mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 14:40:17 +00:00
use mangler in ArrowSem for generated variables
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,35 @@
aqua A
export test
export bugLNG260
func create(a: i8) -> -> i8:
closureArrow = () -> i8:
<- a
<- closureArrow
-- func create(a: i8) -> -> i8:
-- closureArrow = () -> i8:
-- <- a
-- <- closureArrow
-- func test() -> i8, i8:
-- arr1 <- create(1)
-- arr2 <- create(2)
-- <- arr1(), arr2()
func test() -> i8, i8:
arr1 <- create(1)
arr2 <- create(2)
<- arr1(), arr2()
func cmp(a: i32, b: i32, pred: i8 -> bool) -> bool:
result: ?bool
if a < b:
result <- pred(-1)
if a == b:
result <- pred(0)
result <- pred(1)
<- result!
func gt(a: i32, b: i32) -> bool:
pred = (ord: i8) -> bool:
<- ord > 0
<- cmp(a, b, pred)
func bugLNG260(a: i32, b: i32) -> bool:
<- gt(a, b)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import aqua.semantics.rules.ValuesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.abilities.AbilitiesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.definitions.DefinitionsAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.locations.LocationsAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.mangler.ManglerAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.names.NamesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.types.TypesAlgebra
import cats.Monad
@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ object ExprSem {
T: TypesAlgebra[S, G],
V: ValuesAlgebra[S, G],
D: DefinitionsAlgebra[S, G],
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, G]
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, G],
M: ManglerAlgebra[G]
): Prog[G, Raw] =
expr match {
case expr: ServiceIdExpr[S] => new ServiceIdSem(expr).program[G]
@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ object RawSemantics extends Logging {
T: TypesAlgebra[S, G],
D: DefinitionsAlgebra[S, G],
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, G],
E: ReportAlgebra[S, G]
E: ReportAlgebra[S, G],
M: ManglerAlgebra[G]
): (Expr[S], Chain[G[RawWithToken[S]]]) => Eval[G[RawWithToken[S]]] = (expr, inners) =>
Eval later ExprSem
.getProg[S, G](expr)
@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
package aqua.semantics.expr.func
import aqua.parser.expr.FuncExpr
import aqua.parser.expr.func.ArrowExpr
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Arg, DataTypeToken}
import aqua.raw.Raw
import aqua.raw.arrow.ArrowRaw
import aqua.raw.ops.{SeqTag, *}
import aqua.raw.ops.*
import aqua.raw.value.*
import aqua.semantics.Prog
import aqua.semantics.rules.ValuesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.abilities.AbilitiesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.locations.LocationsAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.mangler.ManglerAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.names.NamesAlgebra
import aqua.semantics.rules.types.TypesAlgebra
import aqua.types.*
import cats.Eval
import cats.data.{Chain, NonEmptyList}
import cats.free.{Cofree, Free}
import cats.data.OptionT
import cats.syntax.show.*
import cats.Monad
import cats.data.Chain
import cats.free.Cofree
import cats.syntax.applicative.*
import cats.syntax.apply.*
import cats.syntax.foldable.*
import cats.syntax.bifunctor.*
import cats.syntax.flatMap.*
import cats.syntax.foldable.*
import cats.syntax.functor.*
import cats.syntax.traverse.*
import cats.{Applicative, Monad}
class ArrowSem[S[_]](val expr: ArrowExpr[S]) extends AnyVal {
@ -35,9 +28,7 @@ class ArrowSem[S[_]](val expr: ArrowExpr[S]) extends AnyVal {
def before[Alg[_]: Monad](implicit
T: TypesAlgebra[S, Alg],
N: NamesAlgebra[S, Alg],
A: AbilitiesAlgebra[S, Alg],
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, Alg]
N: NamesAlgebra[S, Alg]
): Alg[ArrowType] = for {
arrowType <- T.beginArrowScope(arrowTypeExpr)
// Create local variables
@ -57,13 +48,11 @@ class ArrowSem[S[_]](val expr: ArrowExpr[S]) extends AnyVal {
T: TypesAlgebra[S, Alg],
N: NamesAlgebra[S, Alg],
A: AbilitiesAlgebra[S, Alg],
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, Alg]
M: ManglerAlgebra[Alg]
): Alg[Raw] = for {
streamsInScope <- N.streamsDefinedWithinScope()
retValues <- T.endArrowScope(expr.arrowTypeExpr)
retValuesDerivedFrom <- N.getDerivedFrom(retValues.map(_.varNames))
res = bodyGen match {
res <- bodyGen match {
case FuncOp(bodyModel) =>
// TODO: wrap with local on...via...
