mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 22:50:18 +00:00
Names -> InOutAcc refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,19 +6,15 @@ val catsV = "2.4.2"
lazy val root = project
name := "aqua-hll",
version := "0.1.0",
scalaVersion := dottyVersion,
name := "aqua-hll",
version := "0.1.0",
scalaVersion := dottyVersion,
mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("aqua.Main"),
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.0.0-RC2",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-parse" % "0.3.1",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-free" % catsV
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-parse" % "0.3.1",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-free" % catsV
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.2.2" % Test,
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.2" % Test
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.2.5" % Test,
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.5" % Test
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package aqua
import aqua.parser.{ArrowType, Block, DataType, Type}
import aqua.model.Names
import aqua.parser.Block
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel}
import cats.parse.{Parser => P, Parser0 => P0}
import aqua.parser.lift.Span
import cats.syntax.validated._
object Aqua {
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package aqua
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import cats.syntax.show._
import aqua.ir._
import cats.data.{Kleisli, Validated}
import cats.data.Validated
import scala.io.Source
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
package aqua
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Value, VarLambda}
import aqua.parser._
import cats.data.Validated.Valid
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel}
import cats.syntax.comonad._
import cats.syntax.functor._
// Fully resolved Scope must have no expected abilities (all resolved)
case class Names[F[_]](
// None means "inherit"
peerId: Option[F[Value]] = None,
// Take vars, set vars
// Data type is not yet known
importData: Names.Acc[F, Value] = Names.Acc.empty[F, Value],
exportData: Names.Acc[F, String] = Names.Acc.empty[F, String],
// Abilities can be imported or set
unresolvedAbilities: Names.Acc[F, String] = Names.Acc.empty[F, String],
resolvedAbilities: Names.Acc[F, String] = Names.Acc.empty[F, String],
// Abilities can be defined and expected
expectedAbilities: Names.Acc[F, String] = Names.Acc.empty[F, String],
definedAbilities: Names.Acc[F, DefService[F]] = Names.Acc.empty[F, DefService[F]],
// Types can be defined and expected
expectedTypes: Names.Acc[F, CustomType] = Names.Acc.empty[F, CustomType],
definedTypes: Names.Acc[F, Either[Type, DefType[F]]] = Names.Acc.empty[F, Either[Type, DefType[F]]],
// We don't know the types yet
expectedArrows: Names.Acc[F, String] = Names.Acc.empty[F, String],
definedFuncs: Names.Acc[F, DefFunc[F]] = Names.Acc.empty[F, DefFunc[F]],
localArrows: Names.Acc[F, ArrowType] = Names.Acc.empty[F, ArrowType],
// Set when know
mode: Option[F[Names.CustomMode]] = None
object Names {
case class Acc[F[_], T](data: Map[String, NonEmptyList[F[T]]]) {
def add(other: Acc[F, T], subtract: Set[String] = Set.empty): Acc[F, T] =
copy(data = (other.data -- subtract).foldLeft(data) {
case (accD, (k, v)) =>
accD.updatedWith(k)(dv => Option(dv.fold(v)(_ ++ v.toList)))
def keys = data.keySet
def sub(n: String) = copy(data = data - n)
def toErrors(toMsg: (String, F[T]) => String)(implicit F: Functor[F]): List[F[String]] =
data.flatMap {
case (n, vs) => vs.toList.map(ft => ft.as(toMsg(n, ft)))
def erase: Acc[F, T] = Acc.empty
def addOne(n: String, v: F[T]) = add(Acc.one(n, v))
def takeKeys(keys: Set[String]) = copy(data = data.view.filterKeys(keys).toMap)
object Acc {
def empty[F[_], T]: Acc[F, T] = Acc(Map.empty[String, NonEmptyList[F[T]]])
def str[F[_]: Comonad](v: F[String]): Acc[F, String] = one(v.extract, v)
def one[F[_], T](n: String, v: F[T]): Acc[F, T] = Acc(Map(n -> NonEmptyList.one(v)))
sealed trait CustomMode
case object ParMode extends CustomMode
case object XorMode extends CustomMode
private def combineSeq[G[_]: Comonad](a: Names[G], b: Names[G]): Names[G] =
exportData = a.exportData add b.exportData,
importData = a.importData.add(b.importData, a.exportData.keys),
resolvedAbilities =
if (b.peerId == a.peerId) a.resolvedAbilities add b.resolvedAbilities else a.resolvedAbilities,
unresolvedAbilities = a.unresolvedAbilities.add(b.unresolvedAbilities, a.resolvedAbilities.keys),
expectedArrows = a.expectedArrows.add(b.expectedArrows, a.definedFuncs.keys),
definedFuncs = a.definedFuncs add b.definedFuncs,
expectedTypes = a.expectedTypes.add(b.expectedTypes, a.definedTypes.keys),
definedTypes = a.definedTypes add b.definedTypes,
expectedAbilities = a.expectedAbilities.add(b.expectedAbilities, a.definedAbilities.keys),
definedAbilities = a.definedAbilities add b.definedAbilities
def funcOps[G[_]: Comonad](ops: NonEmptyList[G[FuncOp[G]]]): Names[G] =
ops.map(funcOp[G]).foldLeft[Names[G]](Names[G]()) {
case (acc, n) if n.mode.isEmpty =>
combineSeq(acc, n)
case (acc, n) if n.mode.exists(_.extract == ParMode) =>
exportData = acc.exportData add n.exportData,
importData = acc.importData add n.importData,
unresolvedAbilities = acc.unresolvedAbilities add n.unresolvedAbilities,
