# Greeting ## Overview This is a very simple service comprised of a single Wasm module, where the module only has one function, greeting. Fundamentally, this example illustrates how to build a function as a service (FaaS) for peer-to-peer deployment, with the exciting purpose of providing a hello world experience. ## Build To build the example, please run the following command: ``` ./build.sh ``` After the build is done, you get the module in the `artifacts` directory: ``` ➜ greeting git:(main) ✗ ls artifacts greeting.wasm ``` ## Run Test and inspect the example locally using the `mrepl` tool: ``` greeting git:(main) mrepl Config.toml Welcome to the Marine REPL (version 0.16.1) Minimal supported versions sdk: 0.6.0 interface-types: 0.20.0 app service was created with service id = 05251276-81fe-4dad-aea1-f35981077ec1 elapsed time 99.394571ms 1> i Loaded modules interface: greeting: fn greeting(name: string) -> string 2> call greeting greeting ["Mundo"] result: String("Hi, Mundo") elapsed time: 123.176µs 3> q ➜ greeting git:(main) ``` Alternatively we can use `cargo test`: ``` ➜ greeting git:(main) cargo +nightly test --release .... Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 10m 35s Running unittests src/main.rs (target/release/deps/greeting-35ba77ac6c6613e5) running 2 tests test tests::non_empty_string ... ok test tests::empty_string ... ok test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.14s ➜ greeting git:(main) ``` For more detailed and in depth reading on the example please refer to the [Marine Examples Readme](../README.md#greeting-example)