boneyard93501 c991d0d153
Remove fldist from examples (#69)
* bump aqua version

* remove fldist env

* fldist env to aqua env

* update from fldist to aqua run

* update aqua
2022-02-16 09:21:21 -07:00
near-signing-node Remove fldist from examples (#69) 2022-02-16 09:21:21 -07:00
services replace fluence New_service with aqua dist deploy 2022-02-07 02:05:16 -06:00
README.md update peer section 2022-02-07 10:00:11 -06:00

NEAR + Fluence + Aqua Integrations


We provide integration examples for both a Fluence JS node based on the NEAR API JS and distributed Wasm services wrapping the NEAR RPC API. A NEAR CLI integration is planned for the near future.

Fluence JS NEAR Signing Peer

Signing transactions and messages is a critical operation both on- and off-chain and an integral part of most Web3 workflows. In Fluence's open, permissionless peer-to-peer network maintaining data privacy is a challenge. For example, passing the password for a keyfile or the private key itself is quite risky: while a peer-to-peer communication channel is end-to-end encrypted, the "end" of the channel is the node hosting the target service. Hence, a node can easily eavesdrop on decrypted traffic and abscond with your password or key and presumably, your funds. Of course, you can run your own node to eliminate such exploits. Rather than run a full-fledged Rust node for a limited scope requirement, a more advantageous solution might be to implement a Fluence Signing Node (FSN) with Node JS and Fluence JS, which is exactly what we have done for this example. While a Fluence JS peer does not allow for the hosting of arbitrary services at this point, it does allow to easily wrap the NEAR JS SDK and expose whatever interfaces you want to be used/composed with Aqua.

Implementing a Peer Node With Fluence JS and Aqua

As discussed in the documentation, we can use Fluence JS in a Node JS application resulting in a viable peer node of the Fluence p2p network. If you haven't, have a look at the documentation before you continue. To follow along the code below:

cd near-signing-node

In order to create our signing node, we wrap the NEAR JS SDK and, for a minimally viable experiment, expose the sendMoney and a couple non-signing functions.

In order to be able to expose sendMoney as an addressable service to Aqua, we need to implement the sendMoney interface and function in Aqua:

-- near_signing_node.aqua
func send_money(network_id:string, account_id:string, receiver_id:string, amount:string, password: string, node:string, relay:string) -> string:
    on node via relay:
        res <- NearSignerApi.send_money(network_id, account_id, receiver_id, amount)
    <- res

Note that we added additional parameters to our sendMoney implementation: near-api-js specifies the sendMoney function with two parameters -- the receiver id and amount. Since sendMoney is associated with Account, we need to add the from wallet address as well as the network_id to be able to activate the appropriate account on the desired NEAR network. In addition, our exposed sendMoney service runs on a peer-to-peer node and in order to be able to locate and execute the service, we need to provide the node's peer id and relay id. Finally, we guard our service with stylized authentication for which we use the password parameter. That is, on the peer <peer_id>, which we reach via the relay <relay_id> and assuming the checks out, we eventually execute:

sendMoney(receiverId: string, amount: BN)

Once we compile Aqua with the npm run compile aqua command, which writes the Typescript output into the /src/_aqua dir, we can then use the generated code, see src/_aqua/near_signing_node.ts, to implement our sendMoney service and any of ther other interfaces specified in Fluence JS, which essentially follows the NEAR example:

// index.ts
async send_money(network_id: string, account_id: string, receiver_id: string, amount: string, password: string): Promise<any> {
        if (!this.password_checker(password)) {
            return Promise.resolve("Not Authorized")
        const config = get_config(network_id, this._keyStore);
        const near = await network_connect(config);
        let account = await near.account(account_id);
        let tx_receipt = await account.sendMoney(receiver_id, amount)
        // return Promise.resolve(tx_receipt);
        let result = Promise.resolve(tx_receipt);
        return result;

Just like in the quickstart example, we implement the send_money method for the class NearSigner implements NearSignerApiDef class, where NearSignerApiDef is generated code from the Aqua compilation and which we register (as an exposed service) in async main like so:

// index.ts
async function main() {
    // ...
    registerNearSignerApi("near", new NearSigner());
    // ...

For the complete implementation details, see src/index.ts. Before we test our code, please note that in this implementation the wallet credentials are presumed to be in the ~/.near-credentials directory of the machine/system that runs the Fluence Signing Node. For testnet wallets, see https://wallet.testnet.near.org/ and https://docs.near.org/docs/develop/basics/create-account, to get started.

