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synced 2024-12-04 22:50:18 +00:00
coalgebra tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.ast.algebra.types.LiteralType
import aqua.ast.expr.{CoalgebraExpr, FuncExpr}
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, IntoField, Literal, Name, VarLambda}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
@ -15,143 +16,153 @@ import scala.language.implicitConversions
class FuncExprSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with EitherValues {
implicit def strToAb(str: String): Ability[Id] = Ability[Id](str)
implicit def strToVar(str: String): Name[Id] = Name[Id](str)
def parseExpr(str: String) =
def parseBody(str: String) =
implicit def toName(str: String): Name[Id] = Name[Id](str)
implicit def toFields(fields: List[String]): List[IntoField[Id]] = fields.map(f => IntoField[Id](f))
implicit def toVar(name: String, fields: List[String]): VarLambda[Id] = VarLambda[Id](toName(name), toFields(fields))
private def parseExpr(str: String) =
"func calls" should "parse func()" in {
parseExpr("func()") should be(FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil))
parseExpr("func()") should be(CoalgebraExpr[Id](None, None, toName("func"), List()))
parseExpr("func(arg)") should be(
FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", VarLambda[Id]("arg", Nil) :: Nil, HNil)
CoalgebraExpr[Id](None, None, Name[Id]("func"), List(VarLambda[Id](toName("arg"))))
parseExpr("func(arg.doSomeThing)") should be(
FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: Nil, HNil)
parseExpr("func(arg.doSomething)") should be(
CoalgebraExpr[Id](None, None, Name[Id]("func"), List(toVar("arg", List("doSomething"))))
parseExpr("func(arg.doSomeThing, arg2)") should be(
FuncCall[Id, HNil](
VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: VarLambda[Id]("arg2", Nil) :: Nil,
parseExpr("func(arg.doSomething.and.doSomethingElse)") should be(
CoalgebraExpr[Id](None, None, Name[Id]("func"),
List(toVar("arg", List("doSomething", "and", "doSomethingElse")))
"ability calls" should "parse Ab.func()" in {
parseExpr("Ab.func()") should be(AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil))
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", VarLambda[Id]("arg", Nil) :: Nil, HNil)
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg.doSomeThing)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil](
VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: Nil,
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg.doSomeThing, arg2)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil](
VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: VarLambda[Id]("arg2", Nil) :: Nil,
"extracting" should "parse x <- func()" in {
parseExpr("someThing <- func()") should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("someThing", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil)
"extracting" should "parse x <- Ab.func()" in {
val fCall = AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil)
parseExpr("x <- Ab.func()") should be(Extract[Id, HNil]("x", fCall, HNil))
// TODO test with literals
"ability resolve" should "parse id getter" in {
parseExpr("Ab x") should be(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Ab", VarLambda[Id]("x", Nil), HNil))
parseExpr("Ab x.id") should be(
AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Ab", VarLambda[Id]("x", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil), HNil)
"on" should "parse startOn" in {
FuncExpr.startOn.parseAll("on peer: \n").right.value should be(VarLambda[Id]("peer", Nil))
FuncExpr.startOn.parseAll("on peer.id:\n").right.value should be(VarLambda[Id]("peer", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil))
"on" should "parse on x: y" in {
val fCall = AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil)
val extr = Extract[Id, HNil]("x", fCall, HNil)
val resl = AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("\"some id\"", LiteralType.string), HNil)
val call = FuncCall[Id, HNil]("call", Literal[Id]("true", LiteralType.bool) :: Nil, HNil)
val script = """on peer.id:
| x <- Ab.func()
| Peer "some id"
| call(true)""".stripMargin
parseExpr(script) should be(
On[Id, HNil](VarLambda[Id]("peer", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil), NonEmptyList.of(extr, resl, call), HNil)
"par" should "parse" in {
parseExpr("par func()") should be(
Par[Id, HNil]((), FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil)
val script = """par on peer.id:
| x <- Ab.func()
| call(smth)""".stripMargin
"body" should "parse several instructions in different orders" in {
parseBody(""" x <- func()""") should be(
NonEmptyList.of(Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil))
parseBody(""" x <- func()
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil),
AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)
parseBody(""" x <- func()
| on x:
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil),
