# Getting Started with Fluence This is a sample Node.js application using Fluence JS Client. It exposes a calculator service written in Typescript which can be accessed from Fluence Network using Aqua language > To run this example you need `@latest` version of Fluence CLI. You can find installation guide [here](https://github.com/fluencelabs/cli). ## Getting started Go to `src/frontend` folder: ```bash cd ./src/frontend ``` Install dependencies: ```bash npm i ``` Run aqua compiler: ```bash fluence aqua ``` Start the Node.js application: ```bash npm start ``` This should start listening to incoming particles from Fluence Network. Open another terminal window and go to the example dir. Try interacting with the application by executing aqua function: ```bash fluence run -f 'demoCalculation()' ``` ## Learn more To learn more, refer to the [documentation page](https://fluence.dev//docs/build/js-client/js-client)