expectedArrows = acc.expectedArrows add n.expectedArrows,
expectedTypes = acc.expectedTypes add n.expectedTypes,
expectedAbilities = acc.expectedAbilities add n.expectedAbilities
case (acc, n) if n.mode.exists(_.extract == XorMode) =>
importData = acc.importData add n.importData,
unresolvedAbilities = acc.unresolvedAbilities add n.unresolvedAbilities,
expectedArrows = acc.expectedArrows add n.expectedArrows,
expectedTypes = acc.expectedTypes add n.expectedTypes,
expectedAbilities = acc.expectedAbilities add n.expectedAbilities
private def valuesToNames[G[_]: Comonad](args: List[G[Value]]): Acc[G, Value] =
.collect(arg =>
arg.extract match {
case VarLambda(name, _) => Acc.one[G, Value](name, arg)
.foldLeft(Acc.empty[G, Value])(_ add _)
def funcOp[G[_]: Comonad](op: G[FuncOp[G]]): Names[G] =
op.extract match {
case FuncCall(fname, fargs) =>
expectedArrows = Acc.str(fname),
importData = valuesToNames(fargs)
case AbilityFuncCall(ab, fc) =>
val funcNames = funcOp(fc.widen[FuncOp[G]])
funcNames.copy(unresolvedAbilities = Acc.one(ab.extract, ab), expectedArrows = Acc.empty)
case Extract(n, fn) =>
val funcNames = funcOp(fn.widen[FuncOp[G]])
funcNames.copy(exportData = Acc.str(n))
case AbilityId(ab, id) =>
resolvedAbilities = Acc.str(ab),
expectedAbilities = Acc.str(ab),
importData = valuesToNames(id :: Nil)
case On(p, ops) =>
val ns = funcOps(ops.map(_.widen[FuncOp[G]])).copy(peerId = Some(p))
p.extract match {
case VarLambda(name, _) =>
ns.copy(importData = ns.importData add Acc.one(name, p))
case _ => ns
case Par(op) =>
funcOp(op.widen[FuncOp[G]]).copy(mode = Some(op.as(ParMode)))
def typeAcc[G[_]: Comonad](t: G[Type]): Acc[G, CustomType] =
t.extract match {
case ct: CustomType =>
Acc.one(ct.name, t.as(ct))
case at: ArrayType =>
case at: ArrowType =>
(t.as[Type](at.res) :: at.args.map(t.as[Type](_)))
.map[Acc[G, CustomType]](v => typeAcc[G](v))
.foldLeft[Acc[G, CustomType]](Acc.empty[G, CustomType])(_ add _)
case _: BasicType =>
def funcHeadNames[G[_]: Comonad](head: FuncHead[G], body: Names[G]): Names[G] =
// We clear the mode, as functions are always defined in a sequence
mode = None,
// Function may have result type, but it's not names
exportData = body.exportData.erase,
// Until we have a notion for exporting abilities, they're cleaned
resolvedAbilities = body.resolvedAbilities.erase,
// Expected arrows are not reduced by this func's name, hence recursive functions are forbidden
expectedTypes = head.args.map(_._3).map(typeAcc(_)).foldLeft(body.expectedTypes)(_ add _),
// Even if peer is defined, it's defined inside
peerId = None
) {
case (names, (k, _, ft)) =>
ft.extract match {
case cd: CustomType =>
importData = names.importData sub k,
expectedTypes = names.expectedTypes.addOne(cd.name, ft.as(cd))
case cd: ArrayType =>
importData = names.importData sub k,
expectedTypes = names.expectedTypes add typeAcc[G](ft.as(cd.data))
case at: ArrowType =>
expectedArrows = names.expectedArrows sub k,
localArrows = names.localArrows.addOne(k, ft.as(at))
def funcNames[G[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[G]): Names[G] =
funcHeadNames(func.head, funcOps(func.body))
def blockNames[G[_]: Comonad](block: Block[G]): Names[G] =
block match {
case func: DefFunc[G] =>
localArrows = Acc.empty,
definedFuncs = Acc.one(func.head.name.extract, func.head.name.as(func))
case deft: DefType[G] =>
definedTypes = Acc.one(deft.name.extract, deft.name.as(Right(deft))),
expectedTypes = deft.fields.toNel.map {
case (_, (_, tv)) =>
}.foldLeft(Acc.empty[G, CustomType])(_ add _)
case alias: DefAlias[G] =>
definedTypes = Acc.one[G, Either[Type, DefType[G]]](alias.alias.extract.name, alias.target.map(t => Left(t))),
expectedTypes = typeAcc(alias.target)
case _ =>
// Until we care about types, there's no imports/exports
def foldVerify[G[_]: Comonad](input: List[Names[G]]): ValidatedNel[G[String], Names[G]] =
input.foldLeft[ValidatedNel[G[String], Names[G]]](Valid(Names[G]())) {
case (accE, ns) =>
.andThen(acc =>
Validated.fromEither[NonEmptyList[G[String]], Names[G]](
.toErrors((v, _) => s"Duplicate ability definition `$v`") :::
.toErrors((v, _) => s"Duplicate type definition `$v`") :::
.toErrors((v, _) => s"Duplicate func definition `$v`")
.map(acc =>
// TODO reject duplicate definitions
combineSeq[G](acc, ns)
.andThen { acc =>
Validated.fromEither[NonEmptyList[G[String]], Names[G]](
acc.importData.toErrors((v, _) => s"Unknown variable `${v}`") :::
acc.expectedArrows.toErrors((a, _) => s"Unknown arrow `${a}`") :::
acc.unresolvedAbilities.toErrors((a, _) => s"Unresolved ability `${a}`") :::
acc.expectedAbilities.toErrors((a, _) => s"Undefined ability `${a}`") :::
acc.expectedTypes.toErrors((t, _) => s"Undefined type `$t`")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package aqua.model
import aqua.parser.lexer.{ArrayType, ArrowType, BasicType, CustomType, Token, Type, Value, VarLambda}
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.syntax.comonad._
import cats.syntax.functor._
case class Acc[F[_], T <: Token[F]](data: Map[String, NonEmptyList[T]]) {
def add(other: Acc[F, T], subtract: Set[String] = Set.empty): Acc[F, T] =
copy(data = (other.data -- subtract).foldLeft(data) {
case (accD, (k, v)) =>
accD.updatedWith(k)(dv => Option(dv.fold(v)(_ ++ v.toList)))
def keys: Set[String] = data.keySet
def sub(n: String): Acc[F, T] = copy(data = data - n)
def erase: Acc[F, T] = Acc.empty