Note the implementations of account_state and get_balance, which follow the same implementation pattern discussed above but actually do not require account or wallet access.

Running And Interacting With The Fluence Peer

Open two terminal windows in the ~/near-examples/near-signing-node/ directory to launch the peer and a client peer, respectively. Please note that you can use the peer with a local Fluence node or the testnet. For our purposes, we will be using Fluence's krasnodar testnet.

Install the dependencies with:

# setup the node
npm i

Then compile Aqua:

# compile aqua
npm run compile-aqua

Which produces output similar to:

> near-signing-node@0.1.0 compile-aqua
> aqua -i aqua/ -o src/_aqua

2021.12.14 00:22:34 [INFO] Aqua Compiler 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
2021.12.14 00:22:34 [INFO] Result /Users/bebo/localdev/examples/aqua-examples/near-integration/near-signing-node/src/_aqua/near_signing_node.ts: compilation OK (3 functions, 1 services)
2021.12.14 00:22:34 [INFO] Result /Users/bebo/localdev/examples/aqua-examples/near-integration/near-signing-node/src/_aqua/near_demo.ts: compilation OK (2 functions, 1 services)

You can check the generated Typescript and AIR code in the src/_aqua directory. With our setup complete, let's start the peer:

# start the node
npm start

Which produces output similar to:

> near-signing-node@0.1.0 start
> node -r ts-node/register src/index.ts

PeerId:  12D3KooWLCaFtoq9uu1jFg38uZXU4fNAkcL5X3xoQu6UqFxRFavU
Relay id:  12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi
ctrl-c to exit

Please take note of the relay id and peer id for use in your client peer. In order to call the account_state method, open a new terminal window and navigate to the ~/examples/aqua-examples/near-integration/near-signing-node directory and execute:

aqua run \
    -i aqua -a "/dns4/kras-04.fluence.dev/tcp/19001/wss/p2p/12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi"  \
    -f 'account_state("testnet", "<your account>", "lame_password", "<peer id>", "relay id")'

Replace <your account> with your testnet account and <peer id> and <relay id> with the values provided by your peer output as discussed above. Once you've done that, the output should be similar to:

Your peerId: 12D3KooWJYGtESBvtLiCyY1XUrXR5WYBtfAU697SqVnwi5XmqkqW
    "amount": "199998727964846286399080000",
    "block_hash": "5Ves5ocsxmUSbsh6ZF5wutLiZSsPgm43H4H4zVDkacnA",
    "block_height": 74936860,
    "code_hash": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
    "locked": "0",
    "storage_paid_at": 0,
    "storage_usage": 674

Similarly, we can call our send_money service with Aqua:

 aqua run \
    -i aqua \
    -a "/dns4/kras-04.fluence.dev/tcp/19001/wss/p2p/12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi" \
    -f 'send_money("testnet", "<from account>", "<to account>", "10000", "lame_password", "<peer id>", "<relay id>")'

Replace the <from> and <to> account placeholders with your respective testnet wallets and the peer id and relay id with the values provided by your peer. Executing above Aqua statement produces a transaction receipt similar to the one below:

