ARG IPFS_VERSION=0.13.1 ARG CERAMIC_VERSION=2.3.x ARG GLAZED_VERSION=0.2.x ARG GETH_VERSION=1.10 ARG BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION=23.0 # prepare stage images # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM ethereum/client-go:release-${GETH_VERSION} as prepare-geth FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM ipfs/go-ipfs:v${IPFS_VERSION} as prepare-ipfs FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM alpine as prepare-bitcoin ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG BUILDPLATFORM ARG BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION # Download checksums ADD${BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION}/SHA256SUMS ./ # Download bitcoin archive COPY docker/ /docker/ RUN /docker/ # minimal # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM as minimal ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG BUILDPLATFORM # LABEL"" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url="" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="fluencelabs" LABEL maintainer="fluencelabs" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors="fluencelabs" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="Fluence nox distro" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Minimal image containing only nox itself" ENV RUST_LOG="info,aquamarine=warn,tokio_threadpool=info,tokio_reactor=info,mio=info,tokio_io=info,soketto=info,yamux=info,multistream_select=info,libp2p_secio=info,libp2p_websocket::framed=info,libp2p_ping=info,libp2p_core::upgrade::apply=info,libp2p_kad::kbucket=info,cranelift_codegen=info,wasmer_wasi=info,cranelift_codegen=info,wasmer_wasi=info" ENV RUST_BACKTRACE="1" ## set /run_fluence as the CMD binary ENV S6_CMD_ARG0="/run_fluence" RUN \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ jq \ less \ logrotate \ curl wget && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf \ /tmp/* \ /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ /var/tmp/* # install missing libssl COPY docker/ /docker/ RUN /docker/ # aqua-ipfs builtin default env variables # instruct aqua-ipfs (client) to work with an IPFS node hosted on ENV FLUENCE_ENV_AQUA_IPFS_EXTERNAL_API_MULTIADDR=/dns4/ ENV FLUENCE_ENV_AQUA_IPFS_LOCAL_API_MULTIADDR=/dns4/ # connector[decider] builtin default env variables # 'true' means to join all deals # 'false' means to join no deals and disable connector completely ENV FLUENCE_ENV_CONNECTOR_JOIN_ALL_DEALS=true # instruct decider which api endpoint to poll ENV FLUENCE_ENV_CONNECTOR_API_ENDPOINT= # deal contract address ENV FLUENCE_ENV_CONNECTOR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=0xb497e025D3095A197E30Ca84DEc36a637E649868 # find deals from this block ENV FLUENCE_ENV_CONNECTOR_FROM_BLOCK=0x75f3fbc # download nox binary, builtins COPY fluence/ /fluence/ RUN /fluence/ /fluence/fluence.json # copy default fluence config COPY fluence/Config.default.toml /.fluence/v1/Config.toml ENV FLUENCE_CONFIG=/.fluence/v1/Config.toml # copy IPFS binary COPY --from=prepare-ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs /usr/bin/ipfs # copy s6 configs COPY s6/minimal/ / # ipfs # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM minimal as ipfs ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG BUILDPLATFORM LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="nox bundled with IPFS daemon" LABEL dev.fluence.bundles.ipfs="${IPFS_VERSION}" ENV IPFS_PATH=/config/ipfs ENV IPFS_LOG_DIR=/log/ipfs ENV IPFS_LOGGING_FMT=nocolor ENV IPFS_MIGRATE_FS=false ENV IPFS_ADDRESSES_SWARM=/ip4/,/ip4/ ENV IPFS_ADDRESSES_API=/ip4/ ENV IPFS_ADDRESSES_GATEWAY=/ip4/ ENV IPFS_ADDRESSES_ANNOUNCE=/ip4/,/ip4/ # aqua-ipfs builtin default env variables # instruct aqua-ipfs (client) to work with an IPFS node hosted on (inside this docker container) ENV FLUENCE_ENV_AQUA_IPFS_EXTERNAL_API_MULTIADDR=/ip4/ ENV FLUENCE_ENV_AQUA_IPFS_LOCAL_API_MULTIADDR=/ip4/ # download ipfs fs-repo-migrations tool COPY docker/ /docker/ RUN /docker/ # copy s6 configs COPY s6/ipfs/ / # expose IPFS node port EXPOSE 5001 # rich # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM ipfs as rich ARG CERAMIC_VERSION ARG GLAZED_VERSION ARG GETH_VERSION ARG BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG BUILDPLATFORM LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="nox bundled with IPFS, Ceramic CLI and other tools" LABEL dev.fluence.image.bundles.ceramic="${CERAMIC_VERSION}" LABEL dev.fluence.image.bundles.glazed="${GLAZED_VERSION}" LABEL dev.fluence.image.bundles.bitcoin_cli="${BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION}" LABEL dev.fluence.image.bundles.geth="${GETH_VERSION}" # add nodejs 16.x repo RUN curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/nodesource.gpg \ && echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nodesource.gpg] focal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list RUN \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ musl \ nodejs && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf \ /tmp/* \ /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ /var/tmp/* # install ceramic and glaze ENV SHELL=bash ENV PNPM_HOME="/pnpm" ENV PATH="$PNPM_HOME:$PATH" RUN curl -fsSL | sh - RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store \ pnpm install --prod -g \ @ceramicnetwork/cli@$CERAMIC_VERSION \ @glazed/cli@$GLAZED_VERSION # copy geth COPY --from=prepare-geth /usr/local/bin/geth /usr/bin/geth # copy bitcoin-cli COPY --from=prepare-bitcoin /bitcoin-${BITCOIN_CLI_VERSION}/bin/bitcoin-cli /usr/bin/bitcoin-cli # copy s6 configs COPY s6/rich/ /