def addOne(n: String, v: T): Acc[F, T] = add(Acc.one(n, v))
def takeKeys(keys: Set[String]): Acc[F, T] = copy(data = data.view.filterKeys(keys).toMap)
def toErrors(toMsg: (String, T) => String)(implicit F: Functor[F]): List[F[String]] =
data.flatMap {
case (k, vs) => vs.toList.map(v => v.as(toMsg(k, v)))
object Acc {
def empty[F[_], T <: Token[F]]: Acc[F, T] = Acc(Map.empty[String, NonEmptyList[T]])
def one[F[_], T <: Token[F]](n: String, v: T): Acc[F, T] = Acc(Map(n -> NonEmptyList.one(v)))
def fromValues[F[_]: Comonad](args: List[Value[F]]): Acc[F, Value[F]] =
args.collect {
case arg @ VarLambda(name, _) => Acc.one[F, Value[F]](name.extract, arg)
}.foldLeft(Acc.empty[F, Value[F]])(_ add _)
def fromType[F[_]: Comonad](t: Type[F]): Acc[F, CustomType[F]] =
t match {
case ct: CustomType[F] =>
Acc.one(ct.name.extract, ct)
case at: ArrayType[F] =>
case at: ArrowType[F] =>
(at.res :: at.args.widen[Type[F]])
.map[Acc[F, CustomType[F]]](v => fromType[F](v))
.foldLeft[Acc[F, CustomType[F]]](Acc.empty[F, CustomType[F]])(_ add _)
case _: BasicType[F] =>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
package aqua.model
import aqua.parser.{
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, ArrowName, ArrowType, CustomType, DataType, Token, Value, Var}
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.syntax.comonad._
import cats.syntax.functor._
case class InOutAcc[F[_], In <: Token[F], Out <: Token[F]](
in: Acc[F, In],
out: Acc[F, Out],
scope: Scope[F]
) {
def par(f: F[Unit])(implicit F: Comonad[F]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(scope = scope.par(f))
def xor(f: F[Unit])(implicit F: Comonad[F]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(scope = scope.xor(f))
def on(v: Value[F]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(scope = scope.on(v))
def unsetMode: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(scope = scope.unsetMode)
def unsetPeer: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(scope = scope.unsetPeer)
def unsetScope: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = unsetMode.unsetPeer
def combine(other: InOutAcc[F, In, Out])(implicit F: Comonad[F]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
scope.mode.map(_.extract) match {
case None => combineSeq(other)
case Some(XorMode) => combineXor(other)
case Some(ParMode) => combinePar(other)
def combineSeq(other: InOutAcc[F, In, Out]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(in = in.add(other.in, out.keys), out = out add other.out)
def combinePar(other: InOutAcc[F, In, Out]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(in = in add other.in, out = out add other.out)
def combineXor(other: InOutAcc[F, In, Out]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(in = in add other.in)
def addIn(addition: Acc[F, In]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(in = in add addition)
def subIn(rem: String): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(in = in sub rem)
def addOut(addition: Acc[F, Out]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(out = out add addition)
def collectOut(pf: PartialFunction[Out, Out]): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(out = out.copy(data = out.data.map {
case (k, v) => k -> v.toList.collect(pf)
}.collect {
case (k, h :: tail) => k -> NonEmptyList[Out](h, tail)
def subOut(rem: String): InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
copy(out = out sub rem)
def eraseOut: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(out = out.erase)
def eraseIn: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] = copy(in = in.erase)
def validateDuplicates(toMsg: (String, Out) => String, next: InOutAcc[F, In, Out])(implicit
F: Functor[F]
): List[F[String]] =
def validateUnresolved(toMsg: (String, In) => String)(implicit F: Functor[F]): List[F[String]] =
object InOutAcc {
def empty[F[_], In <: Token[F], Out <: Token[F]]: InOutAcc[F, In, Out] =
InOutAcc(Acc.empty[F, In], Acc.empty[F, Out], Scope())
trait Visitor[IOA[_[_]]] {
def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): IOA[F]
def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): IOA[F]
def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): IOA[F]
type Data[F[_]] = InOutAcc[F, Value[F], Var[F]]
object Data extends Visitor[Data] {
def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): Data[F] =
op match {
case FuncCall(_, fargs) =>
(empty: Data[F]) addIn Acc.fromValues(fargs)
case AbilityFuncCall(_, fc) =>
case Extract(n, fc) =>
funcOp(fc) addOut Acc.one(n.name.extract, n)
case AbilityId(_, id) =>
(empty: Data[F]) addIn Acc.fromValues(id :: Nil)
case On(p, ops) =>
(empty: Data[F]).on(p) addIn Acc.fromValues(p :: Nil)
)(_ combine _)
case Par(f, op) =>
case _ =>
empty: Data[F]
override def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): Data[F] =
func.body.map(funcOp[F]).reduceLeft(_ combine _).unsetScope
) {
case (acc, (k, _, _: DataType[F])) =>
case (acc, _) => acc
override def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): Data[F] =
block match {
case fn: DefFunc[F] =>
case _ =>
empty: Data[F]
type Abilities[F[_]] = InOutAcc[F, Ability[F], DefService[F]]
object Abilities extends Visitor[Abilities] {
def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): Abilities[F] =
op match {
case ar: AbilityResolve[F] =>
(empty: Abilities[F]) addIn Acc.one(ar.ability.name.extract, ar.ability)
case Par(p, op) =>
case On(p, ops) =>