val retsAndArgs = retValues zip funcArrow.codomain.toList
@ -77,51 +66,63 @@ class ArrowSem[S[_]](val expr: ArrowExpr[S]) extends AnyVal {
val localStreams = streamsInScope -- dataArgsNames -- streamsThatReturnAsStreams
// process stream that returns as not streams and all Apply*Raw
val (bodyRets, retVals) = retsAndArgs.mapWithIndex {
case ((v @ VarRaw(_, StreamType(_)), StreamType(_)), _) =>
(Chain.empty, v)
retsAndArgs.traverse {
case (v @ VarRaw(_, StreamType(_)), StreamType(_)) =>
(Chain.empty, v).pure[Alg]
// canonicalize and change return value
case ((VarRaw(streamName, streamType @ StreamType(streamElement)), _), idx) =>
val canonReturnVar = VarRaw(s"-$streamName-fix-$idx", CanonStreamType(streamElement))
val returnVar = VarRaw(s"-$streamName-flat-$idx", ArrayType(streamElement))
val body = Chain(
VarRaw(streamName, streamType),
Call.Export(canonReturnVar.name, canonReturnVar.`type`)
case (VarRaw(streamName, streamType @ StreamType(streamElement)), _) =>
for {
canonName <- M.rename(s"-$streamName-fix")
returnVarName <- M.rename(s"-$streamName-flat")
} yield {
val canonReturnVar = VarRaw(canonName, CanonStreamType(streamElement))
val returnVar = VarRaw(returnVarName, ArrayType(streamElement))
val body = Chain(
VarRaw(streamName, streamType),
Call.Export(canonReturnVar.name, canonReturnVar.`type`)
(body, returnVar)
(body, returnVar)
// assign and change return value for all `Apply*Raw`
case ((v: ValueRaw.ApplyRaw, _), idx) =>
val assignedReturnVar = VarRaw(s"-return-fix-$idx", v.`type`)
val body = Chain.one(
case (v: ValueRaw.ApplyRaw, _) =>
for {
assignedReturnName <- M.rename(s"-return-fix")
} yield {
val assignedReturnVar = VarRaw(assignedReturnName, v.`type`)
(body, assignedReturnVar)
case ((v, _), _) => (Chain.empty, v)
val body = Chain.one(
val bodyModified = SeqTag.wrap(
bodyModel +: bodyRets
(body, assignedReturnVar)
// wrap streams with restrictions
val bodyWithRestrictions = localStreams.foldLeft(bodyModified) {
case (bm, (streamName, streamType)) =>
RestrictionTag(streamName, streamType).wrap(bm)
case (v, _) => (Chain.empty, v).pure[Alg]
}.map(_.unzip.leftMap(_.combineAll)).map { case (bodyRets, retVals) =>
val bodyModified = SeqTag.wrap(
bodyModel +: bodyRets
// wrap streams with restrictions
val bodyWithRestrictions =
localStreams.foldLeft(bodyModified) { case (bm, (streamName, streamType)) =>
RestrictionTag(streamName, streamType).wrap(bm)
ArrowRaw(funcArrow, retVals, bodyWithRestrictions)
ArrowRaw(funcArrow, retVals, bodyWithRestrictions)
case _ => Raw.error("Invalid arrow body")
case _ => Raw.error("Invalid arrow body").pure[Alg]
} yield res
@ -129,7 +130,8 @@ class ArrowSem[S[_]](val expr: ArrowExpr[S]) extends AnyVal {
T: TypesAlgebra[S, Alg],
N: NamesAlgebra[S, Alg],
A: AbilitiesAlgebra[S, Alg],
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, Alg]
L: LocationsAlgebra[S, Alg],
M: ManglerAlgebra[Alg]
): Prog[Alg, Raw] =
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