import sbt.* import sbt.Keys.* import org.scalajs.linker.interface.Report import org.scalajs.sbtplugin.ScalaJSPlugin.autoImport.* /** * Utility to add bundling js functionality to a project. */ object BundleJS { // Bundle full js (result of fullLinkJS) val fullBundleJS = taskKey[Unit]("Full bundle JS") // Bundle fast js (result of fastLinkJS) val fastBundleJS = taskKey[Unit]("Fast bundle JS") /** * Add full/fast bundle JS tasks to a project. * * @param outputFilePath **relative to baseDirectory** path to output file * @return Seq of settings with tasks */ def addBundleJS( outputFilePath: String // TODO: Accept `File` ) = Seq( fullBundleJS := Def.taskDyn { bundleJS(fullLinkJS, outputFilePath) }.value, fastBundleJS := Def.taskDyn { bundleJS(fastLinkJS, outputFilePath) }.value ) private def bundleJS( linkJSTask: TaskKey[Attributed[Report]], outputFilePath: String ) = Def.taskDyn { val logger = streams.value.log val jsDir = (Compile / linkJSTask / scalaJSLinkerOutputDirectory).value val linkResult = (Compile / linkJSTask).value val outputFile = baseDirectory.value / outputFilePath match { case Nil => throw new RuntimeException("No public modules generated") case _ :: _ :: _ => throw new RuntimeException("More than one public module generated") case module :: Nil => val jsFile = jsDir / module.jsFileName Def.task {"Copying $jsFile to $outputFile") IO.copyFile(jsFile, outputFile) } } } }