Precompile WIP

This commit is contained in:
alari 2021-03-05 22:46:32 +03:00
parent 4356620579
commit fb176ebc15
2 changed files with 48 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package aqua.context
import aqua.context.walker.Walker
import aqua.interim.{Func, Op}
import aqua.parser.{Block, DefFunc, FuncExpr}
import cats.Comonad
import shapeless._
case class Precompile(funcs: Map[String, Func] = Map.empty, build: Option[Op] = None)
object Precompile {
class Pass[F[_]: Comonad, I <: HList, O <: HList](extend: Walker[F, I, O]) extends Walker[F, I, Precompile :: O] {
override def exitFuncExprGroup(group: FuncExpr[F, I], last: Out): Out =
last.head :: extend.exitFuncExprGroup(group, last.tail)
override def funcOpCtx(op: FuncExpr[F, I], prev: Out): Out = prev.head :: extend.funcOpCtx(op, prev.tail)
override def blockCtx(block: Block[F, I]): Out =
(block match {
case DefFunc(head, body, context) =>
// get func types from vartypes
// (later) get result type
}) :: extend.blockCtx(block)
override def emptyCtx: Out = Precompile() :: extend.emptyCtx
override def combineBlockCtx(prev: Out, block: Out): Out =
Precompile(prev.head.funcs ++ block.head.funcs) :: extend.combineBlockCtx(prev.tail, block.tail)
override def duplicates(prev: Out, next: Out): List[Walker.DupError[F]] = extend.duplicates(prev.tail, next.tail)
override def unresolved(ctx: Out): (List[Walker.UnresolvedError[F]], Out) = {
val (extErr, extOut) = extend.unresolved(ctx.tail)
(extErr, ctx.head :: extOut)

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package aqua.interim
case class Op(label: String, ops: List[Ctx => Op])
case class Ctx(on: String, prefix: String)
case class Func(args: List[(String, Type)], body: Ctx => Op)