.reduceLeft(_ combine _)
case _ =>
empty: Abilities[F]
// No notion for abilities in funcdef yet
override def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): Abilities[F] =
func.body.map(funcOp[F]).reduceLeft(_ combine _).unsetScope.eraseOut
override def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): Abilities[F] =
block match {
case fn: DefFunc[F] =>
case defService: DefService[F] =>
(empty: Abilities[F])
.addOut(Acc.one(defService.name.name.extract, defService))
case _ =>
empty: Abilities[F]
type Types[F[_]] = InOutAcc[F, CustomType[F], TypeMarker[F]]
object Types extends Visitor[Types] {
override def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): Types[F] =
op match {
case _ => empty: Types[F]
override def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): Types[F] =
func.body.map(funcOp[F]).reduceLeft[Types[F]](_ combine _).unsetScope
) {
case (acc, (_, _, ft)) =>
override def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): Types[F] =
block match {
case fn: DefFunc[F] =>
case deft: DefType[F] =>
deft.fields.toNel.map {
case (_, (_, tv)) =>
}.foldLeft((empty: Types[F]).addOut(Acc.one(deft.name.name.extract, TypeDef(deft))))(_ addIn _)
case defs: DefService[F] =>
defs.funcs.toNel.map(_._2).map(Acc.fromType(_)).foldLeft(empty: Types[F])(_ addIn _)
case a: DefAlias[F] =>
(empty: Types[F])
.addOut(Acc.one(a.alias.name.extract, TypeAlias(a.target)))
type AbilitiesResolve[F[_]] = InOutAcc[F, Ability[F], AbilityResolve[F]]
object AbilitiesResolve extends Visitor[AbilitiesResolve] {
override def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): AbilitiesResolve[F] =
op match {
case ar: AbilityResolve[F] =>
(empty: AbilitiesResolve[F]) addOut Acc.one(ar.ability.name.extract, ar)
case AbilityFuncCall(ab, _) =>
(empty: AbilitiesResolve[F]) addIn Acc.one(ab.name.extract, ab)
case Extract(_, op) =>
case Par(p, op) =>
case On(p, ops) =>
.reduceLeft(_ combine _)
case _ =>
empty: AbilitiesResolve[F]
// Until we have a notion for exporting abilities, they're cleaned
override def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): AbilitiesResolve[F] =
func.body.map(funcOp[F]).reduceLeft(_ combine _).unsetScope.eraseOut
override def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): AbilitiesResolve[F] =
block match {
case fn: DefFunc[F] =>
case _ => empty: AbilitiesResolve[F]
type Arrows[F[_]] = InOutAcc[F, ArrowName[F], ArrowMarker[F]]
object Arrows extends Visitor[Arrows] {
override def funcOp[F[_]: Comonad](op: FuncOp[F]): Arrows[F] =
op match {
case FuncCall(fname, _) =>
(empty: Arrows[F]) addIn Acc.one(fname.extract, ArrowName(fname))
case Par(p, op) =>
case On(p, ops) =>
.reduceLeft(_ combine _)
case _ =>
empty: Arrows[F]
override def func[F[_]: Comonad](func: DefFunc[F]): Arrows[F] =
func.body.map(funcOp[F]).reduceLeft[Arrows[F]](_ combine _).unsetScope
) {
case (acc, (k, _, ft: ArrowType[F])) =>
acc.subIn(k).addOut(Acc.one(k, LocalArrow(ft)))
case (acc, _) => acc
override def block[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): Arrows[F] =
block match {
case fn: DefFunc[F] =>
.addOut(Acc.one(fn.head.name.name.extract, FuncArrow(fn)))
case _ =>
empty: Arrows[F]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package aqua.model
sealed trait Mode
case object ParMode extends Mode
case object XorMode extends Mode
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package aqua.model
import aqua.parser._
import aqua.parser.lexer._
import cats.Comonad
import cats.data.Validated.Valid
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel}
// Fully resolved Scope must have no expected abilities (all resolved)
case class Names[F[_]](
// Take vars, set vars
// Data type is not yet known
data: InOutAcc.Data[F] = InOutAcc.empty[F, Value[F], Var[F]],
// Abilities can be imported or set
abilitiesResolve: InOutAcc.AbilitiesResolve[F] = InOutAcc.empty[F, Ability[F], AbilityResolve[F]],
// Abilities can be defined and expected
abilities: InOutAcc.Abilities[F] = InOutAcc.empty[F, Ability[F], DefService[F]],
// Types can be defined and expected
types: InOutAcc.Types[F] = InOutAcc.empty[F, CustomType[F], TypeMarker[F]],
// We don't know the types yet
arrows: InOutAcc.Arrows[F] = InOutAcc.empty[F, ArrowName[F], ArrowMarker[F]]
object Names {
def combine[F[_]: Comonad](a: Names[F], b: Names[F]): Names[F] =
data = a.data combine b.data,
abilitiesResolve = a.abilitiesResolve combine b.abilitiesResolve,
abilities = a.abilities combine b.abilities,
types = a.types combine b.types,
arrows = a.arrows combine b.arrows
def blockNames[F[_]: Comonad](block: Block[F]): Names[F] =
data = InOutAcc.Data.block(block),
abilitiesResolve = InOutAcc.AbilitiesResolve.block(block),
abilities = InOutAcc.Abilities.block(block),
types = InOutAcc.Types.block(block),
arrows = InOutAcc.Arrows.block(block)
def foldVerify[F[_]: Comonad](input: List[Names[F]]): ValidatedNel[F[String], Names[F]] =
input.foldLeft[ValidatedNel[F[String], Names[F]]](Valid(Names[F]())) {
case (accE, ns) =>
.andThen(acc =>
Validated.fromEither[NonEmptyList[F[String]], Names[F]](
acc.abilities.validateDuplicates((v, _) => s"Duplicate ability definition `$v`", ns.abilities) :::
acc.types.validateDuplicates((v, _) => s"Duplicate type definition `$v`", ns.types) :::
acc.arrows.validateDuplicates((v, _) => s"Duplicate func definition `$v`", ns.arrows)
.map(combine(_, ns))
.andThen { acc =>
