diff --git a/aqua-examples/aqua-ipfs-integration/README.md b/aqua-examples/aqua-ipfs-integration/README.md index 7c09f3a..c8ccb58 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/aqua-ipfs-integration/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/aqua-ipfs-integration/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # IPFS code execution example +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. + This example showcases 2 things: 1. how it's possible to store .wasm modules on IPFS, then deploy them to Fluence as a service diff --git a/aqua-examples/decentralized-blockchain-gateway/README.md b/aqua-examples/decentralized-blockchain-gateway/README.md index 8a65ba4..1144cae 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/decentralized-blockchain-gateway/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/decentralized-blockchain-gateway/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # Explorations In Decentralizing Blockchain Gateways +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## Overview The [Ethereum virtual machine](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/evm/) (EVM) is available across a variety of L1, L2 and sidechains with implementations ranging from straight clones to [compatible or equivalent](https://metisdao.medium.com/evm-equivalence-vs-evm-compatibility-199bd66f455d) incarnations. [Ethereum JSON RPC](https://ethereum.github.io/execution-apis/api-documentation/) is the base API to access EVM functionality and the underlying request model for the various web3 libraries such as [ethers](https://docs.ethers.io/v5/) or [ethers-rs](https://docs.rs/ethers/0.1.3/ethers/). In theory, and sometimes even practice, this allows developers to reuse their contracts and Web3 code across different chains with no changes but a few parameters. diff --git a/aqua-examples/drand/README.md b/aqua-examples/drand/README.md index 010ced5..c909a28 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/drand/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/drand/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # League Of Entropy Drand +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## Introduction Randomness is critical to many application ranging from statistical sampling to games to cryptography. [Randomness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randomness) is defined to be void of any predictability and sequential randomness should have no order. Yet, randomness is hard to come by to begin with and even more so in open, permissionless systems where we want not only randomness but verifiable randomness. In our [VRFun](../vrfun/) example, we illustrate how [Verifiable Random Functions](https://people.csail.mit.edu/silvio/Selected%20Scientific%20Papers/Pseudo%20Randomness/Verifiable_Random_Functions.pdf) can be used to satisfy this requirement. However, using the implemented VRF requires the user to provide (a one-time) secret key introducing a significant, and in most cases untenable, element of trust. diff --git a/aqua-examples/echo-greeter/Readme.md b/aqua-examples/echo-greeter/Readme.md index 6ca1bae..755d57a 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/echo-greeter/Readme.md +++ b/aqua-examples/echo-greeter/Readme.md @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # Greeting Service +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. + In this example we illustrate the implementation and composition of two services into a decentralized application with Aqua. Specifically, we use a hosted greeting, aka *hello world*, service as a consumer of the output of another hosted service with Aqua. For the purpose of this example let's call our upstream service *echo-service*, which simply echos inputs. *Echo-service* can be viewed as a placeholder for, say, a database or formatting service. ## Requirements diff --git a/aqua-examples/near-integration/README.md b/aqua-examples/near-integration/README.md index 749cdf8..a7071e1 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/near-integration/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/near-integration/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # NEAR + Fluence + Aqua Integrations + +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## Overview We provide integration examples for both a [Fluence JS](https://github.com/fluencelabs/fluence-js) peer based on the [NEAR API JS](https://docs.near.org/docs/api/javascript-library) and distributed [Wasm services](https://github.com/fluencelabs/marine) wrapping the [NEAR RPC API](https://docs.near.org/api/rpc/introduction). A [NEAR CLI](https://docs.near.org/docs/tools/near-cli) integration is planned for the near future. diff --git a/aqua-examples/price-oracle/README.md b/aqua-examples/price-oracle/README.md index 5a18532..f61ad3b 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/price-oracle/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/price-oracle/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Price Oracle With Fluence And Aqua - +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## About Fluence Fluence provides an open Web3 protocol, framework and associated tooling to develop and host applications, interfaces and backends on permissionless peer-to-peer networks. An integral part of the Fluence solution is the Aquamarine stack comprised of Aqua and Marine. Aqua is a new programming language and paradigm purpose-built to program distributed networks and compose applications from distributed services. Marine is a general purpose Wasm runtime and toolkit, allows developers to build distributed services that can be composed into distributed applications by Aqua. diff --git a/aqua-examples/ts-oracle/Readme.md b/aqua-examples/ts-oracle/Readme.md index 5b37ba1..5813cb9 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/ts-oracle/Readme.md +++ b/aqua-examples/ts-oracle/Readme.md @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # Timestamp Oracle PoC +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## Overview Getting accurate timestamps can be problematic in various contexts including blockchains. Timestamp oracles can alleviate this concern by aggregating and processing a variety of timestamp sources into a point- or range-estimate. Of course, the acquisition of accurate timestamps not subject to manipulation is a critical attribute of a good oracle. The Fluence peer-to-peer network offers a large number of independent nodes that can serve as timestamp sources from either Kademilia or TrustGraph neighborhoods. diff --git a/aqua-examples/vrfun/README.md b/aqua-examples/vrfun/README.md index bb914ef..886fe4a 100644 --- a/aqua-examples/vrfun/README.md +++ b/aqua-examples/vrfun/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # Verifiable Random Function With Marine And Aqua +> The build and deploy instructions as well as some of the Aqua code are outdated and the deployed services are no longer available. An updated version will be available soon. ## Overview A [Verifiable Random Function](https://people.csail.mit.edu/silvio/Selected%20Scientific%20Papers/Pseudo%20Randomness/Verifiable_Random_Functions.pdf) (VRF) is a pseudorandom function that provides proofs that its outputs were constructed in a verifiable manner. While the proof is constructed with both public and private data, i.e., private key, the verification only requires the public data. Not surprisingly, VRFs play an important role in trustless systems, such as blockchain protocols and, of course, the Fluence network. We are implementing [ECVRF](https://github.com/Silur/ECVRF), which uses ED25519, as a Marine Wasm off-chain service callable from Aqua.