Your peerId: 12D3KooWG8yhYea2x8LiWWruLqRyrbHNAyq6oAj5jkjDLZe21YK1
    "receipts_outcome": [
        "block_hash": "7ZgHzMZsSirCxmJJ9tJJuHGjZBs1eG2tFWpYMBjYn9X1",
        "id": "7viub5UekSHHYi8ovEt5TuQNgtqZSgPx6EgUutv5i561",
        "outcome": {
          "executor_id": "<from account>",
          "gas_burnt": 223182562500,
          "logs": [],
          "metadata": {
            "gas_profile": [],
            "version": 1
          "receipt_ids": [
          "status": {
            "SuccessValue": ""
          "tokens_burnt": "22318256250000000000"
        "proof": [
            "direction": "Right",
            "hash": "AD7yhCufivqSZHRuTuqATFjjhkY9AiBHPGSqLvmADKJh"
            "direction": "Right",
            "hash": "3fiJCKaok6BVoKMrgBHTedJWbeNU5nNJzpN82Kxjyw94"
        "block_hash": "14EVqK6jpkKbkozEbdf5WrpxGAqzfq78kqj7Gv9smLBs",
        "id": "E5ajp367DHvZcitj6eZ9nCE6rSYUmZi2njg9LnkdbZvM",
        "outcome": {
          "executor_id": "<to account>",
          "gas_burnt": 223182562500,
          "logs": [],
          "metadata": {
            "gas_profile": [],
            "version": 1
          "receipt_ids": [],
          "status": {
            "SuccessValue": ""
          "tokens_burnt": "0"
        "proof": [
            "direction": "Left",
            "hash": "7cnaRc9PjGPHXd3fLngDQy8XQhmKtQXTPdrbq8Aas2Ti"
    "status": {
      "SuccessValue": ""
    "transaction": {
      "actions": [
          "Transfer": {
            "deposit": "10000"
      "hash": "3bmedi7erFPpwEWWgQHuMppoorvzed8x7w5mttofCVQw",
      "nonce": 74253069000003,
      "public_key": "ed25519:632DzcF3w7SLXJzDRcFdSHUBY2De8LECfJ9kCC4yERuj",
      "receiver_id": "<to account>",
      "signature": "ed25519:5zmMLczayMnnykBdn9MM3hUCWigZM5JgfAyT1E7mu7a4RNzPq9uahAKiGs1JWxNCor6zGHNbX8cpQYC59axxFtjR",
      "signer_id": "<from account>"
    "transaction_outcome": {
      "block_hash": "J4gEefXV6FM1crRxxQbHhhVWpuPdPHnEAx5Kb5coCDdj",
      "id": "3bmedi7erFPpwEWWgQHuMppoorvzed8x7w5mttofCVQw",
      "outcome": {
        "executor_id": "<from account>",
        "gas_burnt": 223182562500,
        "logs": [],
        "metadata": {
          "gas_profile": null,
          "version": 1
        "receipt_ids": [
        "status": {
          "SuccessReceiptId": "7viub5UekSHHYi8ovEt5TuQNgtqZSgPx6EgUutv5i561"
        "tokens_burnt": "22318256250000000000"
      "proof": []

You can use the Testnet Explorer to further investigate the token transfer you just executed.


In this section, we implemented a basic Fluence peer that outlines an approach to shield our NEAR wallet keys from other network participants and to implement singing related functionality, such as the send_money token transfer method. Additional methods, such as the more generic sign transaction and deploy contract can be easily implemented this way and we are looking forward to your pull requests. Also note, that our simple string return can be vastly improved by adding the appropriate interfaces.

In the next section, we briefly discuss how a variety of NEAR methods can be implemented as distributed, hosted services for easy deployment, re-use and scalability.

Fluence Wasm NEAR Services

Operating your own node may not always be desireable for a variety of reasons ranging from costs to reuse to scalability and failover requirements. A core feature of the Fluence peer-to-peer network paradigm, of course, is the deployment of Wasm services to essentially any peer, given some hosting agreement, which allows for high portability as well as easy reuse and scalability as a "deploy and forget", low cost solution. Even if the operation of a node is deemed necessary, as outlined in our Signing Node example above, it still may make sense to split services into a self-operated peer for signing-related activities and some hosted Wasm services otherwise. Of course, Aqua allows you to seamlessly compose any one of the (exposed) services regardless of the deployment approach.

In order to create a NEAR Wasm adapter, we wrap whatever functionality we need from the NEAR RPC API in our Wasm module(s).

Creating And Deploying NEAR Wasm Services

In the services directory, you find a minimal Wasm adapter for NEAR RPC API to get you started. Since we are connecting to on-chain resources via JSON-RPC, we need our service module to have access to cUrl, which we provide with the cUrl adapter:

// src/main.rs
#[link(wasm_import_module = "curl_adapter")]
extern "C" {
    pub fn curl_request(cmd: Vec<String>) -> MountedBinaryResult;

Let's have a look at the implementation of the network status method, which provides a fairly extensive snapshot of the network at the time in inquiry. Our adapter, or wrapper, implementation needs to envelope the RPC status endpoint and requires only one parameter: the network_id', e.g., testnet:

// src.main.rs
// <snip>
pub struct Result {
    pub stderr: String,
    pub stdout: String,

pub fn node_status(network_id: String) -> Result {
    let method = "status".to_string();
    let url = url_maker(network_id);
    let params = "[]".to_string();
    let curl_params: Vec<String> = rpc_maker(url, method, params);
    let response = curl_request(curl_params);
    Result {
        stderr: String::from_utf8(response.stderr).unwrap(),
        stdout: String::from_utf8(response.stdout).unwrap(),

Note that we use the Result struct to capture the curl response.