Validated.fromEither[NonEmptyList[F[String]], Names[F]](
acc.data.validateUnresolved((v, _) => s"Unknown variable `${v}`") :::
acc.arrows.validateUnresolved((a, _) => s"Unknown arrow `${a}`") :::
acc.abilitiesResolve.validateUnresolved((a, _) => s"Unresolved ability `${a}`") :::
acc.abilities.validateUnresolved((a, _) => s"Undefined ability `${a}`") :::
acc.types.validateUnresolved((t, _) => s"Undefined type `$t`")
@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
package aqua.model
import aqua.parser.DataType
import aqua.parser.lexer.Value
import cats.Functor
import cats.syntax.functor._
trait Instr
case class Scope[F[_]](mode: Option[F[Mode]] = None, peerId: Option[Value[F]] = None) {
def par(f: F[Unit])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Scope[F] = copy(mode = Some(f.as(ParMode)))
// Fully resolved Scope must have no expected abilities (all resolved)
case class Scope(
// None means "inherit"
peerId: Option[Value],
// Take vars, set vars
importData: Map[String, DataType],
exportData: Map[String, DataType],
// Abilities can be imported or set
expectedAbilities: Set[String],
resolvedAbilities: Set[String],
// We don't know the types yet
expectArrows: Set[String],
// resolved subtrees, or unresolved shit
body: List[Either[Scope, Instr]]
def xor(f: F[Unit])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Scope[F] = copy(mode = Some(f.as(XorMode)))
def on(v: Value[F]): Scope[F] = copy(peerId = Some(v))
def unsetMode: Scope[F] = copy(mode = None)
def unsetPeer: Scope[F] = copy(peerId = None)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.{ArrowType, Token}
import cats.Functor
sealed trait ArrowMarker[F[_]] extends Token[F]
case class LocalArrow[F[_]](arr: ArrowType[F]) extends ArrowMarker[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = arr.as(v)
case class FuncArrow[F[_]](funcDef: DefFunc[F]) extends ArrowMarker[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = funcDef.as(v)
@ -1,33 +1,45 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.DataType.{`customtypedef`, `datatypedef`}
import aqua.parser.lexer.DataType.`datatypedef`
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.Type.{`arrowdef`, `typedef`}
import aqua.parser.lexer.Type.{`arrowdef`, `typedef`}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, AquaArrowType, ArrowName, ArrowType, CustomType, DataType, Token, Type}
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Comonad
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.data.{NonEmptyList, NonEmptyMap}
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.comonad._
import cats.syntax.functor._
sealed trait Block[F[_]]
case class DefType[F[_]](name: F[String], fields: NonEmptyMap[String, (F[String], F[DataType])]) extends Block[F]
case class DefService[F[_]](name: F[String], funcs: NonEmptyMap[String, ArrowType]) extends Block[F]
sealed trait Block[F[_]] extends Token[F]
case class FuncHead[F[_]](name: F[String], args: List[(String, F[String], F[Type])], ret: Option[F[DataType]]) {
def toArrowDef(implicit F: Comonad[F]): F[AquaArrowType] =
name.as(AquaArrowType(args.map(_._3.extract), ret.map(_.extract)))
case class DefType[F[_]](name: CustomType[F], fields: NonEmptyMap[String, (F[String], DataType[F])]) extends Block[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
case class DefFunc[F[_]](head: FuncHead[F], body: NonEmptyList[F[FuncOp[F]]]) extends Block[F]
case class DefAlias[F[_]](alias: F[CustomType], target: F[Type]) extends Block[F]
case class DefService[F[_]](name: Ability[F], funcs: NonEmptyMap[String, ArrowType[F]]) extends Block[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
case class FuncHead[F[_]](name: ArrowName[F], args: List[(String, F[String], Type[F])], ret: Option[DataType[F]]) {
def toArrowDef(implicit F: Comonad[F]): F[AquaArrowType[F]] =
name.as(AquaArrowType(args.map(_._3), ret))
case class DefFunc[F[_]](head: FuncHead[F], body: NonEmptyList[FuncOp[F]]) extends Block[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = head.name.as(v)
case class DefAlias[F[_]](alias: CustomType[F], target: Type[F]) extends Block[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = alias.as(v)
object DefType {
def `dname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[String]] = `data` *> ` ` *> Name.lift <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
def `dname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[CustomType[F]] = `data` *> ` ` *> CustomType.ct[F] <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
def `dataname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[(F[String], F[DataType])] = (`name`.lift <* ` : `) ~ `datatypedef`.lift
def `dataname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[(F[String], DataType[F])] =
(`name`.lift <* ` : `) ~ `datatypedef`
def `deftype`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[DefType[F]] =
(`dname` ~ indented(`dataname`)).map {
@ -37,16 +49,16 @@ object DefType {
object DefFunc {
val `funcdef`: P[(String, ArrowType)] =
def `funcdef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[(String, ArrowType[F])] =
(`name` <* ` : `) ~ `arrowdef`
def `funcname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[String]] = ` `.?.with1 *> `func` *> ` ` *> name.lift <* ` `.?
def `funcname`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[ArrowName[F]] = ` `.?.with1 *> `func` *> ` ` *> ArrowName.an <* ` `.?
