memory");
@ -524,6 +527,7 @@ impl Instance {
// process,
instance: instance,
test: "TEST".to_string(),
phantom: PhantomData,
@ -569,20 +573,18 @@ impl Clone for Instance {
extern "C" fn grow_memory(size: u32, memory_index: u32, vmctx: &VmCtx) -> i32 {
extern "C" fn grow_memory(size: u32, memory_index: u32, vmctx: &mut VmCtx) -> i32 {
return 0;
// unimplemented!();
// let instance = &vmctx
// .data()
// .user_data
// .instance;
// let instance = &vmctx.user_data.instance;
// let mut memory = &mut instance.memories[memory_index as usize];
// let mut memory = instance.memories[memory_index as usize];
// if let Some(old_size) = memory.grow(size) {
// old_size as i32
// } else {
// -1
// }
// unsafe {

View File

@ -409,72 +409,73 @@ impl<'environment> FuncEnvironmentTrait for FuncEnvironment<'environment> {
fn make_table(&mut self, func: &mut ir::Function, table_index: TableIndex) -> ir::Table {
// OLD
// Create a table whose base address is stored at `vmctx+0`.
// let vmctx = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext);
// let base_gv = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base: vmctx,
// offset: Offset32::new(0),
// global_type: self.pointer_type(),
// });
// let bound_gv = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base: vmctx,
// offset: Offset32::new(0),
// global_type: I32,
// });
// func.create_table(ir::TableData {
// base_gv,
// min_size: Imm64::new(0),
// bound_gv,
// element_size: Imm64::new(i64::from(self.pointer_bytes()) * 2),
// index_type: I32,
// })
let ptr_size = self.ptr_size();
let base = self.mod_info.tables_base.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let tables_offset = self.ptr_size() as i32 * -1;
let new_base = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext {});
// {
// offset: tables_offset.into(),
// });
// self.mod_info.globals_base = Some(new_base);
let vmctx = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext);
let base_gv = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
base: vmctx,
offset: Offset32::new(0),
global_type: self.pointer_type(),
let table_data_offset = (table_index as usize * ptr_size * 2) as i32;
let new_table_addr_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
offset: table_data_offset.into(),
global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
let new_table_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
base: new_table_addr_addr,
offset: 0.into(),
global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
let new_table_bounds_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
offset: (table_data_offset + ptr_size as i32).into(),
global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
let new_table_bounds = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
base: new_table_bounds_addr,
offset: 0.into(),
global_type: I32, // Might be self.pointer_type()
let bound_gv = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
base: vmctx,
offset: Offset32::new(0),
global_type: I64,
let table = func.create_table(ir::TableData {
base_gv: new_table_addr,
base_gv: base_gv,
min_size: Imm64::new(0),
// min_size: (self.mod_info.tables[table_index].size as i64).into(),
bound_gv: new_table_bounds,
element_size: (ptr_size as i64).into(),
index_type: I32,
element_size: Imm64::new(i64::from(self.pointer_bytes()) * 2),
index_type: I64,
println!("FUNC {:?}", func);
// let ptr_size = self.ptr_size();
// let base = self.mod_info.tables_base.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// let tables_offset = self.ptr_size() as i32 * -1;
// let new_base = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::VMContext {});
// // {
// // offset: tables_offset.into(),
// // });
// // self.mod_info.globals_base = Some(new_base);
// new_base
// });
// let table_data_offset = (table_index as usize * ptr_size * 2) as i32;
// let new_table_addr_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base,
// offset: table_data_offset.into(),
// global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
// });
// let new_table_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base: new_table_addr_addr,
// offset: 0.into(),
// global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
// });
// let new_table_bounds_addr = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base,
// offset: (table_data_offset + ptr_size as i32).into(),
// global_type: self.pointer_type(), // Might be I32
// });
// let new_table_bounds = func.create_global_value(ir::GlobalValueData::Load {
// base: new_table_bounds_addr,
// offset: 0.into(),
// global_type: I32, // Might be self.pointer_type()
// });
// let table = func.create_table(ir::TableData {
// base_gv: new_table_addr,
// min_size: Imm64::new(0),
// // min_size: (self.mod_info.tables[table_index].size as i64).into(),
// bound_gv: new_table_bounds,
// element_size: (ptr_size as i64).into(),
// index_type: I32,
// });
// table
fn make_indirect_sig(&mut self, func: &mut ir::Function, index: SignatureIndex) -> ir::SigRef {
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ impl<'environment> FuncEnvironmentTrait for FuncEnvironment<'environment> {
&mut self,
mut pos: FuncCursor,
_table_index: TableIndex,
_table: ir::Table,
table: ir::Table,
_sig_index: SignatureIndex,
sig_ref: ir::SigRef,
callee: ir::Value,
@ -518,15 +519,23 @@ impl<'environment> FuncEnvironmentTrait for FuncEnvironment<'environment> {
// TODO: Generate bounds checking code.
let ptr = self.pointer_type();
let callee_offset = if ptr == I32 {
pos.ins().imul_imm(callee, 4)
// pos.ins().imul_imm(callee, 4)
} else {
let ext = pos.ins().uextend(I64, callee);
pos.ins().imul_imm(ext, 4)
// pos.ins().imul_imm(ext, 4)
let entry_addr = pos.ins().table_addr(
let mut mflags = ir::MemFlags::new();
let func_ptr = pos.ins().load(ptr, mflags, callee_offset, 0);
let func_ptr = pos.ins().load(ptr, mflags, entry_addr, 0);
// Build a value list for the indirect call instruction containing the callee, call_args,
// and the vmctx parameter.
@ -535,10 +544,14 @@ impl<'environment> FuncEnvironmentTrait for FuncEnvironment<'environment> {
args.extend(call_args.iter().cloned(), &mut pos.func.dfg.value_lists);
args.push(vmctx, &mut pos.func.dfg.value_lists);
let inst = pos
.CallIndirect(ir::Opcode::CallIndirect, INVALID, sig_ref, args)
println!("FUNC {:?}", pos.func);
fn translate_call(