# Installation of Aqua The easiest way to use Aqua is to download the latest build from npm: [@fluencelabs/aqua](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@fluencelabs/aqua). ```bash npm i -g @fluencelabs/aqua aqua --input src/aqua --output src/generated ``` Input directory should contain files with `.aqua` scripts. Other ways of building Aqua can be found in [INSTALL.md](./INSTALL.md). ## Build from sources If you want to build Aqua compiler from the sourcecode, you need [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/)'s `sbt` installed. Aqua compiler itself can be compiled to and distributed either as JavaScript or Java file. ### Build to JS Run `sbt cliJS/fullLinkOpt` to build JavaScript file. You can find the compiled file in: `cli/.js/target/scala-%scala-version%/cli-opt`. Then run it with `node`: ```bash node aqua-%version_number%.js -i path/to/input/dir -o path/to/output/dir ``` Javascript build is the default for Aqua. ### Build to JVM Run `sbt cli/assembly` to build JAR file. It is located in `cli/.jvm/target/scala-%scala-version%/` It requires `java` to run Aqua compiler in `.jar` file from the command line: ```bash java -jar aqua-%version_number%.jar -i path/to/input/dir -o path/to/output/dir ```