# Fluence Compute Engine FCE is intended to run various Wasm binaries. At now, it is in the heavily developing phase. # Installation - Clone this project - `cargo install --path ` # Usage - `fce build` in Rust project # HOW TO: Create App with FCE Modules ## Recommendations: - Modules architecture should be upwards from `effectors` (modules that persist data and WASI modules) that will work with local binaries, local storage and syscalls to `pure modules` that perform business logic. - Splitting app to small FCE modules are easier to support, reuse and distribute - Each module for its own task (npm like) ## Module project structure - Init simple rust project `cargo init --bin` - `Config.toml`: ```toml [[bin]] name = "wasm_application" path = "src/main.rs" [dependencies] // logger - if you'll use logging fluence = { git = "https://github.com/fluencelabs/rust-sdk", features = ["logger"] } ``` - Methods that will be exported from this module marked with `#[fce]` ```rust use fluence::fce; #[fce] pub fn get(url: String) -> String { ... } ``` - Multiple arguments with primitive Rust types (`bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64, String, Vec`) and only one return argument could be used - Build project with `fce build` (supports --release and all other cargo flags now) - Copy wasm file from `target/wasm32-wasi/debug` to directory with other modules - To import other wasm modules to your project use similar code: ```rust #[fce] #[link(wasm_import_module = "wasm_curl.wasm")] extern "C" { #[link_name = "get"] pub fn curl_get(url: String) -> String; } #[fce] #[link(wasm_import_module = "wasm_local_storage.wasm")] extern "C" { #[link_name = "get"] pub fn curl_get(url: String) -> String; } ``` ## Combine modules to Application - Create simple Rust project - Create `Config.toml` to describe existed wasm modules and give accesses to host binaries and local storage if needed: ```toml core_modules_dir = "wasm/artifacts/modules" [[core_module]] name = "wasm_local_storage_with_curl.wasm" mem_pages_count = 100 [core_module.imports] curl = "/usr/bin/curl" [core_module.wasi] envs = [] preopened_files = ["./wasm/artifacts"] mapped_dirs = { "tmp" = "./wasm/artifacts" } ``` `core_modules_dir` - path to directory with all modules. All subsequent paths will be relative to this path `[[core_module]]` - modules list `name` - wasm file name in `core_modules_dir` `mem_pages_count` - a maximum number of Wasm memory pages that loaded module can use. Each Wasm pages is 65536 bytes long `[core_module.imports]` - list of available imports `curl = "/usr/bin/curl"` - gives possibility to call binary file `/usr/bin/curl` as method `curl` in Rust code Import example: ```rust #[link(wasm_import_module = "host")] extern "C" { fn curl(args: String) -> String; } ``` Call binary with arguments: `curl("-vvv ya.ru")` `[core_module.wasi]` - this block manages communication with the "outside" world `env` - environment variables. Usage: `std::env::var("IPFS_ADDR")` `preopened_files` - list of available directories for loaded modules `mapped_dirs` - mapping between paths Working with files as usual: ```rust fs::write(PathBuf::from("/tmp/somefile"), vec!(1,2,3)); fs::read(...); ```