On[Id, HNil](
NonEmptyList.of(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)),
parseExpr("func(arg.doSomething.and.doSomethingElse, arg2.someFunc)") should be(
CoalgebraExpr[Id](None, None, Name[Id]("func"),
List(toVar("arg", List("doSomething", "and", "doSomethingElse")),
toVar("arg2", List("someFunc"))
parseBody(""" on x:
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
On[Id, HNil](
NonEmptyList.of(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)),
"ability calls" should "parse Ab.func()" in {
parseExpr("Ab.func()") should be(AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil))
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", VarLambda[Id]("arg", Nil) :: Nil, HNil)
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg.doSomeThing)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil](
VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: Nil,
parseExpr("Ab.func(arg.doSomeThing, arg2)") should be(
AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil](
VarLambda[Id]("arg", IntoField[Id]("doSomeThing") :: Nil) :: VarLambda[Id]("arg2", Nil) :: Nil,
"extracting" should "parse x <- func()" in {
parseExpr("someThing <- func()") should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("someThing", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil)
"extracting" should "parse x <- Ab.func()" in {
val fCall = AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil)
parseExpr("x <- Ab.func()") should be(Extract[Id, HNil]("x", fCall, HNil))
// TODO test with literals
"ability resolve" should "parse id getter" in {
parseExpr("Ab x") should be(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Ab", VarLambda[Id]("x", Nil), HNil))
parseExpr("Ab x.id") should be(
AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Ab", VarLambda[Id]("x", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil), HNil)
"on" should "parse startOn" in {
FuncExpr.startOn.parseAll("on peer: \n").right.value should be(VarLambda[Id]("peer", Nil))
FuncExpr.startOn.parseAll("on peer.id:\n").right.value should be(VarLambda[Id]("peer", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil))
"on" should "parse on x: y" in {
val fCall = AbilityFuncCall[Id, HNil]("Ab", "func", "Ab.func", Nil, HNil)
val extr = Extract[Id, HNil]("x", fCall, HNil)
val resl = AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("\"some id\"", LiteralType.string), HNil)
val call = FuncCall[Id, HNil]("call", Literal[Id]("true", LiteralType.bool) :: Nil, HNil)
val script = """on peer.id:
| x <- Ab.func()
| Peer "some id"
| call(true)""".stripMargin
parseExpr(script) should be(
On[Id, HNil](VarLambda[Id]("peer", IntoField[Id]("id") :: Nil), NonEmptyList.of(extr, resl, call), HNil)
"par" should "parse" in {
parseExpr("par func()") should be(
Par[Id, HNil]((), FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil)
val script = """par on peer.id:
| x <- Ab.func()
| call(smth)""".stripMargin
"body" should "parse several instructions in different orders" in {
parseBody(""" x <- func()""") should be(
NonEmptyList.of(Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil))
parseBody(""" x <- func()
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil),
AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)
parseBody(""" x <- func()
| on x:
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
Extract[Id, HNil]("x", FuncCall[Id, HNil]("func", Nil, HNil), HNil),
On[Id, HNil](
NonEmptyList.of(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)),
parseBody(""" on x:
| Peer 3""".stripMargin) should be(
On[Id, HNil](
NonEmptyList.of(AbilityId[Id, HNil]("Peer", Literal[Id]("3", LiteralType.number), HNil)),
TODO: xor1
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package aqua.parser
import aqua.ast.algebra.types.{LiteralType, ScalarType}
import aqua.ast.expr.FuncExpr
import aqua.parser.lexer.{Ability, ArrowTypeToken, BasicTypeToken, CustomTypeToken, Literal, Name, VarLambda}
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import org.scalatest.EitherValues
@ -28,13 +29,21 @@ class FuncSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with EitherValues {
Some(string: BasicTypeToken[Id])
"func header" should "parse" in {
DefFunc.`funchead`.parseAll("func some()").right.value should be(FuncHead("some", Nil, None))
DefFunc.`funchead`.parseAll("func some(peer: u32)").right.value should be(
func tryGen(in1: u32, in2: string) -> bool:
on in2:
Local.gt(in1, 25)
println(FuncExpr.p[Id].parseAll("func some() -> bool:\n").right.value)
println(FuncExpr.p[Id].parseAll("func some():\n").right.value)
/*DefFunc.`funchead`.parseAll("func some(peer: u32)").right.value should be(
FuncHead[Id]("some", List(("peer", "peer", (u32: BasicTypeToken[Id]))), None)
DefFunc.`funchead`.parseAll("func some(peer: PeerId)").right.value should be(
FuncHead[Id]("some", List(("peer", "peer", CustomTypeToken[Id]("PeerId"))), None)
Reference in New Issue
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