def `funcargs`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[List[(String, F[String], F[Type])]] =
`(` *> comma0((`name`.lift <* ` : `) ~ `typedef`.lift).map(_.map(kv => (kv._1.extract, kv._1, kv._2))) <* `)`
def `funcargs`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[List[(String, F[String], Type[F])]] =
`(` *> comma0((`name`.lift <* ` : `) ~ `typedef`).map(_.map(kv => (kv._1.extract, kv._1, kv._2))) <* `)`
def `funchead`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[FuncHead[F]] =
(`funcname` ~ (`funcargs` ~ (`->` *> `datatypedef`.lift).?)).map {
(`funcname` ~ (`funcargs` ~ (`->` *> `datatypedef`).?)).map {
case (n, (a, r)) ⇒ FuncHead(n, a, r)
@ -61,7 +73,7 @@ object DefFunc {
object DefService {
import DefFunc.`funcdef`
def `servicename`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[String]] = `service` *> ` ` *> Name.lift <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
def `servicename`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Ability[F]] = `service` *> ` ` *> Ability.ab[F] <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
// TODO switch to funchead?
def `defservice`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[DefService[F]] =
@ -73,7 +85,7 @@ object DefService {
object DefAlias {
def `defalias`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[DefAlias[F]] =
((`alias` *> ` ` *> `customtypedef`.lift <* ` : `) ~ `typedef`.lift).map {
((`alias` *> ` ` *> CustomType.ct[F] <* ` : `) ~ `typedef`).map {
case (ct, t) => DefAlias(ct, t)
@ -1,84 +1,99 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lexer.Value
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, Token, Value, Var}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.parse.{Parser ⇒ P}
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import aqua.parser.lexer.Value.`value`
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.syntax.functor._
sealed trait FuncOp[F[_]]
sealed trait FuncOp[F[_]] extends Token[F]
sealed trait InstrOp[F[_]] extends FuncOp[F]
sealed trait ExecOp[F[_]] extends InstrOp[F]
sealed trait CallOp[F[_]] extends ExecOp[F]
case class FuncCall[F[_]](name: F[String], args: List[F[Value]]) extends CallOp[F]
case class AbilityFuncCall[F[_]](ability: F[String], call: F[FuncCall[F]]) extends CallOp[F]
case class Extract[F[_]](v: F[String], from: F[CallOp[F]]) extends ExecOp[F]
case class FuncCall[F[_]](name: F[String], args: List[Value[F]]) extends CallOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
case class On[F[_]](peer: F[Value], ops: NonEmptyList[F[ExecOp[F]]]) extends InstrOp[F]
case class AbilityFuncCall[F[_]](ability: Ability[F], call: FuncCall[F]) extends CallOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = ability.as(v)
case class Par[F[_]](op: F[InstrOp[F]]) extends FuncOp[F]
case class Extract[F[_]](vr: Var[F], from: CallOp[F]) extends ExecOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = vr.as(v)
case class On[F[_]](peer: Value[F], ops: NonEmptyList[ExecOp[F]]) extends InstrOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = peer.as(v)
case class Par[F[_]](f: F[Unit], op: InstrOp[F]) extends FuncOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = f.as(v)
// TODO: can't be in Par, can be in On
sealed trait AbilityResolve[F[_]] extends ExecOp[F]
case class AbilityId[F[_]](ability: F[String], id: F[Value]) extends AbilityResolve[F]
sealed trait AbilityResolve[F[_]] extends ExecOp[F] {
def ability: Ability[F]
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = ability.as(v)
case class AbilityId[F[_]](ability: Ability[F], id: Value[F]) extends AbilityResolve[F]
object FuncOp {
def funcCall[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[FuncCall[F]]] =
(`name`.lift ~ P.repSep0(`value`.lift, `,`).between(`(`, `)`)).map {
def funcCall[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[FuncCall[F]] =
(`name`.lift ~ P.repSep0(`value`, `,`).between(`(`, `)`)).map {
case (fnName, args) ⇒ FuncCall(fnName, args)
def abilityFuncCall[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[AbilityFuncCall[F]]] =
((`Name`.lift <* `.`) ~ funcCall).map {
def abilityFuncCall[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[AbilityFuncCall[F]] =
((Ability.ab[F] <* `.`) ~ funcCall).map {
case (abName, fc) ⇒ AbilityFuncCall(abName, fc)
def callOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[CallOp[F]]] =
P.oneOf(funcCall[F].map(_.widen[CallOp[F]]) :: abilityFuncCall[F].map(_.widen[CallOp[F]]) :: Nil)
def callOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[CallOp[F]] =
P.oneOf(funcCall[F] :: abilityFuncCall[F] :: Nil)
def extract[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[Extract[F]]] =
((`name`.lift <* `<-`) ~ callOp[F]).map {
def extract[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Extract[F]] =
((Var.v <* `<-`) ~ callOp[F]).map {
case (v, f) ⇒ Extract(v, f)
def abilityResolve[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[AbilityResolve[F]]] =
((`Name`.lift <* ` `) ~ `value`.lift).map {
def abilityResolve[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[AbilityResolve[F]] =
((Ability.ab <* ` `) ~ `value`).map {
case (n, v) ⇒ AbilityId(n, v)
// TODO can't be in Par, can be in On
def execOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[ExecOp[F]]] =
def execOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[ExecOp[F]] =
:: abilityResolve.map(_.widen[ExecOp[F]]).backtrack
:: extract.map(_.widen[ExecOp[F]]) :: Nil
:: abilityResolve.backtrack
:: extract :: Nil
def startOn[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[F[Value]] = `on` *> ` ` *> `value`.lift <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
