feat(compiler): Find and display link cycles (#787)

Find and display dependency cycles
This commit is contained in:
InversionSpaces 2023-07-04 12:07:22 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8ba7021cd4
commit 667a8255d9
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 105 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import aqua.res.AquaRes
import aqua.semantics.{CompilerState, Semantics}
import aqua.semantics.header.{HeaderHandler, HeaderSem, Picker}
import cats.data.*
import cats.data.Validated.{Invalid, Valid, validNec}
import cats.data.Validated.{validNec, Invalid, Valid}
import cats.parse.Parser0
import cats.syntax.applicative.*
import cats.syntax.flatMap.*
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import cats.syntax.functor.*
import cats.syntax.monoid.*
import cats.syntax.traverse.*
import cats.syntax.semigroup.*
import cats.{Comonad, Functor, Monad, Monoid, Order, ~>}
import cats.{~>, Comonad, Functor, Monad, Monoid, Order}
import scribe.Logging
class AquaCompiler[F[_]: Monad, E, I: Order, S[_]: Comonad, C: Monoid: Picker](
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class AquaCompiler[F[_]: Monad, E, I: Order, S[_]: Comonad, C: Monoid: Picker](
cycleError: List[AquaModule[I, Err, ValidatedCtxT]] => Err
cycleError: Linker.DepCycle[AquaModule[I, Err, ValidatedCtxT]] => Err
): ValidatedNec[Err, Map[I, ValidatedCtx]] = {
logger.trace("linking modules...")

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ case class ResolveImportsErr[I, E, S[_]](fromFile: I, token: Token[S], err: E)
extends AquaError[I, E, S]
case class ImportErr[I, E, S[_]](token: Token[S]) extends AquaError[I, E, S]
case class CycleError[I, E, S[_]](modules: List[I]) extends AquaError[I, E, S]
case class CycleError[I, E, S[_]](modules: NonEmptyChain[I]) extends AquaError[I, E, S]
case class CompileError[I, E, S[_]](err: SemanticError[S]) extends AquaError[I, E, S]
case class OutputError[I, E, S[_]](compiled: AquaCompiled[I], err: E) extends AquaError[I, E, S]

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@ -75,7 +75,16 @@ object ErrorRendering {
val span = token.unit._1
showForConsole("Cannot resolve import", span, "Cannot resolve import" :: Nil)
case CycleError(modules) =>
s"Cycle loops detected in imports: ${modules.map(_.file.fileName)}"
val cycleFileNames = (
modules.toChain.toList :+ modules.head
val message = cycleFileNames
.collect { case prev :: next :: Nil =>
s"$prev imports $next"
.mkString(", ")
s"Cycle loops detected in imports: $message"
case CompileError(err) =>
err match {
case RulesViolated(token, messages) =>

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@ -2,22 +2,91 @@ package aqua.linker
import cats.data.{NonEmptyChain, Validated, ValidatedNec}
import cats.kernel.{Monoid, Semigroup}
import cats.syntax.semigroup._
import cats.syntax.semigroup.*
import cats.syntax.validated.*
import cats.syntax.functor.*
import cats.instances.list.*
import scribe.Logging
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Linker extends Logging {
// Dependency Cycle, prev element import next
// and last imports head
type DepCycle[I] = NonEmptyChain[I]
* Find dependecy cycles in modules
* @param mods Modules
* @return [[List]] of dependecy cycles found
private def findDepCycles[I, E, T](
mods: List[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]]
): List[DepCycle[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]]] = {
val modsIds = mods.map(_.id).toSet
// Limit search to only passed modules (there maybe dependencies not from `mods`)
val deps = mods.map(m => m.id -> m.dependsOn.keySet.intersect(modsIds)).toMap
// DFS traversal of dependency graph
def findCycles(
paths: List[NonEmptyChain[I]],
visited: Set[I],
result: List[DepCycle[I]]
): List[DepCycle[I]] = paths match {
case Nil => result
case path :: otherPaths =>
val pathDeps = deps.get(path.last).toList.flatten
val cycles = pathDeps.flatMap(dep =>
// This is slow
path.toChain.dropWhile(_ != dep)
val newPaths = pathDeps
.map(path :+ _) ++ otherPaths
paths = newPaths,
visited = visited ++ pathDeps,
result = cycles ++ result
val cycles = mods
.flatMap(m =>
paths = NonEmptyChain.one(m.id) :: Nil,
visited = Set.empty,
result = List.empty
// This is really slow, but there
// should not be a lot of cycles
val modsById = mods.fproductLeft(_.id).toMap
// This should be safe
def iter[I, E, T: Semigroup](
mods: List[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]],
proc: Map[I, T => T],
cycleError: List[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]] => E
): Either[E, Map[I, T => T]] =
cycleError: DepCycle[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]] => E
): ValidatedNec[E, Map[I, T => T]] =
mods match {
case Nil =>
case _ =>
val (canHandle, postpone) = mods.partition(_.dependsOn.keySet.forall(proc.contains))
logger.debug("ITERATE, can handle: " + canHandle.map(_.id))
@ -25,9 +94,15 @@ object Linker extends Logging {
logger.debug(s"postpone = ${postpone.map(_.id)}")
logger.debug(s"proc = ${proc.keySet}")
if (canHandle.isEmpty && postpone.nonEmpty)
else {
if (canHandle.isEmpty && postpone.nonEmpty) {
// This should be safe as cycles should exist at this moment
errs => NonEmptyChain.fromSeq(errs).get
} else {
val folded = canHandle.foldLeft(proc) { case (acc, m) =>
val importKeys = m.dependsOn.keySet
logger.debug(s"${m.id} dependsOn $importKeys")
@ -52,19 +127,14 @@ object Linker extends Logging {
def link[I, E, T: Semigroup](
modules: Modules[I, E, T => T],
cycleError: List[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]] => E,
cycleError: DepCycle[AquaModule[I, E, T => T]] => E,
empty: I => T
): ValidatedNec[E, Map[I, T]] =
if (modules.dependsOn.nonEmpty) Validated.invalid(modules.dependsOn.values.reduce(_ ++ _))
else {
val result = iter(modules.loaded.values.toList, Map.empty[I, T => T], cycleError)
val result = iter(modules.loaded.values.toList, Map.empty, cycleError)
.map(_.collect { case (i, f) if modules.exports(i) => i -> f(empty(i)) })
result.map(_.collect { case (i, f) if modules.exports(i) => i -> f(empty(i)) })

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@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ class LinkerSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
AquaModule[String, String, String => String](
Map("mod2" -> "unresolved mod2 in mod1"),
_ ++ " | mod1"
id = "mod1",
imports = Map.empty,
dependsOn = Map("mod2" -> "unresolved mod2 in mod1"),
body = _ ++ " | mod1"
toExport = true
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class LinkerSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
Linker.link[String, String, String](
cycle => cycle.map(_.id).mkString(" -> "),
cycle => cycle.map(_.id).toChain.toList.mkString(" -> "),
_ => ""
) should be(Validated.invalidNec("unresolved mod2 in mod1"))
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class LinkerSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
Linker.link[String, String, String](
cycle => cycle.map(_.id + "?").mkString(" -> "),
cycle => cycle.map(_.id + "?").toChain.toList.mkString(" -> "),
_ => ""
) should be(Validated.validNec(Map("mod1" -> " | mod2 | mod1")))