Assuming you compiled the code with ./scripts/build.sh, we can interact with the node_status in mrepl. Open the REPL with mrepl configs/Config.toml and:

mrepl configs/Config.toml
Welcome to the Marine REPL (version 0.9.1)
Minimal supported versions
  sdk: 0.6.0
  interface-types: 0.20.0

app service was created with service id = e9ecced7-521c-4dd7-b205-61c8da3be0da
elapsed time 91.995618ms

1> call near_rpc_services node_status ["testnet"]
result: Object({"stderr": String("  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current\n                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed\n\r  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0\r100    68    0     0  100    68      0    110 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   110\r100  5384  100  5316  100    68   8091    103 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8182\n"), "stdout": String("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":{\"version\":{\"version\":\"1.23.0-rc.1\",\"build\":\"crates-0.10.0-70-g93e8521c9\"},\"chain_id\":\"testnet\",\"protocol_version\":49,\"latest_protocol_version\":49,
 elapsed time: 666.350943ms


As you can see, this is a straight mapping of the RPC response to the Result struct introduced above, which we can process in Aqua like so:

-- some example aqua file
data Result:
    stderr: string
    stdout: string

service RPCService:
    node_status(network_id: string, block_ref:string) -> Result

func rpc_foo(network_id: string, block_ref:string, node_string, service_id: string ) -> string: 
    on node:
        RPCService service_id
        res <- RPCService.node_status(network_id, block_ref)
        if res.stderr:
            result <<- "call failed"
            result <<- res.stdout
        <- result

Before we can use our Fluence NEAR adapter, we need to deploy our Wasm modules to one or more host peers. We can do that with Aqua CLI:

aqua dist deploy \
     --addr /dns4/kras-04.fluence.dev/tcp/19001/wss/p2p/12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi \
     --data-path configs/near_deploy_cfg.json \
     --service near-adapter

Which gives us the deployment information:

Your peerId: 12D3KooWNg9YAJWzSRC5Wt2U38beXWAZQfZc2xxqVLVogRkSYKiv
"Going to upload a module..."
2022.02.07 01:58:44 [INFO] created ipfs client to /ip4/
2022.02.07 01:58:44 [INFO] connected to ipfs
2022.02.07 01:58:45 [INFO] file uploaded
"Going to upload a module..."
2022.02.07 01:58:45 [INFO] created ipfs client to /ip4/
2022.02.07 01:58:46 [INFO] connected to ipfs
2022.02.07 01:58:49 [INFO] file uploaded
"Now time to make a blueprint..."
"Blueprint id:"
"And your service id is:"

Please note the node id, "12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi", and service id "b39eb93d-0e7b-478c-976f-2e5b05ec02fb" for future use in our Aqua. Let's have a look at our aqua script in 'aqua/near_adapter_demo.aqua`:

-- aqua/near_adapter_demo_aqua
func node_status(network_id: string, node: string, service_id: string) -> Result: 
    on node:
        NearRpcServices service_id
        res <- NearRpcServices.node_status(network_id)
    <- res

Which we can run with the aqua cli:

aqua run \
    -i aqua/near_adapter_demo.aqua \
    -a /dns4/kras-04.fluence.dev/tcp/19001/wss/p2p/12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi \
    -f 'node_status("testnet", "12D3KooWFEwNWcHqi9rtsmDhsYcDbRUCDXH84RC4FW6UfsFWaoHi", "b39eb93d-0e7b-478c-976f-2e5b05ec02fb")'

Which results in the following output:

Your peerId: 12D3KooWMWt2xWsqZxF3sEcBajsDRVARziKdyqkCoDXKeqYMnawm
  "stderr": "",
  "stdout": "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":{\"version\":{\"version\":\"1.24.0-rc.2\",\"build\":\"crates-0.11.0-72-g6c5199f3b\"},\"chain_id\":\"testnet\",\"protocol_version\":51,\"latest_protocol_version\":51,\"rpc_addr\":\"\",\"validators\":[{\"account_id\":\"node1\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"node0\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"node2\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"node3\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"staked.pool.f863973.m0\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"masternode24.pool.f863973.m0\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"01node.pool.f863973.m0\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"p2p.pool.f863973.m0\",\"is_slashed\":false},{\"account_id\":\"legends.<snip>

Give the already implemented view_account and tx_status functions a try or add more methods from the RPC API -- we are looking forward to your pull requests.


We created portable Wasm modules to function as an adapter to NEAR's JSON-RPC framework, which can be distributed as hosted services to Rust peer nodes. These services may be used on their own or in conjunction with a specialized peer node, see above, taking care of signing tasks while shielding the secret (wallet) keys from preying eyes. Regardless of the implementation route taken, Aqua allows us to seamlessly compose and reuse our services regardless of the chosen deployment option.