def startOn[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Value[F]] = `on` *> ` ` *> `value` <* ` `.? <* `:` <* ` \n*`
def execOn[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[On[F]]] =
def execOn[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[On[F]] =
(startOn ~ indented(execOp[F])).map {
case (v, i) ⇒ On(v, i)
def instrOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[InstrOp[F]]] =
def instrOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[InstrOp[F]] =
:: execOp.map(_.widen[InstrOp[F]]) :: Nil
:: execOp :: Nil
def parOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[Par[F]]] =
(`par` *> ` ` *> instrOp[F].map(Par(_))).lift
def parOp[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Par[F]] =
((`par`.lift <* ` `) ~ instrOp[F]).map(pi => Par(pi._1, pi._2))
def `funcop`[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[F[FuncOp[F]]] =
P.oneOf(parOp.map(_.widen[FuncOp[F]]).backtrack :: instrOp.map(_.widen[FuncOp[F]]) :: Nil)
def `funcop`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[FuncOp[F]] =
P.oneOf(parOp.backtrack :: instrOp :: Nil)
def body[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[NonEmptyList[F[FuncOp[F]]]] = indented(`funcop`)
def body[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[NonEmptyList[FuncOp[F]]] = indented(`funcop`)
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import cats.parse.{Parser ⇒ P}
sealed trait Type
sealed trait DataType extends Type
case class ArrayType(data: DataType) extends DataType
case class CustomType(name: String) extends DataType
case class BasicType(name: String) extends DataType
object BasicType {
private val floatS = "f32" :: "f64" :: Nil
private val signedS = "s32" :: "s64" :: floatS
private val numberS = "i32" :: "i64" :: signedS
private val boolS = "bool" :: Nil
private val stringS = "string" :: Nil
private val allS = numberS ++ boolS ++ stringS
val float = floatS.map(BasicType(_))
val signed = signedS.map(BasicType(_))
val number = numberS.map(BasicType(_))
val bool = boolS.map(BasicType(_))
val string = stringS.map(BasicType(_))
val `basictypedef`: P[BasicType] =
("()" :: BasicType.allS).map(n ⇒ P.string(n).as(BasicType(n)))
sealed trait ArrowDef
case class ArrowType(args: List[DataType], res: DataType) extends Type with ArrowDef
case class AquaArrowType(args: List[Type], res: Option[DataType]) extends ArrowDef
object DataType {
val `customtypedef`: P[CustomType] = `Name`.map(CustomType)
lazy val `arraytypedef`: P[ArrayType] = (P.string("[]") *> `datatypedef`).map(ArrayType)
val `datatypedef`: P[DataType] =
P.oneOf(P.defer(`arraytypedef`) :: BasicType.`basictypedef` :: `customtypedef` :: Nil)
object Type {
val `arrowdef`: P[ArrowType] =
(comma0(DataType.`datatypedef`).with1 ~ (`->` *> DataType.`datatypedef`)).map {
case (args, res) ⇒ ArrowType(args, res)
val `typedef`: P[Type] = P.oneOf(`arrowdef`.backtrack :: DataType.`datatypedef` :: Nil)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Token, Type}
import cats.Functor
sealed trait TypeMarker[F[_]] extends Token[F]
case class TypeAlias[F[_]](forType: Type[F]) extends TypeMarker[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = forType.as(v)
case class TypeDef[F[_]](forDef: DefType[F]) extends TypeMarker[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = forDef.as(v)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.functor._
case class Ability[F[_]](name: F[String]) extends Token[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
object Ability {
def ab[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Ability[F]] =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token.`name`
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
case class ArrowName[F[_]](name: F[String]) extends Token[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
object ArrowName {
def an[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[ArrowName[F]] =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import Token._
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.functor._
sealed trait LambdaOp[F[_]] extends Token[F]
case class IntoField[F[_]](name: F[String]) extends LambdaOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
case class IntoArray[F[_]](f: F[Unit]) extends LambdaOp[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = f.as(v)
object LambdaOp {
private def parseField[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[LambdaOp[F]] = (`.` *> `name`).lift.map(IntoField(_))
private def parseArr[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[LambdaOp[F]] = `*`.lift.map(IntoArray(_))
private def parseOp[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[LambdaOp[F]] = P.oneOf(parseField.backtrack :: parseArr :: Nil)
def ops[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[NonEmptyList[LambdaOp[F]]] =
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import cats.Functor
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.parse.{Accumulator0, Parser ⇒ P, Parser0 ⇒ P0}
import cats.parse.{Accumulator0, Parser => P, Parser0 => P0}
trait Token[F[_]] {
def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T]
def unit(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[Unit] = as(())
object Token {
private val fSpaces = Set(' ', '\t')
@ -31,6 +38,7 @@ object Token {
val `,` : P[Unit] = P.char(',') <* ` `.?
val `.` : P[Unit] = P.char('.')
val `"` : P[Unit] = P.char('"')
val `*` : P[Unit] = P.char('*')
val `(` : P[Unit] = ` `.?.with1 *> P.char('(') <* ` `.?
val `)` : P[Unit] = ` `.?.with1 *> P.char(')') <* ` `.?
