This example shows how to use Trust Graph for code execution only on trusted peers. There are some `trusted_computation` which can only be performed on a trusted peer. The label is determined by the presence of the certificate from `INIT_PEER_ID` to this peer. We use peer id from [`example_secret_key.ed25519`](../example_secret_key.ed25519) as `INIT_PEER_ID` since every node bundled with the certificate issued to this key, it should be used only for test purposes.
3. It takes some time depending on your machine for node to start and builtin services deployed. Wait for this log line: `[2022-07-06T11:33:50.782054Z INFO particle_node] Fluence has been successfully started.`
4. Go back to `../example`
5. Run `npm i`
6. Run `npm run start local`
## Expected output
After successful execution you will get this result:
In this example we try to execute some trusted computations based on trusts
📘 Will connect to testNet
📗 created a fluence peer 12D3KooWD2vAZva1u3TQgoxebBUBsaGMNawKjVkp57M6UcwNwXNv with relay 12D3KooWEXNUbCXooUwHrHBbrmjsrpHXoEphPwbjQXEGyzbqKnE9
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWEXNUbCXooUwHrHBbrmjsrpHXoEphPwbjQXEGyzbqKnE9 failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWHk9BjDQBUqnavciRPhAYFvqKBe4ZiPPvde7vDaqgn5er failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
🌀 Issue trust to nodeB 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz and nodeC: 12D3KooWHk9BjDQBUqnavciRPhAYFvqKBe4ZiPPvde7vDaqgn5er
Trust issued for 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz successfully added
Trust issued for 12D3KooWHk9BjDQBUqnavciRPhAYFvqKBe4ZiPPvde7vDaqgn5er successfully added
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWEXNUbCXooUwHrHBbrmjsrpHXoEphPwbjQXEGyzbqKnE9 failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
📗 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz successful, result is 5
📗 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWHk9BjDQBUqnavciRPhAYFvqKBe4ZiPPvde7vDaqgn5er successful, result is 5
🚫 Revoke trust to nodeB
Trust issued for 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz revoked
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWEXNUbCXooUwHrHBbrmjsrpHXoEphPwbjQXEGyzbqKnE9 failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
📕 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWMhVpgfQxBLkQkJed8VFNvgN4iE6MD7xCybb1ZYWW2Gtz failed, error: there is no certs for this peer
📗 Trusted computation on node 12D3KooWHk9BjDQBUqnavciRPhAYFvqKBe4ZiPPvde7vDaqgn5er successful, result is 5