val `->` : P[Unit] = ` `.?.with1 *> P.string("->") <* ` `.?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.functor._
sealed trait Type[F[_]] extends Token[F]
sealed trait DataType[F[_]] extends Type[F]
case class ArrayType[F[_]](data: DataType[F]) extends DataType[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = data.as(v)
case class CustomType[F[_]](name: F[String]) extends DataType[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
object CustomType {
def ct[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[CustomType[F]] = `Name`.lift.map(CustomType(_))
case class BasicType[F[_]](name: F[BasicType.Value]) extends DataType[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
object BasicType {
case class Value(v: String) extends AnyVal
private val floatS = "f32" :: "f64" :: Nil
private val signedS = "s32" :: "s64" :: floatS
private val numberS = "i32" :: "i64" :: signedS
private val boolS = "bool" :: Nil
private val stringS = "string" :: Nil
private val allS = numberS ++ boolS ++ stringS
val float = floatS.map(Value)
val signed = signedS.map(Value)
val number = numberS.map(Value)
val bool = boolS.map(Value)
val string = stringS.map(Value)
def `basictypedef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[BasicType[F]] =
("()" :: BasicType.allS).map(n ⇒ P.string(n).as(Value(n)))
sealed trait ArrowDef
case class ArrowType[F[_]](args: List[DataType[F]], res: DataType[F]) extends Type[F] with ArrowDef {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = (args.headOption getOrElse res).as(v)
case class AquaArrowType[F[_]](args: List[Type[F]], res: Option[DataType[F]]) extends ArrowDef
object DataType {
def `arraytypedef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[ArrayType[F]] = (P.string("[]") *> `datatypedef`[F]).map(ArrayType(_))
def `datatypedef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[DataType[F]] =
P.oneOf(P.defer(`arraytypedef`[F]) :: BasicType.`basictypedef`[F] :: CustomType.ct[F] :: Nil)
object Type {
def `arrowdef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[ArrowType[F]] =
(comma0(DataType.`datatypedef`).with1 ~ (`->` *> DataType.`datatypedef`)).map {
case (args, res) ⇒ ArrowType(args, res)
def `typedef`[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Type[F]] = P.oneOf(`arrowdef`.backtrack :: DataType.`datatypedef` :: Nil)
@ -1,38 +1,56 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.BasicType
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import cats.parse.{Numbers, Parser ⇒ P}
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.{Comonad, Functor}
import cats.parse.{Numbers, Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.comonad._
sealed trait Value
case class VarLambda(name: String, lambda: Option[String] = None) extends Value
case class Literal(value: String, ts: List[BasicType]) extends Value
sealed trait Value[F[_]] extends Token[F]
case class VarLambda[F[_]](name: F[String], lambda: List[LambdaOp[F]] = Nil) extends Value[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
case class Literal[F[_]](value: F[String], ts: List[BasicType.Value]) extends Value[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = value.as(v)
object Value {
val notLambdaSymbols = Set(' ', ',', '\n', ')', ':')
val varLambda: P[VarLambda] = (`name` ~ (`.` *> P.charsWhile(c ⇒ !notLambdaSymbols(c))).?).map {
case (n, l) ⇒ VarLambda(n, l)
def varLambda[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[VarLambda[F]] =
(`name`.lift ~ LambdaOp.ops[F].?).map {
case (n, l) ⇒ VarLambda(n, l.fold[List[LambdaOp[F]]](Nil)(_.toList))
val bool: P[Literal] = P.oneOf(("true" :: "false" :: Nil).map(t ⇒ P.string(t).as(Literal(t, BasicType.bool))))
def bool[F[_]: LiftParser: Functor]: P[Literal[F]] =
("true" :: "false" :: Nil)
.map(t ⇒ P.string(t).lift.map(fu => Literal(fu.as(t), BasicType.bool)))
val num: P[Literal] = (P.char('-').?.with1 ~ Numbers.nonNegativeIntString).map {
case (Some(_), n) ⇒ Literal(s"-$n", BasicType.signed)
case (None, n) ⇒ Literal(n, BasicType.number)
def num[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Literal[F]] =
(P.char('-').?.with1 ~ Numbers.nonNegativeIntString).lift.map(fu =>
fu.extract match {
case (Some(_), n) ⇒ Literal(fu.as(s"-$n"), BasicType.signed)
case (None, n) ⇒ Literal(fu.as(n), BasicType.number)
val float: P[Literal] =
(P.char('-').?.with1 ~ (Numbers.nonNegativeIntString <* P.char('.')) ~ Numbers.nonNegativeIntString).string
def float[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Literal[F]] =
(P.char('-').?.with1 ~ (Numbers.nonNegativeIntString <* P.char('.')) ~ Numbers.nonNegativeIntString).string.lift
.map(Literal(_, BasicType.float))
// TODO make more sophisticated escaping/unescaping
val string: P[Literal] =
(`"` *> P.charsWhile0(_ != '"') <* `"`).string
def string[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Literal[F]] =
(`"` *> P.charsWhile0(_ != '"') <* `"`).string.lift
.map(Literal(_, BasicType.string))
val literal: P[Literal] = P.oneOf(bool :: float.backtrack :: num :: string :: Nil)
def literal[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Literal[F]] = P.oneOf(bool :: float.backtrack :: num :: string :: Nil)
val `value`: P[Value] = P.oneOf(literal.backtrack :: varLambda :: Nil)
def `value`[F[_]: LiftParser: Comonad]: P[Value[F]] = P.oneOf(literal.backtrack :: varLambda :: Nil)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.lexer.Token._
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser._
import cats.Functor
import cats.parse.{Parser => P}
import cats.syntax.functor._
case class Var[F[_]](name: F[String]) extends Token[F] {
override def as[T](v: T)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[T] = name.as(v)
object Var {
def v[F[_]: LiftParser]: P[Var[F]] =
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package aqua
package aqua.model
import aqua.parser.{BasicType, DefFunc, FuncOp}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Literal, Value, VarLambda}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Value, VarLambda}
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser.Implicits.idLiftParser
import aqua.parser.{DefFunc, FuncOp}
import cats.Id
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Literal, VarLambda}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{BasicType, Literal, VarLambda}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Literal, VarLambda}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{ArrowType, BasicType, CustomType, Literal, VarLambda}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import cats.Id
import aqua.parser.lift.LiftParser.Implicits.idLiftParser
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
class LambdaOpSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with EitherValues {
"lambda ops" should "parse" in {
val opsP = (s: String) => LambdaOp.ops[Id].parseAll(s).right.value
opsP(".field") should be(NonEmptyList.of(IntoField("field")))
opsP(".field.sub") should be(NonEmptyList.of(IntoField("field"), IntoField("sub")))
opsP(".field*.sub") should be(NonEmptyList.of(IntoField("field"), IntoArray, IntoField("sub")))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package aqua.parser
package aqua.parser.lexer
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package aqua.parser.lexer
import aqua.parser.BasicType
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
Reference in New Issue
Block a user